new port

Darlene_Mays Member Posts: 20
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Today is the first day after having had a port installed. It hurts and is very uncomfortable...does that ease, or is this what I have to look forward to for the next few months?


  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    The port
    Hi Darlene_Mays. You've just had surgery, so naturally there is discomfort. The healing process will help with the pain, and you will gradually become accustomed to this foreign object. The thing that bothered me most was the place where the tube goes up to my neck. If I tilted my head back, I could feel tension, and I was afraid that it might pull loose and cause a hemmorage. I'm over that now, but I probably won't ever get used to this bulge just below the collarbone, even though I no longer have any pain with it.
  • Darlene_Mays
    Darlene_Mays Member Posts: 20

    The port
    Hi Darlene_Mays. You've just had surgery, so naturally there is discomfort. The healing process will help with the pain, and you will gradually become accustomed to this foreign object. The thing that bothered me most was the place where the tube goes up to my neck. If I tilted my head back, I could feel tension, and I was afraid that it might pull loose and cause a hemmorage. I'm over that now, but I probably won't ever get used to this bulge just below the collarbone, even though I no longer have any pain with it.

    holy moly
    OK..that answers the question as to why I have two separate sites after this port surgery. There is tube? Who knew? The bulge of the port (I believe) is just below the collar bone, but second site is on my neck...this is quite an experience for sure...and it keeps your mind off the other "stuff"... LOL
  • RiverGypsie
    RiverGypsie Member Posts: 13
    New Port
    In the beginning, I didn't need a port. But the Chemo I'm on now requires I do. I was very skeptical at first, but am so glad now. Don't worry, it heals quickly and you won't even know you have it in. Makes things so much easier, and hassle-free. You will be glad you had it done too when it heals. It goes quick. Good luck to you and as always prayers and support are always here!!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Chances are you will get used to the port and not feel anything after a while. Mine was always pretty unobtrusive. However if you continue to feel pain and discomfort bring it to your oncologist's attention. Sometimes they are not placed correctly. Good luck and I hope the pain eases up soon.

  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member

    I have just had a single mastectomy with flap reconstruction, pretty major surgery. However I am as nervous as hell about getting the port installed. My body has been cut up enough (I had to have some skin removed where my lump was so I am patched there as well) and am trying to recover from that, that the thought of having the port installed makes me want to just check out AND supposedly I need to have it for a year.

    BTW: Does the port leave a scar afterwards ? Does it hurt to have it installed?

    Maybe in a week or two when I get my head around it I won't be so nervous.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member


    I have just had a single mastectomy with flap reconstruction, pretty major surgery. However I am as nervous as hell about getting the port installed. My body has been cut up enough (I had to have some skin removed where my lump was so I am patched there as well) and am trying to recover from that, that the thought of having the port installed makes me want to just check out AND supposedly I need to have it for a year.

    BTW: Does the port leave a scar afterwards ? Does it hurt to have it installed?

    Maybe in a week or two when I get my head around it I won't be so nervous.

    My port surgery was not a big deal. I understand your feelings. I definitely did not want more surgery, but I was told that chemo would go easier this way. I was under twilight sleep and the procedure took less than an hour. Afterward, I didn't experience the groginess or nausea that I got waking up from lumpectomy surgery. It does leave a scar afterwards, but it will fade in time. Don't worry. It's minor compared to everything else.

  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    I call it my scar of honor. The doctor wanted to leave mine in for a year. I said no way - take it out. It didn't hurt, but it was a bit uncomfortable in the neck. Even now, months after its out, it still feels like the tube is in there. The scar from it being put in was very clean, but the removal one has a lump on one side. Maybe the surgeon was mad at me for insisting it come out so soon. I felt if it was gone, so was the cancer. He was thinking recurrance. Oh well. We'll see who is right! (it better be me). Mimi is right, short surgery under twilight sleep.
    Hugs - Pat
  • lisasmit
    lisasmit Member Posts: 11
    new port

    I am right here with you. I just had my port put in this Tuesday. Like you, I was not prepared for how much it has hurt. I have absolutely no knowledge or information for you, I am also learning from your replies. Just wanted you to know that you were not alone. I have a feeling we will be learning ALOT over the next few months.

