Humor before your hair falls out

TLynn0102 Member Posts: 86
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Thought it would be fun to hear what everyone did before their hair fell out. For me losing my long hair was devestating. I had gotten it cut short before the treatments began so I could adjust slowly. Then came the day I had to ask my husband to shave it down to the 2" mark.

Before my second treatment I thought long and hard about what I always wanted to do with my hair...the morning my mom picked me up for treatment I proudly left the house with NEON PRUPLE hair! The look on her face when I got in the car was absoutley priceless!!


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I never even thought about
    I never even thought about anything like that! I hope you got pictures!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    I too had long hair and knowing what I was facing with Chemo, I had it cut short and donated it to Locks of Love. It made the whole process alot easier to handle knowing that I was paying it forward. It has also inspired some of my family members to do the same. When it came time to shave it, I let my teenmongers do the deed. They had a good time doing it! I think they felt it was some sort of pay back for all the bad haircuts they endured when they were little, you know-the crooked bangs and all! :-) Once I was bald, they (& Hubby) decided it would be fun to draw faces on the back of my head, with a permanent marker! It took a while to wash off, but, worth the laughter it created.
    I'm happy that you found humor in the process and what a Kodak moment that look on your Mom's face must of been! Yes, hope you have a picture of the purple hair!?
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    How cool
    I, too, cut my hair short before it actually fell out. I really should have had it colored some crazy color like that. What a fun idea. I'm glad you are finding humor in this process.

  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    Head shaving party
    My boyfriend, boss, and friend all went to my hairdresser. They all shaved their head with me and for me. I then posted the photo of all of us with our shaved heads in our local newspaper. The funny thing was,in the photo, we are were practically bald and my hairdresser, standing in the center with all of us had a beautiful full head of hair!! We all laughed and hoped it didn't hurt her business!
  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    Having a shaving party
    I haven't started chemo yet, but next week, I have an appt to have my long hair cut short. I am considering dying my hair hot pink the night before my 1st chemo treatment(not for sure if I am that brave.) The night after my first treatment, we are having a shaving party..."It's my party & I'll cry if I want to." However, I hope it's a night filled with laughter instead of tears. I am going to let my husband & my best friends shave my head. Pink shirts, cupcakes, cookies, & lemonade for everyone!!! I'll let you know how it goes.

  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    Having a shaving party
    If my hair is long enough it will be donated to "locks of love."

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Tinabug said:

    Having a shaving party
    I haven't started chemo yet, but next week, I have an appt to have my long hair cut short. I am considering dying my hair hot pink the night before my 1st chemo treatment(not for sure if I am that brave.) The night after my first treatment, we are having a shaving party..."It's my party & I'll cry if I want to." However, I hope it's a night filled with laughter instead of tears. I am going to let my husband & my best friends shave my head. Pink shirts, cupcakes, cookies, & lemonade for everyone!!! I'll let you know how it goes.


    sounds like a fun party to
    sounds like a fun party to me.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    Tinabug said:

    Having a shaving party
    If my hair is long enough it will be donated to "locks of love."


    What a great idea-a shaving party! That's awesome! I'm sorry that you even have to lose your hair, but it's wonderful that you are thinking of donating it also. Your donation has to be at least 10 inches. You can go to and it will give you more info on their guidelines. We are all invited to the party right?
  • Tinabug
    Tinabug Member Posts: 158
    Cat64 said:

    What a great idea-a shaving party! That's awesome! I'm sorry that you even have to lose your hair, but it's wonderful that you are thinking of donating it also. Your donation has to be at least 10 inches. You can go to and it will give you more info on their guidelines. We are all invited to the party right?

    Of course

    You all are, definitely, invited to my party; it wouldn't be a party without you. You may not all realize it, but in the last couple of mths ya'll are always with me. Maybe not literally, but in my mind & heart. I wouldn't be able to make this journey without the ladies on this site.

    Thank you,
  • TLynn0102
    TLynn0102 Member Posts: 86
    Tinabug said:

    Of course

    You all are, definitely, invited to my party; it wouldn't be a party without you. You may not all realize it, but in the last couple of mths ya'll are always with me. Maybe not literally, but in my mind & heart. I wouldn't be able to make this journey without the ladies on this site.

