I have to say these things on my mind.......and to Phoebe

Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I know this CSN family here, this is my 2nd family but of equal importance to me. I have come to be very close to all of you during my year and so stay. I know everyone of you are saddened by another loss, another Semi Colon, Michael. I am sick of this disease, I am sick of what it does to families. I am heart broke of what it does to children, wives, husbands, aunts, uncles, sons and daughters. I am saddened by the emotional roller coasters that all of us have to travel to try and get some sort of normalcy back into our lives and into our families lives. It pains me to no end to have to be one of the ones to tell my children and wife that I have cancer and that I may go to Heaven sooner then normal. It pains me that Phoebe now has to raise a family without her husband to help with the boys. Its not right, theres nothing right about it, nothing at all. Then we grieve so long to try and relieve ourselves of the loss that simply just jerked the rug out from under us, we regain our footing, our emotional self, our wit, and our strength, and we persevere so that someday, somewhere, some mom or dad or child will not have to go through this themselves. We are all warriors, warriors of a beast that is taking some of our friends away. I hate this beast with all my passion. I resent it being allowed to yet take another one of our own, but in this road we are traveling in order to have some type of reason to still want to stay the course and not give up, we have to keep our heads up, fight this beast, and even if we lose some of our friends in this fight we know that they also are someday going to be part of a cure to where someday soon others will not suffer from this monster.
Phoebe.....I miss Michael as you do, I have had several of my friends ask me through PM "Why do I feel so saddened by this"...It is because he is one of us as you and your boys are. When you first posted you became one of us, as anyone does when they post here. They become one of the closest knit families I have ever witnessed. We laugh and enjoy the victories we have in here, but we also feel the pain and anguish as well when one of us passes. Michael will always be remembered here, he is a family member, he is a semi colon, he is an awesome father and husband , he is our friend, we love him as we do you and the boys. We also understand if you leave us for a while so that you can get through this time and start your new normal life again. We all talk about our new normal lives we live, unknowing of what the future holds but glad that we are part of what the future will be, someday a piece of the puzzle to this cure we all hope for. Michael, is another part of that puzzle that it will take to find an answer that will someday rid society of this beast, and prevent the loss of any more loved ones. I take my solace in knowing that I am a part of the hope that a cure will come one day. I know as Michael did that he and I as Im sure everyone on this site feels the same, rather it be me than one of my children...Michael felt the same as any Dad would. We as patients know what it does to families, and we know what emotions go with it. We also know that we can handle it better than our loved ones so we, the Warriors are the ones that go into battle with this beast. We know how to handle pain without feeling it, we know how to carry this burden for our loved ones, because we are strong, we also know that this beast does not and will not win in the end, because to allow it to win is to allow Michaels and others passing to be in vain and that will never be the case because we do not give up, ever, WE DO NOT GIVE UP EVER !!! We will destroy this monster someday, and casualities will be great, but we will win, because we have men and women like Michael, and Theresa (Tisart) and others that are Warriors and go straight into the battle knowing that death may be iminent, but also knowing that through sacrifice victory will be ours someday. We will rid this place of cancer, we will....and Michael will be a part of that victory as well. To you and your family and to my family here at CSN,,Love and Hope for all.........Clift


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  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Thanks Clift! Superbly said.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Thank you
    Thank you for covering it so eloquently for all of us.


    P.S. I love you, by the way.
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    tootsie1 said:

    Thank you
    Thank you for covering it so eloquently for all of us.


    P.S. I love you, by the way.

    Thanks Buzz
    I am just at such a loss for words..... OUR semi-colon family is SO close. I thank God every day for each and every one of you.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    So many goodbyes.....
    I'm ask by my 'outside' friends why I keep coming when I share that another one of my CSN family has gone on...

    I say "Because we ARE family, and my life has been made richer by knowing these people".

    Phoebe, I'm putting my arms around you right now...feel the warmth?

    Hugs, Kathi
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    eloquently said Buzzard & news about DAN R
    Thanks Clift for saying so much. My heart is so heavy. This disease just robs families. I just returned from my father in law's bedside, whom I have always been very close to, and he is dying from the end stages of Alzheimers. The difference of course, even with an awful disease like Alzheimer's, is that my FIL was 82 and lived a nice full life. Cancer robs families of loved ones long before they've had a full long life.

    I got a PM tonight from DAN R's son. Dan has been taking Dr. Cantrell's treatment, starting mid November. He is not doing well and Dr. Cantrell recommended he stop the treatment and just take palliative care. According to Dan's son, his last scan before starting the treatment had been two months prior and they don't know how much his disease had progressed even prior to starting treatment. He has esophageal cancer, not colorectal, so it was more of an unknown if the treatment was going to work for him. I don't think I can handle hearing about anyone else dying.
    Phoebe- may God carry you through these difficult days ahead. My prayers are with you.