  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    lisasmit said:

    new port

    I am right here with you. I just had my port put in this Tuesday. Like you, I was not prepared for how much it has hurt. I have absolutely no knowledge or information for you, I am also learning from your replies. Just wanted you to know that you were not alone. I have a feeling we will be learning ALOT over the next few months.


    Port 2 weeks ago
    I had my port put in 2 weeks ago. It hurt the first few days and it was weird swallowing. It looks as if I have an extra vein in my neck and the first few days I had to put an ice pack on my neck. I feel much better now and it has not not hurt since the first few days. I am careful how I reach and stretch. There is a straight line scar of where it was inserted and I assume they will go back in the same way to remove it. The dr said they like for you to keep it 2 years. Then, the dr suggests you keep it at least a year after treatment ends. The dr also said if it bothers me I can get it out 2 weeks after I finish my last treatment...and that's when it is coming out...My port is only used for chemo as blood is still drawn through my arm vein. They said if the cancer came back and I need more chemo they can always re-insert the port if need. So, mid May will be my port party!

  • susankimberly
    susankimberly Member Posts: 8
    rene9 said:

    Port 2 weeks ago
    I had my port put in 2 weeks ago. It hurt the first few days and it was weird swallowing. It looks as if I have an extra vein in my neck and the first few days I had to put an ice pack on my neck. I feel much better now and it has not not hurt since the first few days. I am careful how I reach and stretch. There is a straight line scar of where it was inserted and I assume they will go back in the same way to remove it. The dr said they like for you to keep it 2 years. Then, the dr suggests you keep it at least a year after treatment ends. The dr also said if it bothers me I can get it out 2 weeks after I finish my last treatment...and that's when it is coming out...My port is only used for chemo as blood is still drawn through my arm vein. They said if the cancer came back and I need more chemo they can always re-insert the port if need. So, mid May will be my port party!


    just a caution
    my mom's port was installed by someone unsure of what she was doing. she left the room after it was installed. when mom started receiving her chemo, a big red bubble filled her chest cavity. if my sister had not been in the room when it happened, the entire thing would have probably filled up her chest where obviously it should not be. my sister called for help, staffed rushed in and started moping up chemo on mom's chest. another example of make sure whoever is working on you knows what he or she is doing.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Darlene, it should ease. I
    Darlene, it should ease. I also at first felt muscular pain around the port, but that passed. I actually could have had my port removed in December, but decided to hold off until warm weather. Port problems really are pretty rare.

    Hope you are feeling better.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Darlene, it should ease. I
    Darlene, it should ease. I also at first felt muscular pain around the port, but that passed. I actually could have had my port removed in December, but decided to hold off until warm weather. Port problems really are pretty rare.

    Hope you are feeling better.

    Hi Darlene
    You should only be a little sore for a few days. I just had my port removed and it was only sore for a couple days, and it feels good not to have it in anymore:) not that it was bad..I truley am so thankful I had it through the chemo and Herceptin treatments. I am glad it's out now I'm minus one more reminder. My best to you.
    Hgs, jackie
  • changmi
    changmi Member Posts: 8
    I had my port put in on 1/20
    I had my port put in on 1/20. Just as you have experienced, it was sore for the first few days. I did my 1st chemo treatment via IV in my arm and I just did my 2nd treatment yesterday on 1/28 using my port. What a big difference. I have small veins in my arm and the nurse could not get the IV to go with her first try, so she had to stab me again. I still have the bruise 3 weeks later from where she stabbed me the first time! The port is so worth it. I got a power port and was told to wear my purple power port bracelet, so in case something happens (God forbid) that people know I have a port. My surgeon asked me if I had any questions prior to my surgery. I just asked that he make my scar neat. He chuckled and said of course that is part of his job to make it neat and small. He was true to his word. My scar is very small and neat. I put cocoa butter on it to help with the scarring. Too bad my Neulesta shot can't be injected via the port! Best of luck to you during your treatment. Keep us posted on how you are doing. :o)
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    changmi said:

