Amazing things people did for me

And I am sure you all have some great stories to share, let's hear it! Let's hear about all the beautiful
thing cancer can't take away from us!
Tonight I got a pizza, compliments of my friend who lives
in another state... you see she got it in her head, that I will be a skeleton, so it's time
to plump me up! Tell me that's not funny?? She's a chef, I should add that too. My other
friend, highly intellectual is on a mad book hunt, I get 3 calls a day, to make sure she's
picking something I would be interested in but it has to be good literature. So they
all help me in their own way.
This one made me cry... I met another cancer patient on facebook, after her mastectomy
she was having a bit of a hard time. But all in all, I adore her, her courage her big heart
and her humor. So I told she can call me if she likes and she did, we spoke for hours.
We kept in touch, after my third surgery, I got flowers from her!!! A HUGE surprise, her
note was so nice.. I cried.
Like you, I am blessed with priceless friends. I honestly know I wouldn't have made this journey without them. They have given me some of the most practical gifts(back scratcher, PJ's) to some of the most thoughtful gifts(ring with pink stone to "pay forward" when I am well.) They are walking & running in my honor in breast cancer awareness marathons. They have also cooked, cleaned, done laundry, driven me to appts, took notes, researced, brought wine, shopped for wigs/scarves/hats, listened to my whining/ranting, dogsat, & sat with my sweet husband thru (3) surgeries.
One of my friends started a group called "Team Tina" on FB. They keep everyone updated on my progress & have had several group prayers for me. It is the most amazing feeling when I look at my wall.
I invited them to my "It's my party & I'll cry if I want to" shave my head party. They have all gotten together & decided to bring a big pair of earrings, a scarf, or hat for me.
They(& my husband) are my ROCK!!! They support me & pray for me every single day.
Cancer has interrupted my life, but it's merely a speed bump. It can not destroy my heart, soul, or priceless friendships!!! I am truly blessed!!!
Tina0 -
SchoolTinabug said:Blessed
Like you, I am blessed with priceless friends. I honestly know I wouldn't have made this journey without them. They have given me some of the most practical gifts(back scratcher, PJ's) to some of the most thoughtful gifts(ring with pink stone to "pay forward" when I am well.) They are walking & running in my honor in breast cancer awareness marathons. They have also cooked, cleaned, done laundry, driven me to appts, took notes, researced, brought wine, shopped for wigs/scarves/hats, listened to my whining/ranting, dogsat, & sat with my sweet husband thru (3) surgeries.
One of my friends started a group called "Team Tina" on FB. They keep everyone updated on my progress & have had several group prayers for me. It is the most amazing feeling when I look at my wall.
I invited them to my "It's my party & I'll cry if I want to" shave my head party. They have all gotten together & decided to bring a big pair of earrings, a scarf, or hat for me.
They(& my husband) are my ROCK!!! They support me & pray for me every single day.
Cancer has interrupted my life, but it's merely a speed bump. It can not destroy my heart, soul, or priceless friendships!!! I am truly blessed!!!
Jake's kindergarten classes at his school raised money and got us GC at local restaurants, VISA Gift Cards, and bunch of other stuff as well as a GC for a day at the Spa for me-which I haven't used yet but will soon.
Daily prayers in his classroom. Cards the children made.
They were very supportive and still are and I love them all.
Margo0 -
Things people done for me.
First of all I have been very lucky to have a best friend that has been their for me.My sister and her daughter.My daughter and my son.I didn,t aways let them know what I needed so I only had one day that my daughter done my housework for me.I would do it a little at a time.But to take me 100 miles for rads. treatments,they all took a certain day and it was the same every week.That helped so much they will never know.A friend i used to work with sent me a card every week or so.My best friend was their any time I needed to talk about what ever.Their was days she would cook meals for me to warm up.When I had surgery My daughter sat up in a chair all night by my bed.And she is sick alott herself.My 5yr. old granson kissed my bald head one day.And said he Prayed that Jesus would give me hair.And of course you wonderful people on this sight.My cancer so caring,she gives hugs when needed.I was so upset like many when i lost my hair.My sister went with me and we picked out a really cute wig that looked like my old hair.I have been very blessed.I Prayed alott because God is always their.Thanks for this thread,writting it makes me relize more how thankful I am.Love and Prayers.Pat.0 -
Where do I begin???