    Hugs and prayers,
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    UH, OH...
    I got up this morning and started going down the list and found Buzzard's post - and now I know what's it all about and now very saddened. I'm going to continue reading but I know what I'll find now.

    But first, I'll just say that Buzzard has said it better than I could and has conveyed the message very well.

    I'm so sorry, Phoebe - I'm at a loss for words right now - just waking up.

  • vchildbeloved
    vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
    Sundanceh said:

    UH, OH...
    I got up this morning and started going down the list and found Buzzard's post - and now I know what's it all about and now very saddened. I'm going to continue reading but I know what I'll find now.

    But first, I'll just say that Buzzard has said it better than I could and has conveyed the message very well.

    I'm so sorry, Phoebe - I'm at a loss for words right now - just waking up.


    I did not know Michael, but
    I did not know Michael, but I feel that he is my brother; and my thoughts and prayers go out to all the family.

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Everytime when I know the
    Everytime when I know the loss of our family,I collapse.Pain,pain and pain.
  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    All I can say is thanks
    All I can say is thanks Clift for this post. Love and hope to all of you too. Paula
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    Thanks Buzz
    Well done Buzz, You said everything that is in my heart as well as many others on this board. Thanks again
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    Thanks Buzz
    Well done Buzz, You said everything that is in my heart as well as many others on this board. Thanks again

    Was a beautiful ode my brother, this has left me in tears, and I hope Phoebe, you feel all our arms around you, I know as Kathi said, that I can feel the warmth, we're all brothers and sister in this, not just the ones with cancer, but the caregivers, family, everyone...

    I have been so depressed this month, I'm even scared to know about my scans on Tuesday, I am sick of hearing such sad news, I wish we can all have some good news for each other soon, I need time to grieve abit, with this and Mike49, and Dan R, Pat, what the hell is going on...

  • thready
    thready Member Posts: 474
    Holding you close in my prayers
    My family and I will be holding you close in our prayers for the time ahead. I am so sorry.

    I also hate this beast, stomach cancer took my husbands best freind-also his cousin in June 2009, he was 46. And now I have to put my precious family through CRC.

    My heart aches for Phoebe and all those who have to walk without loved ones because we still don't have a cure!

  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Amen Buzzard
    Very eloquently said.
  • amcp
    amcp Member Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks for saying it for all of us
    Your words were so right on. Being a caregiver of a semi colon stage 4 and now in phase 1 clinical trial with nothing else left to try, I could not make it without the strength this family gives to one another and the hope that you share. Clift you always say what is close to your heart and express it better than anyone I know. Prayers are for you Phoebe and your sons.
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Thanks Buddy
    Very well said my friend and thank you for saying it. We are family here and we will stick together through whatever may come. It just really sadden me to hear of Michael's passing, and how horrible his family must be feeling, just breaks my heart. I will continue to pray for them.

    God Bless us ALL
  • daydreamer110761
    daydreamer110761 Member Posts: 487 Member
    dorookie said:

    Thanks Buddy
    Very well said my friend and thank you for saying it. We are family here and we will stick together through whatever may come. It just really sadden me to hear of Michael's passing, and how horrible his family must be feeling, just breaks my heart. I will continue to pray for them.

    God Bless us ALL

    I love you guys....
    Clift....beautiful. I may not type often, mostly because i don't know what to say, but I read often. I don't write eloquently, and mostly I am a smart a!!, and try to make ya'all laugh at something hardly laughable...but often, all I do is cry. thankyou...you are awesome.
  • ittapp
    ittapp Member Posts: 383 Member

    I love you guys....
    Clift....beautiful. I may not type often, mostly because i don't know what to say, but I read often. I don't write eloquently, and mostly I am a smart a!!, and try to make ya'all laugh at something hardly laughable...but often, all I do is cry. thankyou...you are awesome.

    Clift, you said it all, I
    Clift, you said it all, I pray for Phoebe and her family. I am so saddened by all of the bad news. I got the news today that my aunt died, she is the last of my fathers side of the family. Diabetes got her with kidney and liver failure. It's a sad day. Patti
  • JDuke
    JDuke Member Posts: 438

    I love you guys....
    Clift....beautiful. I may not type often, mostly because i don't know what to say, but I read often. I don't write eloquently, and mostly I am a smart a!!, and try to make ya'all laugh at something hardly laughable...but often, all I do is cry. thankyou...you are awesome.

    Thank you Clift
    for so eloquently expressing what is on so many of our hearts. It is such a sad time, but I know I speak for all of us when I say that there IS comfort to be found here.
  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    Well said
    Thank you.
  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    Thanks Clift
    Well said. I appreciate you all.

    Love, Leslie


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