    Thank you,

    No purple hair pics
    I have no purple hair pic's to share...I did not think to take any until you metioned it. My long hair unfortunately could not be donated, I colored it so they told me no. There were a couple of other great things we did when I found out about the BC. The first week after hearing the news everything was so emotional...I don't like weeks like that and am sure none of you do either. I invited all my friends over and we had a 'just a normal day' party, it was fun until we got 14" of rain in less than two hours. Then all my son's friends (in their 20's) showed up one day with their heads shaved! They told me they did it in honor of me. It was a touching moment. I think if you can't find some sort of humor in a horrible situaiton the situation will eat you alive. I love the marker idea and PINK hair...GO FOR IT! It is the only time in your life you will be able to do it! Head shaving parties are great too! Remember...Laughter is the best medicine of all. :-) Hugs and smiles to you all!
  • tat2granny
    tat2granny Member Posts: 77
    TLynn0102 said:

    No purple hair pics
    I have no purple hair pic's to share...I did not think to take any until you metioned it. My long hair unfortunately could not be donated, I colored it so they told me no. There were a couple of other great things we did when I found out about the BC. The first week after hearing the news everything was so emotional...I don't like weeks like that and am sure none of you do either. I invited all my friends over and we had a 'just a normal day' party, it was fun until we got 14" of rain in less than two hours. Then all my son's friends (in their 20's) showed up one day with their heads shaved! They told me they did it in honor of me. It was a touching moment. I think if you can't find some sort of humor in a horrible situaiton the situation will eat you alive. I love the marker idea and PINK hair...GO FOR IT! It is the only time in your life you will be able to do it! Head shaving parties are great too! Remember...Laughter is the best medicine of all. :-) Hugs and smiles to you all!

    My new cut
    I went today and had my hair cut! You should have seen the look on the gal's face! She couldn't believe I wanted it this short. Told her,, well it's gonna be a lot easier for my boyfriend to wash it! Then she told me that she cut her Aunt's hair the same way when she was going thru kemo! You never know just WHO has went thru this fight till you start talking. I wish I had the nerve to color it purple or Tennessee orange! Then I look at the picture and I see all the Gray! After the cut, I saw all the gray shinning so pretty,,,and thought well gal you have earned every single gray hair there,, LET THE GRAY SHINE!
  • Jacque101
    Jacque101 Member Posts: 75

    My new cut
    I went today and had my hair cut! You should have seen the look on the gal's face! She couldn't believe I wanted it this short. Told her,, well it's gonna be a lot easier for my boyfriend to wash it! Then she told me that she cut her Aunt's hair the same way when she was going thru kemo! You never know just WHO has went thru this fight till you start talking. I wish I had the nerve to color it purple or Tennessee orange! Then I look at the picture and I see all the Gray! After the cut, I saw all the gray shinning so pretty,,,and thought well gal you have earned every single gray hair there,, LET THE GRAY SHINE!

    Bad hair day..
    I had my first chemo yesterday, and a shot today. I have a full head of hair today. The girl at the wig boutique told me how beautiful it was...I told was mine for about another 10-12 days and then it would all be gone. She helped me find a color similar with frosting...i loved it. She said these will make you look much younger. I said can I buy several? We agreed on two but I could only purchas one. I paid the price and wore it home. We went out to eat and no body noticed. Husband said if I wasn't good to him...he'd accidently knock it off...I just said...well, you'll be the one standing here w/ me. We just laughed. Yes, hearing that I would lose my hair was worse than hearing about the cancer. I have had a hard time coping with that. Friends have bought me some hats I even started to wearing them to school already so everyone wouldnt be shocked in a few weeks. I never though of myself as a hat person...but maybe I can get use to it now. :) You just deal with what God gives to you. I felt I had a hugh mountian that I had to climb...that was until I heard the news of Haiti, now my problem is just a grain of sand and I intend to treat it like that. God Bless those children of Haiti.