Soul Searching

Minuz Member Posts: 25
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Soul Searching

I am sooooo happy that I finally had the nerve to start writing on this site. You have all helped me tremendously. I actually cried happy tears for a change and I thank you for that!!
I'm pretty sure that the surgery is a go as long as I pass the pre op testing. I guess I will have to decide just who I want to know about this with the hopes that their support will get me through it. The surgery is set for about 3 weeks from now so I will have to do some soul searching as to how I handle talking about it.

I hope I can support any and all of you whenever it is needed. Thank you, Thank you



  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    Happy for you
    I am so happy you are doing what you want to do. Sometimes it is so hard & overwhelming because we have so many decisions to make(treatment/reconstruction.) One thing is for certain, you will have a wonderful group of ladies supporting you 100% on this site. I thank God everyday that a friend told me about it. Please keep us updated on your progress & I will say lots of prayers for you.

    Huge hugs,
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    I understand
    When I was first diagnosed, hubby and I decided to tell people on a need to know basis. We wanted to have some time to absorb the shock if it, and get used to saying "I have cancer". We knew that the news would travel fast in this little town, and we didn't want to have to deal with the people who would only use the information as grist for the gossip mill. "Oh poor Grace...blah blah". Mainly, though, we didn't want to be overwhelmed with questions that we didn't yet have the answers for. So we released the information only to family and very close friends at first. So we had a few quiet weeks to draw closer together and sort it out as best we could. My best encouragement and support has come from my family and church friends. The time before "everyone knew" was precious to us. However, as the knowledge of my illness unfolded gracefully sort of like a flower coming into full bloom, we realized with each new day that we were ready to share the information with more people. Those who truly care about us called, sent flowers and cards, and let us know in various ways that they were there and willing to help in whatever way we might need.

    Minuz, I hope it can happen that way for you too. Don't hesitate to come here for support and encouragement. We're all sisters together. Hugs to you. Gracie
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I'm also very happy that for
    I'm also very happy that for your well being you decided to post. We'll be here with you every step of the way. Just take things day by day. Good luck and keep posting!!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    MyTurnNow said:

    I'm also very happy that for
    I'm also very happy that for your well being you decided to post. We'll be here with you every step of the way. Just take things day by day. Good luck and keep posting!!

    We are always here for you!
    We are always here for you! Open 24/7!

  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Angie2U said:

    We are always here for you!
    We are always here for you! Open 24/7!


    Sending Good Thoughts For Your Journey
    Grace, I am so glad you have finally gotten a surgery date, and that things will begin to happen for you to get rid of this beast. You are right about being careful who you share this information with, and I can certainly relate to how you feel about that. The day I received the call from my primary care physician to tell me that the biopsy was in and it was cancer, it was my husband and my 24th wedding anniversary. We were both in shock, but the bad thing was, I had a trip to Las Vegas planned, leaving the next day, with a group of girlfriends. I also have family in Las Vegas. Because it was so new to me, I chose not to share the cancer news with my group, and made the four days dwelling on this information all by myself. It was like I was sitting in the middle of the ocean on a desserted island by myself, yet life was going on around me. I know this is weird, but I am a very private person, and really didn't know enough about what was going to happen to share anything other than the diagnosis. Also, I didn't want to ruin everyone's trip. As weeks passed, and I found out what the treatment was going to be, when surgery would be, etc, I started sharing with those closest to me. Of course, everyone was angry that I hadn't shared sooner, but that was my decision, not theirs. The hardest was to have to call my children and relay the info to them. What I am trying to say is, you have to share your feelings with those that you know will be supportive, concerned, and uplifting to you and your family during the upcoming months. Don't worry about what people will think or say, just concentrate on getting through your treatment and getting well. There are so many on this board who are ready and willing to help you through whatever may come your way, and most of the time there is someone who has been exactly where you are and can give immediate answers to your questions. Keep us up to date on your progress, and know that there are helping hands at your disposal 24/7. My prayers and thoughts will be with you. Hugs, Judy
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I told everyone after I was
    I told everyone after I was staged. I think I sent out emails (we had just moved and everyone lived in other states). Then left it to who wanted to contact me. Some didn't respond. A few called. I lived in a different state so only two sisters came to help. One long time friend who called asked why I told. It would have been easy to conceal living so far apart. Basicly I told him I did it incase I didn't survive. My husband would get support without having to explain what happened. I didn't believe I'd make it. I was diagnosed in 2003 and as you can see, I'm still here. I'm a private person also but in this case I thought it best to tell. You sound like you will do what is right for you and that is good.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Dear soul sister
    Sad that your on this site, but very happy you started to post. I like you was er hesistant about posting,but it's a life saver. Even if it feels like a "dumb" question, it's not. Most of the time I want to post a question, log on, and the question has already been posted by another. Good luck with surgery, and keep us posted on how ur doing. Again, Welcome. Hugs Gayla
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    I know at first I couldn't
    I know at first I couldn't even say 'i have cancer' without turning into a blithering idiot. I just NEVER, ever expected all the other sisters. I have found a tremendous amount of support here (not really comfortable w/idea of sharing in person). I did find out that when i started sharing my battle, support came out of the woodwork! I was SO amazed...probably unfair to those around me. Just as in decisions about treatment, everyone makes those decisions that are right for themselves.

    We are here 24/7, so you know you can come here! God Bless...

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    jbug said:

    I know at first I couldn't
    I know at first I couldn't even say 'i have cancer' without turning into a blithering idiot. I just NEVER, ever expected all the other sisters. I have found a tremendous amount of support here (not really comfortable w/idea of sharing in person). I did find out that when i started sharing my battle, support came out of the woodwork! I was SO amazed...probably unfair to those around me. Just as in decisions about treatment, everyone makes those decisions that are right for themselves.

    We are here 24/7, so you know you can come here! God Bless...


    Wishing you good luck with
    Wishing you good luck with your surgery! Just do what everyone says, one step, one day at a time.

    KYLEZ ♥