no surgery?

amyb15 Member Posts: 109 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi, as most of you may know my siser has stage 4 with mets to liver and possibly the lungs. She was initally treated at Sloan and they are saying surgery is not an option at this point. 2nd opinion also said no surgery. 3rd opnion in Maryland said surgery is an option if a lung biopsy comes back as non cancerous. SHe has many samll nodules on her lungs. They did not light up on PET and are unchanged after about 9 months of chemo./ It seems that many of you have had surgery even though you had mets to liver and lungs. She will have the biopsy through VATS on WED. I would like to hear some stories from anyone who has had surgery even though lung and liver mets were detected when you were 1st diagnosed.


  • amyb15
    amyb15 Member Posts: 109 Member
    no surgery
    hi, i wanted to bump the to the top for all to see. Please share your stories with me.
  • Fb489
    Fb489 Member Posts: 69
    amyb15 said:

    no surgery
    hi, i wanted to bump the to the top for all to see. Please share your stories with me.

    My hubby was told surgery is not an option.
    If the tumors are too large they cannot be surgically removed.
    Take the chemo, eat healthy and pray the tumors shrink enough
    to become operable. They are also many here who are not operable.
    Good luck.
  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    I was in the same position
    I was in the same position as your sister. But did have surgery. I don't know the extent of her liver involvement, but I had 3 tumors in my liver that were resected over a year ago, with no recurrance thus far. I also had numerous spots on my lungs at the time, but showing no uptake on the PET. Since then, the lung tumors grew and so I had VATS to remove 4 from my left lung and now we are in a holding pattern for the right as I was told initially that it was inoperable. I've been taking chemo and have an appt with the surgeon in about 2 weeks to see. I hope this helps

  • zenmonk
    zenmonk Member Posts: 198
    lung and liver mets
    I have liver mets and talked to a dr in PA who said he has done surgeries in the past when there was both liver and lung involvement.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    had surgery w/ lung mets
    Hi Amy,

    When I had my liver resection, I also had lung mets. The only reason they still did the surgery though was that the lung mets were not showing up on the PET at the time- just on the CT. If they had shown up on the PET, my surgeon would not have done the liver resection at that point. I didn't have anything other than the liver and the lungs. Since your sister's lung nodules aren't lighting up on the PET either and seem to have been stable for several months, I know that there are surgeons who would agree to do the liver surgery, even if your sister's won't. Please keep searching. My surgeon is probably far away from you, but I really like him and would recommend him to anyone. He's Dr. Andrew Lowy at UCSD/Moores Cancer Center in San Diego. I'm sure there are others probably closer to you who would also do the surgery. Tell your sister to not give up on getting that liver resection!
