Big 3

stevenl Member Posts: 587
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Well I go for the big 3 today, ENT, Rad onco, oral surgeon. Saw my med onco yesterday. I stunned her with the Question "What can I do to help you?" Don't think anybody had ever asked her that before. If I am lucky I will get a PET done today and maybe cancel the dentist till after the surgery Friday. Onco couldn't understand why I had not gotten one yet. Thanks everybody for the help with the questions.

Hope everyone has a GREAT day,


  • pk
    pk Member Posts: 192
    You are on your way!!!!! As you go forward, there are, as you know, wonderful people on this site who have and are going thru what you are embarking on. They will give you strength that you cannot even imagine. They helped me learn and understand so much as my husband went thru and continues to heal from his treatment.
    TODAY is a good day!!!
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member

    I hope your day won't be too hectic and hopefully, all your questions get answered. We will be thinking of you today and especially tomorrow with your surgery.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Keep Us Posted Bro

    Keep us posted and stay positive, everyday is closer to completing your treatments (and cure)....

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    Hope it all goes well, keep the positive attitude it helps
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    pk said:

    You are on your way!!!!! As you go forward, there are, as you know, wonderful people on this site who have and are going thru what you are embarking on. They will give you strength that you cannot even imagine. They helped me learn and understand so much as my husband went thru and continues to heal from his treatment.
    TODAY is a good day!!!


    You never told me your name was Phyllis, beautiful picture of you your husband & the dog

    Take care
  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    Hondo said:


    Hope it all goes well, keep the positive attitude it helps

    One trying day
    Hey everybody,

    Just wanted to let ya know everything went well today. The docs gave me the impression
    they think the c is in my right tonsil. Lets hope so. I saw all 3 docs and squeezed a PET
    scan in there too!!!. The ent couldn't get a gen surgeon scheduled for tomorrow, but assured me the peg and port will be taken care of monday or tuesday. Thanks everybody for
    your posts and prayers, they have been recieved and they have really HELPED ME! O.K.
    get rid of this beast tomorrow----AMEN?

    God bless
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    stevenl said:

    One trying day
    Hey everybody,

    Just wanted to let ya know everything went well today. The docs gave me the impression
    they think the c is in my right tonsil. Lets hope so. I saw all 3 docs and squeezed a PET
    scan in there too!!!. The ent couldn't get a gen surgeon scheduled for tomorrow, but assured me the peg and port will be taken care of monday or tuesday. Thanks everybody for
    your posts and prayers, they have been recieved and they have really HELPED ME! O.K.
    get rid of this beast tomorrow----AMEN?

    God bless

    next week, early
    The PEG and Port getting done is a good first step. The PS results should be of great interest to you, Steve- that's the best test on where the C really is, and will determine a lot. Again- I would advise you insist that your Oto and Onco be aggressive. You have cancer, Steve, as we all do/did. Overkill is to error on the side of caution. That overkill brings with it what many of us know it does, and it ain't exactly easy street, but we are talking about the difference between life, disfiguring surgery, and...Insist, Steve. You know who treated me. I think I know overkill of the C, and nobody can convince me I was not treated correctly. You are in charge of you.


  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    Kent Cass said:

    next week, early
    The PEG and Port getting done is a good first step. The PS results should be of great interest to you, Steve- that's the best test on where the C really is, and will determine a lot. Again- I would advise you insist that your Oto and Onco be aggressive. You have cancer, Steve, as we all do/did. Overkill is to error on the side of caution. That overkill brings with it what many of us know it does, and it ain't exactly easy street, but we are talking about the difference between life, disfiguring surgery, and...Insist, Steve. You know who treated me. I think I know overkill of the C, and nobody can convince me I was not treated correctly. You are in charge of you.



    Hi Kent

    Thanks for everything. I am in Texas. My Oto's name is Ducic. He is a professor @ U.T.
    Southwest med. ctr. I have to say I am very pleased with the way he has handled my case
    so far. Everyone I have come in contact with has nothing but praise for this doctor.
    I will heed your advice Kent and everyone that has posted me so far. That is why I am here,
    for answers, encouragement and your prayers. So off I go to battle this beast and understand me clearly..... I do not know yet what I am in for nor how i will handle it all.
    But I do know that I will make it!!!!! Thanks again Kent and everybody for your support.
    I'll be talking to ya again soon.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    stevenl said:

    Hi Kent

    Thanks for everything. I am in Texas. My Oto's name is Ducic. He is a professor @ U.T.
    Southwest med. ctr. I have to say I am very pleased with the way he has handled my case
    so far. Everyone I have come in contact with has nothing but praise for this doctor.
    I will heed your advice Kent and everyone that has posted me so far. That is why I am here,
    for answers, encouragement and your prayers. So off I go to battle this beast and understand me clearly..... I do not know yet what I am in for nor how i will handle it all.
    But I do know that I will make it!!!!! Thanks again Kent and everybody for your support.
    I'll be talking to ya again soon.


    Stay Strong Steve
    You can deal, you can't keep a good fisherman down....especially one holding a nice Bass like in your photo....