Home From Surgery!!!!!!!

maryjane Member Posts: 71
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello to all you wonderful beings that understand and experience this journey with me. Thanks for your SUPPORT AND WISDOM AND POSITIVE APPROACH at a time when it feels tiring to keep moving forward! My hospital experience was better than I expected--quicker recoup than I expected and CHALLENGING to be poked, pricked, and losing complete PRIVACY! I averaged about 3 hours of sleep a nite. Staff was terrific. I was walking 2nd day and pretty free from pain in 4 days--other than getting in and out of bed. I gained 3 pounds in one day from my tasteless but highly nourishing IV menu. In fact, it won the award over hospital food. Enough of my hospital complaints--my surgery was a success--as close to being that word as they can predict. Of course a chemotherapist was paying me daily visits until I finally announced that I'm into RECOVERY from this first step and approaching the next challenge will have to come later. I heard all about microscopic infiltrators that just may be floating around in complete disguise from any of our modern machinery. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks--which was longer than anticipated. I had a 2 cm rectal cancer removed along with 2/3 of my rectum and my bowell refused to wake up. The big question every day...
ARE YOU PASSING GAS AND HAVE YOU HAD A BM? That was my ticket out. A buddy I met in the hospital had the same surgery, same Dr, same day, same size etc and...he was discharged 4 days before me. I was sure that my bowell had gone into a permanent sleep but...it finally happened with inducement and I came home the 13th of Jan--SOOOOOOOOOOOO RELIEVED TO BE BACK IN MY CAVE WITH ALL MY PERSONAL CLOTHING, ART ETC. I have been recuperating since and yes...my aging Bowell is working again--a total miracle in my eyes. Emotionally, my hospital stay was a ROLLER COASTER RIDE. After my 3rd day--and feeling very hopeless--I called the American Cancer Society Navigator at the Hospital to please pay me a visit. I cried with her for several minutes which was a great release. She was so wonderful--bringing me an art book of hundreds of images created by my fellow cancer patients and I was enlightened by all the hope, love and support expressed in those images. The book is published by Lilly and I highly recommend it. It's a moving Art Exhibit and anyone can request it to be shown in your location. VERY UPLIFTING! Being an artist myself...I have been motivated to make my own submission. So...I'm glad to be back ON THE BOARD and continue our sharing of our experience, strength and hope.How are you doing? I need help with trying to make the big decision about getting chemo so please feel free to share.


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Sooo glad to see you back home with a successful outcome!

    As far as the chem goes, myself and many others will tell you to go ahead and just do it. At this point, it's the smart play and you don't want to leave anything to chance, right?

    Look at it this way, you've already gotten through the hurdle of a major surgery, so now we just need to hit this thing with everything we've got. We don't want to turn back now when you have already come so far.

    It's alot to endure, but will take away the "what if's." Of course, doing chemo is no guarantee that nothing will recur in the future, but if you don't do chemo, then you would always wonder "what if." If you do chemo and it were to come back, then you know you still did everything right and proactive in getting yourself well. I think we all can live with that one better.

    I support your decision either way - but hoping you work with your onc and begin treatment while you've got "this thing" on the run!

    Take care - good to hear from you

    -Craig :)
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi Maryjane,I am happy for
    Hi Maryjane,I am happy for you that your surgery was successful and you got great outcome.My husband was diagnosed with T3 stage 2 rectal cancer,after all the preoperative chemo and radiation,surgery,now he is doing adjuvant chemo,he is on the half way point of 12 treatments already.Chemo is not a easy thing,but it will definitely reduce risks of recurrence.Take one day at a time,before you know it,you will finish the adjuvant chemo,then this is just going to be an unpleasant memory.Good luck with everything.Take care.
  • theresa8
    theresa8 Member Posts: 61
    welcome back !
    Hi Mary Jane. I'm so happy to see that you are finally done with the surgery. My husband,s surgery is scheduled for Feb 1 and we are so nervous about it. Please go ahead with the chemo, you researched the subject and I'm sure your doctors are all for it. As for the people on this board everyone will agree that this is what comes next. The final step, a sort of insurance policy for years to come. Take care
  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    I woke up thinking about you this morning...
    and I've been wondering how surgery went and when you'd be back! I'm so glad that you're back and doing well. Sorry it took so long for your innards to wake up. Some are slower than others. Obviously. :o)

    I talked to my onc the other day. Now remember, I'm a stage III where you're a stage II, right? He told me some pretty remarkable stats. One thing he told me about stage III's: They've done studies and eighty percent of stage III's are cured by surgery alone. The only problem is, am I in that eighty percent or in the twenty percent? Of those 20% people, there are 7% to 8% of those that their cancer recur. That's just a little more than one-third that their cancer comes back. Do I want to chance it? Not even. I start chemo on Tuesday. I hope I'm in that 80% that are cured with surgery, but I don't want to chance it without doing everything I can to make sure this doesn't come back. I don't want to ever think I didn't do something that could have been done to prevent recurrence. I guess it gives me peace of mind that I've done all I can. In six months, chemo will be a memory and I can deal with that. :)

    You have to do what you need to do. We'll support you either way. We'll continue to pray for you and we love you. Let us know your concerns so we can help you with those.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Welcome home!
    Hey, Maryjane.

    I'm glad you have gotten the surgery behind you, and that you're doing so well. I have not had chemo (Stage 1), so I can't really help with your decision on that, but I pray you will make the one that is right for you.

  • JDuke
    JDuke Member Posts: 438
    tootsie1 said:

    Welcome home!
    Hey, Maryjane.

    I'm glad you have gotten the surgery behind you, and that you're doing so well. I have not had chemo (Stage 1), so I can't really help with your decision on that, but I pray you will make the one that is right for you.


    Hooray Maryjane
    So glad to read your good news. Glad this step is behind you. Hope your recovery is uneventful.
    Good luck,
  • P_I_T_A
    P_I_T_A Member Posts: 133
    Hey Maryjane
    Glad to hear your out. Isn't it much better being a pain getting out of your own bed instead of a hospital bed? Hope recovery continues to progress well for you! Your chemo onc. is nuts, can't do any chemo until your incision(s) are healed up. Tell to leave you alone and call back in 6-8 weeks.