You find out how wonderful your friends are--and you find friends you never knew you have! One guy from our church has sent me several cards with uplifting thoughts--about every two weeks I get another. A woman I didn't even know gave me a "Thankful Journal." Of course we've been brought food, and I have been given (or am going to receive) enough caps that I could wear a different cap every day for a month!! Flowers, books, pink and white Jelly Bellies Jelly Beans, containers to make popsicles in, rides to treatments when needed . . . and my best friend, a PT who does Reiki (sp?) and other energy healing treatments, is coming to give me nearly weekly treatments (interrupted this past week because her oldest son had to have emergency eye surgery for a detached retina.). I'm also coming to know one of the other CSN Sisters who lives not too far away in my state--so many blessings to count!
I'm sure I've forgotten something/someone!
I am richly blessed, both in my "real" life friends and in my virtual life friends here on CSN!
Sandy0 -
After my diagnosis my best friend came over and planted all my flowers. She allowed me to drop the flowers into the holes she dug but that was all I could do. She went to every surgery with me, my family and my parents as well. Then she sent her daughter over to my house to clean all summer long, once a week. I protested but eventually gave in. Gosh I miss that service! My husband and son who helped beyond what I expected making sure I was comfortable and had everything. My son's friends who visited me everyday and had their heads shaved in my honor. They even brought me lunch every now and then on their collage income. My 92 year old neighbor baked me goodies the best I've ever tasted. Another neighbor who's man friend brought me veggies from his garden. One of my coworkers who I had never met sent me cards and trinkets every week, better than bills. A guy from my old office brought me Starbucks and then there were countless others who mailed cards, sent flowers and little things in the mail. The best was my Mom, my husband had just started a new job when I found out (after being laid off for two years) and could not go to treatment with me so my Mom went along. I always thought 'how could she sit next to me each week and watch her child go through this', I learned she is an amazingly strong woman. My dad stopped by to check daily and would pick up my meds when I couldn't, his hugs are irreplaceable. So many others who I too will forget did countless acts of kindness just to make my situation a little brighter. I try now to live my life by the examples show to me. I was always kind to everyone but I find myself doing other things like holding open doors for strangers, helping reach something off of a shelf, giving skips in line or just being patient with the situation at hand. I firmly beleive that through this type of giving back someone will remember the act of kindness and pass it along to the next person. Cancer has it's bad situations and experiences but out of the bad comes a little bit of good. Just think of all the people who touched our lives, if everyone did just one nice thing for someone each day the world might be a different place. I thank God each night for the kindness shown to me during my difficult time and remember that I am truly blessed with wonderful people in my life, even if I have never met them before.0 -
Amazing friends of my Mom!
My Mom lives about two hours away from me and she is very active in two different quilt clubs. During one of her meetings she mentioned to some of friends what was going on with me and one women in particular had gone through breast cancer treatment with her own mother some years ago. She always remembered that her mother was cold during her chemo treatments so she made me a quilt to take with me to chemo!! I've never even met her and it was such an unbelieveably generous thing to do for someone she didn't even know. It's an absolutely beautiful quilt - just the right size for napping. I took it to all my chemo treatments and I truly treasure it. It has come to be a reminder of how much people cared for me during that time and it inspires me to make sure I pay forward all the great things people did for me - whether we know each other or not!0 -
WOWmickeymom said:Amazing friends of my Mom!
My Mom lives about two hours away from me and she is very active in two different quilt clubs. During one of her meetings she mentioned to some of friends what was going on with me and one women in particular had gone through breast cancer treatment with her own mother some years ago. She always remembered that her mother was cold during her chemo treatments so she made me a quilt to take with me to chemo!! I've never even met her and it was such an unbelieveably generous thing to do for someone she didn't even know. It's an absolutely beautiful quilt - just the right size for napping. I took it to all my chemo treatments and I truly treasure it. It has come to be a reminder of how much people cared for me during that time and it inspires me to make sure I pay forward all the great things people did for me - whether we know each other or not!
These are some amazing stories...
Don't laugh but another thing a friend did for me, is call me a stupid cow..
Hahahaa I laughed so hard. I was being unruly. My dear oncologist called today,
to tell me he needs me to do some more lab tests and I am scheduled to do chemo
in TWO days. Gee thanks for the notice. I guess I got so mad, because I am trying
desperately to have some order in my life and he just made a mess of it again. To
make up for the lost hours I start work earlier now and I can't take my walk in the
morning, I used to run every day at 5 am but with the surgeries and all....
So when she called me "stupid cow" it was the first time in a long time, someone
didn't treat me like I am going to break - It was great!!! Hahaha I know it's silly
But I felt normal for a minute there!
Ayse0 -
I hadnt given much thoughtaysemari said:WOW
These are some amazing stories...
Don't laugh but another thing a friend did for me, is call me a stupid cow..
