excisional biopsy(lumpectomy) tomorrow

Myshell Member Posts: 31
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have atypical lobular hyerplasia and am having a excisional biopsy tomoorrow. Trying to think it's "no big deal". But I'm starting to get a little anxious about needle placement then general anesthesia. I know chances are it will show "nothing" but still 20-30% chance there is "something". Not looking forward to starting Tamoxifen, no matter what, after this and the 4-5 times increased risk of cancer in the next 15 years is not comforting to me either. Just trying to be real.
I am totally thankful that if they do find something..then it will be "early" but just not looking forward to this whole process. Any tips? Thanks so much.
I really appreciate all you brave women and men who have been throug SO MUCH.
Blessings to you!


  • Minuz
    Minuz Member Posts: 25
    Hi Michelle, Getting
    Hi Michelle, Getting anxious about any procedure is normal. I've been through many biopsy's and you are right wondering about those needles is unnerving. The good part is that most places try to make you feel as comfortable as possible. I was awake when they did the stereotactic biopsy on my breast and I can't tell you how much all of the people involved helped me get through it. You are stronger than you know. You will come out of this fine and whatever results you get you will deal with them knowing you have alot of support from family, friends and this site.

    Good Luck
  • terri805
    terri805 Member Posts: 122
    I have been there
    Hi Michelle,
    I have been where you are. I was dx with DCIS on Dec 11th and I had a lumpectomy on dec17th,2009 and I am having a re excision tomorrow for wider clear margins. I was nervous about everything that was going to happen to me. I had needle placement before surgery and it took 2 hrs of leaning forward with my breast smashed between two clear plates because the radiologists wanted to make sure he got all the area between the needles. It did not hurt at all just the little sting for the local and he had to place the needles twice. They said it normally only takes about 30 or so minutes but that I was "a hard case". The discomfort that I had was my back leaning into the machine for sooooo long. I had general anesthesia and the only after effect that I had was a little sore throat due to the breathing tube down my throat during surgery. It is normal to be anxious about surgery and anesthesia. Even though my surgery tomorrow is a repeat prodedure of what I already had ,I am still a little anxious. I just kept telling myself "it will be over soon". I also just tried to looked at the positive side of things because so many women have a worse situation than me and if they are strong enough to get through everything then so can I and you will to Michelle. I will be having radiation and Arimidex after the surgery.I will be thinking of you tomorrow as we will both be going through surgery. My prayers are with you that everything goes well for you. The ladies /men on here are great motivators and give positive energy when I am down.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    terri805 said:

    I have been there
    Hi Michelle,
    I have been where you are. I was dx with DCIS on Dec 11th and I had a lumpectomy on dec17th,2009 and I am having a re excision tomorrow for wider clear margins. I was nervous about everything that was going to happen to me. I had needle placement before surgery and it took 2 hrs of leaning forward with my breast smashed between two clear plates because the radiologists wanted to make sure he got all the area between the needles. It did not hurt at all just the little sting for the local and he had to place the needles twice. They said it normally only takes about 30 or so minutes but that I was "a hard case". The discomfort that I had was my back leaning into the machine for sooooo long. I had general anesthesia and the only after effect that I had was a little sore throat due to the breathing tube down my throat during surgery. It is normal to be anxious about surgery and anesthesia. Even though my surgery tomorrow is a repeat prodedure of what I already had ,I am still a little anxious. I just kept telling myself "it will be over soon". I also just tried to looked at the positive side of things because so many women have a worse situation than me and if they are strong enough to get through everything then so can I and you will to Michelle. I will be having radiation and Arimidex after the surgery.I will be thinking of you tomorrow as we will both be going through surgery. My prayers are with you that everything goes well for you. The ladies /men on here are great motivators and give positive energy when I am down.

    To you both.........
    God Speed to you.........
    Best wishes and Peace be with you
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    MAJW said:

    To you both.........
    God Speed to you.........
    Best wishes and Peace be with you

    Sending you lots of hugs and
    Sending you lots of hugs and positive thoughts!

    ♥ Noel
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Michelle and Terri, good
    Michelle and Terri, good luck to you both tomorrow. Post when you can and let us know how you're doing. Take care!!
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    Hi Michelle
    I too had biopsy results w/abnormal cells (different from yours) and had an excisional biopsy...mine was also a needle guided excision. My journey began in November. I never expected (nor did my surgeon really) to have my pathology come back with cancer...so when it did, well, I was devastated. I will pray that tomorrow is the most you will have to do and no bc will be found.

    Having surgery is certainly a scary experience! I'm a nurse and I was an absolute wreck! Everyone took such great care of me though...from rad staff to OR to surgeon and even post op. Needle placement wasn't too bad, numbing meds took care of everything and I was face down on the steotactic table. Position was probably the biggest issue really.

    I was/am very thankful that my bc was caught early. I have just finished radiation and will begin tamoxifen at the end of the month. But as many sisters on the site have stated, bc is bc, no matter its format/form or stage. Know that if you need it, you will find so much support from the women here.

    We will be w/you in the OR tomorrow and praying for negative results! Let us know the results.

    God Bless....

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    jbug said:

    Hi Michelle
    I too had biopsy results w/abnormal cells (different from yours) and had an excisional biopsy...mine was also a needle guided excision. My journey began in November. I never expected (nor did my surgeon really) to have my pathology come back with cancer...so when it did, well, I was devastated. I will pray that tomorrow is the most you will have to do and no bc will be found.

    Having surgery is certainly a scary experience! I'm a nurse and I was an absolute wreck! Everyone took such great care of me though...from rad staff to OR to surgeon and even post op. Needle placement wasn't too bad, numbing meds took care of everything and I was face down on the steotactic table. Position was probably the biggest issue really.

    I was/am very thankful that my bc was caught early. I have just finished radiation and will begin tamoxifen at the end of the month. But as many sisters on the site have stated, bc is bc, no matter its format/form or stage. Know that if you need it, you will find so much support from the women here.

    We will be w/you in the OR tomorrow and praying for negative results! Let us know the results.

    God Bless....


    Hi Michelle,
    I have had three needle guided excisional biopsies and I was scared stupid the first time. But it only felt like a big pinch, no real pain. The second time was not even a big pinch and the third time was no big deal. I was not in any real pain from the biopies, just sore. I am big busted so I wore a bra 24/7 for a couple of weeks to give support and keep the weight from pulling on the excision which only had a bandaid on it. You will be fine but I know you are scared to death right now. It is a scary thought, but wasn't as bad as I thought, I had great techs and radiologist. Good luck tomorrow.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Skeezie said:

    Hi Michelle,
    I have had three needle guided excisional biopsies and I was scared stupid the first time. But it only felt like a big pinch, no real pain. The second time was not even a big pinch and the third time was no big deal. I was not in any real pain from the biopies, just sore. I am big busted so I wore a bra 24/7 for a couple of weeks to give support and keep the weight from pulling on the excision which only had a bandaid on it. You will be fine but I know you are scared to death right now. It is a scary thought, but wasn't as bad as I thought, I had great techs and radiologist. Good luck tomorrow.

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    You will be numb, so, it
    You will be numb, so, it won't hurt. The numbing agent felt like a sting, but, totally bearable. I know you are scared, but, you want to do everything possible to make sure that you are alright. Post when you can to let us know how you are. Good luck!
