Skin biopsies yesterday



  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Wolfi, you are so correct
    Wolfi, you are so correct life just keeps on keeping on with one thing or another. I'm so happy that the biopsies came back neither the one thing or the other. Good news for you and hubby. Now thats the way you want to start a new year.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Mama G said:

    the good news... if there were any in the skin cancer arena
    is that most of it is so easily curable. Cut it or "burn(freeze)" it and it's gone.
    Living in Florida most of my friends have experienced this by the age of 40. Some many many times.

    Yea Wolfi!
    That is good news!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Wolfi said:

    We are both fine!
    We got the results of our biopsies in the mail and there aren't any problems with either of us. No further treatment needed (although I'm still healing from the biopsies).

    Oh, I never told you guys that the arm they did the biopsy on was my "bad" (lymphodema) arm. I asked before they injected me with numbing medication about how that shot (and the biopsy)would affect my lymphodema and they said it should be fine. I have a hole in my arm about the size of a dime right now. My lymphodema has been acting up a little bit, but it isn't bad.

    Thanks for all of your support. You are all great!

    Just the news we all wanted
    Just the news we all wanted to hear, yeah!!! Now, on to the art of living!!
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    natly15 said:

    Wolfi, you are so correct
    Wolfi, you are so correct life just keeps on keeping on with one thing or another. I'm so happy that the biopsies came back neither the one thing or the other. Good news for you and hubby. Now thats the way you want to start a new year.

    Yippee Wolfi! ♥
    Congrats on the great news about you and your husband! It is exactly what we all wanted to hear!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Jeanne D said:

    Yippee Wolfi! ♥
    Congrats on the great news about you and your husband! It is exactly what we all wanted to hear!

    This is great news Wolfi!
    This is great news Wolfi! Thanks for letting us know!

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    fauxma said:

    I am so glad that all was
    I am so glad that all was well. Hooray. Keep an eye on the arm and don't hesitate to call your doctor with any problems. As careful as we can all be, there are times when that arm might need treatment or a procedure and we have to deal with that. Glad it is not giving you any big problems. Just be watchful.
    Again, so glad that there was no sign of cancer for either of you. A double celebration. Twice the cake and ice cream.

    Yeh Wolfi and your hubby!
    Yeh Wolfi and your hubby! This is good news, very good news! Thanks for letting us know.

    ♥ Noel
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Angie2U said:

    This is great news Wolfi!
    This is great news Wolfi! Thanks for letting us know!


    Congratulations on getting such good news for you and your husband Wolfi!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    Congratulations on getting such good news for you and your husband Wolfi!


    Good news!
    Just be sure that this hole would not get infected. Ask you breast surgeon if you need antibiotics to keep your arm safe. I wish ypu o get well soon.
    New Flower