    I had my port put in on 1/20
    I had my port put in on 1/20. Just as you have experienced, it was sore for the first few days. I did my 1st chemo treatment via IV in my arm and I just did my 2nd treatment yesterday on 1/28 using my port. What a big difference. I have small veins in my arm and the nurse could not get the IV to go with her first try, so she had to stab me again. I still have the bruise 3 weeks later from where she stabbed me the first time! The port is so worth it. I got a power port and was told to wear my purple power port bracelet, so in case something happens (God forbid) that people know I have a port. My surgeon asked me if I had any questions prior to my surgery. I just asked that he make my scar neat. He chuckled and said of course that is part of his job to make it neat and small. He was true to his word. My scar is very small and neat. I put cocoa butter on it to help with the scarring. Too bad my Neulesta shot can't be injected via the port! Best of luck to you during your treatment. Keep us posted on how you are doing. :o)

    I LOVE MY PORT !!!
    I think the port is one of the greatest inventions ... EVER! When I was told I'd need chemo I almost ran out of the room because I just knew I couldn't go through all the poking and prodding ... looking for veins. To me the chemo word scared me more than the cancer word. But ... then I was told about the port. I'm the biggest chicken on earth but I am soooooo glad I a port installed. Be sure to ask your oncologist for a prescription for EMLA cream though. You blob it on the port site about an hour before your appointment and by the time you get there for the needle to go in ... the port site is numb. Great stuff!

    You'll do just fine.

  • Maize
    Maize Member Posts: 76
    changmi said:

    I had my port put in on 1/20
    I had my port put in on 1/20. Just as you have experienced, it was sore for the first few days. I did my 1st chemo treatment via IV in my arm and I just did my 2nd treatment yesterday on 1/28 using my port. What a big difference. I have small veins in my arm and the nurse could not get the IV to go with her first try, so she had to stab me again. I still have the bruise 3 weeks later from where she stabbed me the first time! The port is so worth it. I got a power port and was told to wear my purple power port bracelet, so in case something happens (God forbid) that people know I have a port. My surgeon asked me if I had any questions prior to my surgery. I just asked that he make my scar neat. He chuckled and said of course that is part of his job to make it neat and small. He was true to his word. My scar is very small and neat. I put cocoa butter on it to help with the scarring. Too bad my Neulesta shot can't be injected via the port! Best of luck to you during your treatment. Keep us posted on how you are doing. :o)

    My port
    Thank you, Darlene for starting this thread. I am scheduled to have my port installed (:)2/9. All of you have answered question I would not think to ask. Now I know what to expect. It will be a power port. Best wishes.
  • susankimberly
    susankimberly Member Posts: 8
    Maize said:

    My port
    Thank you, Darlene for starting this thread. I am scheduled to have my port installed (:)2/9. All of you have answered question I would not think to ask. Now I know what to expect. It will be a power port. Best wishes.

    my mother's original oncologist (who ironically died of cervical cancer last year at the age of 50 something) said that if mom would have had that port procedure done in her office (instead of the clinic) that two nurses would have been required to be present to make sure things go smoothly.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    my mother's original oncologist (who ironically died of cervical cancer last year at the age of 50 something) said that if mom would have had that port procedure done in her office (instead of the clinic) that two nurses would have been required to be present to make sure things go smoothly.

    Every now and then my port
    Every now and then my port bugs me, it's nothing really. I can feel the tube in my neck and somethimes if I have been lifting to much you can clearly see it as well.