First time user, question about Tram or Diep Reconstruction

Minuz Member Posts: 25
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi, I've been reading this site for about 1 1/2 years but have never written. I went through a mastectomy followed by chemo, radiation and a year of herceptin. I read what many of you have written on these topics throughout my treatments and they did help, I just couldn't get myself to write. I guess it makes it all more real when you are the writer and not the reader! Well now I came to a point where I can't go any further and need some help. I have been struggling about reconstruction for awhile and I know my family doesn't really understand why I want another surgery especially one that is so major because they have heard me say that I am so tired of having pain. I just really feel that I need to do something to make myself feel better about me. I hate going to take a shower and seeing the constant reminder of what I went through. Just the thought of buying dresses and bras and not to mention swimsuits just makes me so angry and sad that I still do the pity party thing and just cry. I just need to know how others feel and if anyone has had a tram or a diep flap reconstruction. How did you handle it as far as the pain and the recovery time. My children have told me they don't understand and that I shouldn't put myself through anymore and my husband feels that everything is fine as is. I keep telling them they don't understand because they are not in the same boat. The fears and anxieties, the hurt and pain, the sadness and the self image that I have are all different now and I've just felt too alone with it all. Hope someone can give me some advice. I'm tired of seeing myself as a misfit freak when I look in the mirror. Unfortunately I'm also scared to have more surgery. UGH What to do!!!!!!! Thanks to any and all


  • wendybia
    wendybia Member Posts: 73
    it's not easy
    i certainly can understand how you're feeling..our friends and family who haven't had cancer really don't understand how we feel..i had DIEP flap last month...dec 21st..would recommend this procedure without hesitation just be sure your plastic surgeon is capable of surgeon warned me first week would be hell..he was right, mainly due to the soon as they come out your like a new woman..i did everything he told me to...nothing more nothing less...drink when your body tells you to and walk..he says recovery should be 6 - 8 weeks....the breast looks good even to my surprise..while i was in the hospital afterwards i couldn't look at it..everyone drs, nurses, friends kept saying what a beautiful job..looks great..i wouldn't even peek..till i got home..i wanted to be in my own home for that..i looked and couldn't believe how good it looks..i saw my surgeon today he and i agree it's looks like a piece of
    what i hate more than anything now is this mark i have on my neck..they couldn't get a good line in me morning of surgery so after i was out they went thru' my even when i have all my clothes on and look in the mirror i see my cancer and i hate it..
    i'm sure you'll get lots of good advice here and if you have any questions just ask..that's what this is for...warm thoughts and lots of prayers...wendy
  • boppel
    boppel Member Posts: 26
    Tram Flap
    Hi, I know how you feel, its a tough road, but it gets better. You must believe that. I too had a mastectomy (1998) seems like a loooong time ago. I year later I had the Tram Flap, my only regret ...I should have done it sooner. Right at the time of the mastectomy. I waited because I was not sure about anything, but after struggeling with the prostesis and bras and looking at myself, it was time. I love it and feel whole again. The first week was tough but once I was home I was OK. Doctor told me to take it easy, no lifting, not to much walking, no stairs. Do as the doctor says and you too will be fine. The pain was not to bad, it was there, but that goes with any surgery. I am glad I had it done and encourage you too. It is nice to put on a regular bra. Your plastic surgeon should explain everything to you. If you have questions just ask, even details. That is what we are here for, to help one another. God bless you. Hugs... emmi
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    wendybia said:

    it's not easy
    i certainly can understand how you're feeling..our friends and family who haven't had cancer really don't understand how we feel..i had DIEP flap last month...dec 21st..would recommend this procedure without hesitation just be sure your plastic surgeon is capable of surgeon warned me first week would be hell..he was right, mainly due to the soon as they come out your like a new woman..i did everything he told me to...nothing more nothing less...drink when your body tells you to and walk..he says recovery should be 6 - 8 weeks....the breast looks good even to my surprise..while i was in the hospital afterwards i couldn't look at it..everyone drs, nurses, friends kept saying what a beautiful job..looks great..i wouldn't even peek..till i got home..i wanted to be in my own home for that..i looked and couldn't believe how good it looks..i saw my surgeon today he and i agree it's looks like a piece of
    what i hate more than anything now is this mark i have on my neck..they couldn't get a good line in me morning of surgery so after i was out they went thru' my even when i have all my clothes on and look in the mirror i see my cancer and i hate it..
    i'm sure you'll get lots of good advice here and if you have any questions just ask..that's what this is for...warm thoughts and lots of prayers...wendy

    Welcome, Minuz. I was like
    Welcome, Minuz. I was like you, reading the boards for a period of time before I posted. My progression was reading, then responding only, and finally, six months later, creating a new post. I'm glad that you found us.