Hahahaa I laughed so hard. I was being unruly. My dear oncologist called today,
to tell me he needs me to do some more lab tests and I am scheduled to do chemo
in TWO days. Gee thanks for the notice. I guess I got so mad, because I am trying
desperately to have some order in my life and he just made a mess of it again. To
make up for the lost hours I start work earlier now and I can't take my walk in the
morning, I used to run every day at 5 am but with the surgeries and all....
So when she called me "stupid cow" it was the first time in a long time, someone
didn't treat me like I am going to break - It was great!!! Hahaha I know it's silly
But I felt normal for a minute there!
I hadnt given much thought to all the nice things people have done for me. One of our dental patients made a shawl for me, she is also a Bc survivor. My dearest friend in Ohio had a shawl made for me by a group of women who pray and crochet.
I received the lovliest flower arrangements after my surgeries. Many of our dental patients sent me cards and encouragement amazingly 4 or 5 of them are also BC survivors.
I found a local support group at a Relay for Life and they brought a full dinner to my home. another friend brought me a care package with lemon drops, bouillon, footies. Cousins in Ohio baked my favorite cookies and mailed them to me. Another friend baked cookies and made soup for hubby and me.
A neighbor's mother who is also a BC survivor sent me the bracelet she received when she was undergoing treatment. I have received many cards and inspirational books. I also received lipstick, crafts and footies from 2 of my cousins. An old high school friend who sells Mary Kay sent me a bunch of eyeliners, lipsticks, and cosmetics to get me thru all this hair loss. Wow--its important to think about these things. I've been so caught up in my treatment I've failed to give thought to the wonderful things people have done.
Best of all my husband now does the dishes. He doesnt cook but he also vacuums, and straightens the house. Who could ask for anything more!0 -
Very Important
I agree, it is very important to remember how kind people are. It sounds like we are all very fortunate to have some really wonderful people in our lives. During the last (3) months, I have realized just how blessed I am. I listed some of the wonderful things people have done for me, but I forgot, I also rcvd a "prayer shawl" from my cousin. I start chemo on Monday & I'm am going to take it with me so I can be surrounded by prayers. Thanks for the reminder.
Tina0 -
Prayer ShawlTinabug said:Very Important
I agree, it is very important to remember how kind people are. It sounds like we are all very fortunate to have some really wonderful people in our lives. During the last (3) months, I have realized just how blessed I am. I listed some of the wonderful things people have done for me, but I forgot, I also rcvd a "prayer shawl" from my cousin. I start chemo on Monday & I'm am going to take it with me so I can be surrounded by prayers. Thanks for the reminder.
I also received one of these, it is put away now because it was so beautiful. It was given to me by a friend. She works at a local hospital and all the volunteer women make them. I remember when I opened it this beautiful smell came out of the box and lingered in the shawl the entire time. I wore it to chemo, at the hospital after my surgeries and during my recovery. I wonder if this is something special groups do around the country. I am getting the pattern so that I can begin making them for people who need comfort during troubled times. Thank you for the reminder.
May you be wrapped in comfort on Monday.
Tracey0 -
my cousin explained itTLynn0102 said:Prayer Shawl
I also received one of these, it is put away now because it was so beautiful. It was given to me by a friend. She works at a local hospital and all the volunteer women make them. I remember when I opened it this beautiful smell came out of the box and lingered in the shawl the entire time. I wore it to chemo, at the hospital after my surgeries and during my recovery. I wonder if this is something special groups do around the country. I am getting the pattern so that I can begin making them for people who need comfort during troubled times. Thank you for the reminder.
May you be wrapped in comfort on Monday.
The ladies at my cousin's church made mine. She told me that for every single stitch they say a prayer for the person who will get it. They don't know who will get it or what their difficult time may be but they pray for peace & guidance(among many other things.)
My aunt rcvd one when my uncle passed away & she said it was the greatest gift. Of course, at the time, I was healthy & had no idea what would transpire. I thank God for those sweet ladies prayers & my wonderful cousin who thought of me.
Thank you so much for your are so kind.
Huge hugs,
Tina0 -
How beautiful....Tinabug said:my cousin explained it
The ladies at my cousin's church made mine. She told me that for every single stitch they say a prayer for the person who will get it. They don't know who will get it or what their difficult time may be but they pray for peace & guidance(among many other things.)
My aunt rcvd one when my uncle passed away & she said it was the greatest gift. Of course, at the time, I was healthy & had no idea what would transpire. I thank God for those sweet ladies prayers & my wonderful cousin who thought of me.
Thank you so much for your are so kind.
Huge hugs,
I never heard of a prayer shawl before. But I love the idea that they wish you
well with every stitch they make.
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