Exhausted but continuing Taxol

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had my 10th weekly dose of Taxol today after I saw Dr. I was given the option of stopping it now as I am soooo exhausted/tired/whatever you want to call it, most of the time and it is getting progressively worse with each dose or continueing. Some blood work is low but not close to dangerous. He told me that if it was intolerable, I could stop and would have gotten 85 - 90% of what 'it' could do by going for the whole 12 doses. I decided to keep on with it. My thought was anything less than 100% of what 'it' can do is not what I want - I went in to fight and fight I will no matter how exhausting it is now - it will pass. Because of where they were working today (different places but both were up in the Hills out of cell coverage), Hubby and Son were out of cell range so couldn't talk with them but when I finally got them, they both said to keep going - they will take over house work and horse care for the time being if they need/have to. So as it stands now - I will finish Chemo with 2 more doses of Taxol, will start Femara in 4 weeks and will be seeing Rads before long for schedule with them.

All in all - a good day.



  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Sorry to hear that your so tired, but at least you are getting close to the finish line (at least for chemo)!

    Please make sure to let your hubby and son help you out. Even though I've heard that rads are much easier than chemo, they can also make you tired toward the end, so you'll need to have some reserves to get you all the way through to that finish line up ahead!

    Take care,
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Hey Susan
    I had 12 rounds of Taxol with herceptin. I was very tired towards the end. They then gave me about a month off before starting Rads & Tamoxifen. So here is how it played out for me. Just about the time you start to gain your energy back, you start the rads and I was told that towards the end of that I will be tired again. So leave the work up to the boys and finish what you started. Good for you. Hugs
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Susan, you knew you were in
    Susan, you knew you were in for the fight of your life and I'm glad you're not stopping until you reach the finish line, so to speak. I know for peace of mind, I would do the same thing. Rads are very different for everyone. I really didn't experience a lot of fatigue from them. I had 34 treatments with the last 9 being boosters. I was told by one of the rads techs that there are some people that really fatigue badly and can hardly make it through. I hope you don't experience this but if you do I feel certain you'll still make it through. Sending strength your way and let the boys take care of the house and horses. You take care of yourself now!!
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Hey Susan, my onc just
    Hey Susan, my onc just stopped my taxol, I managed to get through 11 of the 12. My neuropathy was getting really bad and some of that can be irreversible so they decided to stop it. I have a bilateral mastectomy, all lymph nodes, both ovaries, and expanders the first week of feb. Hang in there for those last couple doses, they say 90% is good so if you can do even one more you should be ok. Way to keep going.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Hey Susan, my onc just
    Hey Susan, my onc just stopped my taxol, I managed to get through 11 of the 12. My neuropathy was getting really bad and some of that can be irreversible so they decided to stop it. I have a bilateral mastectomy, all lymph nodes, both ovaries, and expanders the first week of feb. Hang in there for those last couple doses, they say 90% is good so if you can do even one more you should be ok. Way to keep going.

    Every week i threatend to
    Every week i threatend to quit but i kept going now I have one more. question what is "bad neuropathy" I have had it getting worse mostly at night. feet hurt and shins I take advil and it is better. I worry that this will not go away and I am a nurse and want to goback.
  • scout5000
    scout5000 Member Posts: 94 Member
    I didn't do the last Taxol
    I didn't do the last Taxol due to tons of side effects- hearing loss, neuropathy, stomach pain... My onc. said that the side effects could become permanent if I did one more Taxol, so I stopped. It has been 6 months and I still have the same level of neuropathy but my hearing and stomach improved. If your only side effect is exhaustion, I'd finish. Good luck.