    I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction in April. One breast was reconstructed using DIEP and the other with the free TRAM flap (same as DIEP but a little muscle is used). I would highly recommend either surgery, but as Wendy mentioned, you need to have a surgeon who is trained in this technique. The recovery is long, but it's worth it. You just have to be prepared to take it easy for several weeks, and let other people help you. For me, the pain was not unbearable. I stopped taking any of the narcotic pain killers two days after surgery and used only Tylenol or Motrin. But, I've been told that I have a high tolerance for pain.

    For me, waking up with breasts after the mastectomy made the whole thing easier. I hope that if you choose to go the reconstruction route that everything goes as well as it went for me and that you will have peace with your decision.

  • Minuz
    Minuz Member Posts: 25
    boppel said:

    Tram Flap
    Hi, I know how you feel, its a tough road, but it gets better. You must believe that. I too had a mastectomy (1998) seems like a loooong time ago. I year later I had the Tram Flap, my only regret ...I should have done it sooner. Right at the time of the mastectomy. I waited because I was not sure about anything, but after struggeling with the prostesis and bras and looking at myself, it was time. I love it and feel whole again. The first week was tough but once I was home I was OK. Doctor told me to take it easy, no lifting, not to much walking, no stairs. Do as the doctor says and you too will be fine. The pain was not to bad, it was there, but that goes with any surgery. I am glad I had it done and encourage you too. It is nice to put on a regular bra. Your plastic surgeon should explain everything to you. If you have questions just ask, even details. That is what we are here for, to help one another. God bless you. Hugs... emmi

    thanks for the kindness
    I know that this surgery is going to be rough because I'm so worried and tired of pain I'm just hoping I'm strong enough to handle it. I don't take narcotics or any types of sedatives because they make me so I'll. The dr. doing the surgery has done many of these over 1500 and she tells me it's not about being vain it's about the quality of life. I just wish I didn't have to defend myself as to why I want this. I also don't really want anyone other than my husband,kids and my sister to even know that I'm doing this. I guess I just feel that it shouldn't be a topic of discussion with others. When I was first diagnosed nany people asked my husband things like did she have a mastectomy, what side was it? I never could understand why anyone asked that, so of course I became very self conscious.
    I also have thoughts of what if I get it back or in the other breast, than I'd have to go through it all again. I'm just really confused even though I really think I want this with the hopes that I will feel like me again. Does this all sound crazy?????
    Any thought
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    Minuz said:

    thanks for the kindness
    I know that this surgery is going to be rough because I'm so worried and tired of pain I'm just hoping I'm strong enough to handle it. I don't take narcotics or any types of sedatives because they make me so I'll. The dr. doing the surgery has done many of these over 1500 and she tells me it's not about being vain it's about the quality of life. I just wish I didn't have to defend myself as to why I want this. I also don't really want anyone other than my husband,kids and my sister to even know that I'm doing this. I guess I just feel that it shouldn't be a topic of discussion with others. When I was first diagnosed nany people asked my husband things like did she have a mastectomy, what side was it? I never could understand why anyone asked that, so of course I became very self conscious.
    I also have thoughts of what if I get it back or in the other breast, than I'd have to go through it all again. I'm just really confused even though I really think I want this with the hopes that I will feel like me again. Does this all sound crazy?????
    Any thought

    not crazy
    You sound alot like I did.. I had a double masectomy with immediate reconstruction on July 30th. I used my belly fat so now 6 months later I'm healing beautifully!! I too worried about being vain.. I thought I shouldn't have recon because It felt like I was taking advantage of having cancer BUT my Plastic surgeon said.. You've had Cancer you may as well get something out of it!! And she's right. I didn't ask for this to happen to me. Why should I feel guilty for wanting to have breasts!! So I followed my gut and had both done.. I really like how my body looks. I have a very flat tumy and bigger boobs that look better in my clothes. I have chosen not to have nipples put back on right now.. As for the surgery itself I did great.. The very very worst part is the drains!! I named them my dingleberries.. I also hate medicine of any type .. and the night of my surgery I had them disconnect the morphine pump. I was NOT in any pain. I was sore but that's it. I took 1 non narcotic pain med while in the hospitial and none when I got home. I didn't suffer or feel pain.. I moved slow and lisented to my body.. I rested and let my kiddo's take care of me.. Yes there are scars but they will fade. I have peace of mind and feel good about my body...

  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    Minuz said:

    thanks for the kindness
    I know that this surgery is going to be rough because I'm so worried and tired of pain I'm just hoping I'm strong enough to handle it. I don't take narcotics or any types of sedatives because they make me so I'll. The dr. doing the surgery has done many of these over 1500 and she tells me it's not about being vain it's about the quality of life. I just wish I didn't have to defend myself as to why I want this. I also don't really want anyone other than my husband,kids and my sister to even know that I'm doing this. I guess I just feel that it shouldn't be a topic of discussion with others. When I was first diagnosed nany people asked my husband things like did she have a mastectomy, what side was it? I never could understand why anyone asked that, so of course I became very self conscious.
    I also have thoughts of what if I get it back or in the other breast, than I'd have to go through it all again. I'm just really confused even though I really think I want this with the hopes that I will feel like me again. Does this all sound crazy?????
    Any thought

    I was afraid of the cancer

    I was afraid of the cancer coming back in the second breast and not being able to do the DIEP a second time (any tissue and fat that they remove that isn't used is discarded so they have to do both breasts at the same time or use another type of reconstruction for the second one). I had already had several biopsies of the other breast, so that added to my concern. So, I chcose the bilateral.

    If your plastic surgeon says that she can reconstruct both breasts from your abdominal tissue, you might want to consider having the other breast removed and have them both reconstructed. It's not really going to add a lot to the surgery since the DIEP takes several hours. But, it all depends on what will make you the happiest.

    It is definitely not vanity to want to have the reconstruction done. My breast surgeon assumed that I would want the immediate reconstruction, and I wanted it done so I would be free to enjoy swimming and other activities without having to deal with a prothesis.

  • 20questions
    20questions Member Posts: 24
    Have you spoken to a DIEP surgeon yet?
    What could it hurt to go ahead and investigate your options? Take your family members with you so they can get the facts about reconstruction and hopefully understand why you are interested in pursuing this final step in your recovery. A successful DIEP is a permanent reconstruction solution.
  • helen e
    helen e Member Posts: 223
    I had the tram flap surgery 6 weeks ago and am very happy with it. I did a lot of research before it though. I didn't wait but had the reconstruction immediately after the mastectomy and have been very pleased. Always remember that you have to do what feels right for you, no matter what anyone else might say or think.
  • Minuz
    Minuz Member Posts: 25
    helen e said:

    I had the tram flap surgery 6 weeks ago and am very happy with it. I did a lot of research before it though. I didn't wait but had the reconstruction immediately after the mastectomy and have been very pleased. Always remember that you have to do what feels right for you, no matter what anyone else might say or think.

    Thank you all for the information and kindness. I have been living so unhappy for these last 18 months mostly because of course I can't believe this has all happened but also because of how I feel about myself now. I couldn't get reconstruction at the time of the mastectomy so now that I have the ok I'm pretty sure it is the thing for me to do. I did see the surgeon on monday and was told as much as I guess is possible to tell me. I will be seeing them again next week so I guess the next thing I need to know is how dangerous is this surgery, no one has really addressed that. I am really frightened of going through all the pain again and I had trouble with the drains last time with infection and I lost blood that they had to give me 2 pints so now that too is a fear. I guess one of the main things I am interested in knowing is would you all do it again even if you did have problems of infection or extreme pain?
    Looking for a way to come to terms with this decision. I feel like this big weight is with me but than again I also know that I hate how I have felt about myself since this all has occurred.
    thanks again for any advice :)