blood in urine

kapper48 Member Posts: 85
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Just wanted to give an update, 2weeks ago I went in for round 8 of chemo, when I got there I told my onc. that I was having a problem going to the bathroom. She told me that because I had a pressing issue that she did not want to give me chemo this week. She sent me to see my uroligist and he said I had a urinary tract infection and put me on antibiodics for 7 days. The meds did not work very good, I went in on Tuesday of last week and started chemo and by tuesday evening I was peeing nothing but blood and also passing blood clots. I came off the chemo pump on thursday and went back to see my uroligist and that point he told me that he needed to put a scope up little pat and take a look, OH MY GOD!!!! I have never felt pain like that in my life, I would have rather had the surgery again. I think I made up a few new words that day. Anyway he put me on cipro for the weekend and scheduled me to be at the hospital on monday morning to take another look at my bladder, This time I was put to sleep so there was no pain (thank god) He said the floor of my bladder looked abnormal so he took a biopsy and now I am waiting to see if the cancer has spread to my bladder, I guess since I no longer have a colon for it to attack its going to pick another organ to pester. He did say that it could be nothing and because of the blood thinners that I am on that could also be what caused it. Right now I am a little scared I am so afraid that its the cancer again. I have a ct scan on friday so I guess I will find out more then. Has anyone ever had this happen???


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  • grandma2selena
    grandma2selena Member Posts: 199
    Prayers Your Way
    Never experienced anything like this other then a bad urinary infection from the massive radiation they hit me with at the end of my treatments.

    I will keep you in my prayers for everything to come back ok!
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    "since I no longer have a colon "

    My Colon is disconnected (I have an ileostomy), if you also have an ileo.....
    or actually with or without shouldn't make a difference.... There is a continual
    problem with dehydration due to the lack of an ileocecal valve that is usually
    taken out for a major resection of the colon.

    Getting dehydrated causes kidney stones to form, and that in turn
    will cause bleeding as they move through the canals.

    Some of us manage to pass sand, rather than whole stones, but
    the bleeding starts earlier than the pain, either way.

    I'm not too sure if any of that pertains to you, but it had me in a
    panic until I figured it out...
  • kapper48
    kapper48 Member Posts: 85
    John23 said:

    "since I no longer have a colon "

    My Colon is disconnected (I have an ileostomy), if you also have an ileo.....
    or actually with or without shouldn't make a difference.... There is a continual
    problem with dehydration due to the lack of an ileocecal valve that is usually
    taken out for a major resection of the colon.

    Getting dehydrated causes kidney stones to form, and that in turn
    will cause bleeding as they move through the canals.

    Some of us manage to pass sand, rather than whole stones, but
    the bleeding starts earlier than the pain, either way.

    I'm not too sure if any of that pertains to you, but it had me in a
    panic until I figured it out...

    thank you for the info
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    boy I think I would like to
    boy I think I would like to bloody the nose of the urologist for putting you through that procedure AWAKE!!
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    So sorry
    I'm so sorry you are dealing with a new question. There always seems to be something else. I cannot answer your questions, unfortunately, but I want to second the motion of doing something unspeakable to the urologist for doing that while you were awake!
  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Prayers are still going your
    Prayers are still going your way! I also can't add to what the others have said, but really... doesn't it make you wonder if physicians could go through what they put their patients through that they'd be a little more compassionate? Not saying he isn't, but maybe if he was probed like you were, he would have waited until you were "out"??? Just sayin'...
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    HollyID said:

    Prayers are still going your
    Prayers are still going your way! I also can't add to what the others have said, but really... doesn't it make you wonder if physicians could go through what they put their patients through that they'd be a little more compassionate? Not saying he isn't, but maybe if he was probed like you were, he would have waited until you were "out"??? Just sayin'...

    Personally I have
    Personally I have experienced a colonoscopy that made me aware that there are probably physicians who are into inflicting pain for their own perverse jollys, as in being a sadomasicist. There is something wrong with a urologist who inflicts that kind of pain. It is NOT right.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Patteee said:

    Personally I have
    Personally I have experienced a colonoscopy that made me aware that there are probably physicians who are into inflicting pain for their own perverse jollys, as in being a sadomasicist. There is something wrong with a urologist who inflicts that kind of pain. It is NOT right.

    I'm With
    Patti!! why did he do that procedure awake???? I would have demanded him put me to sleep! poor little pat!

    I have never experienced any blood in my urine, but just wanted to let you know that we're here for you, and it's ok to be alittle scared, don't dwell on it now, make sure you really know what it is before you work yourself all up also, you never know, it could be something really simple! I wish I was there to hug ya! You'll be in my prayers, and hope everything works out ok!

  • KATE58
    KATE58 Member Posts: 299
    Shayenne said:

    I'm With
    Patti!! why did he do that procedure awake???? I would have demanded him put me to sleep! poor little pat!

    I have never experienced any blood in my urine, but just wanted to let you know that we're here for you, and it's ok to be alittle scared, don't dwell on it now, make sure you really know what it is before you work yourself all up also, you never know, it could be something really simple! I wish I was there to hug ya! You'll be in my prayers, and hope everything works out ok!


  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Pat, I used to have bladder
    Pat, I used to have bladder infections all the time and would bleed (but no clots). Keflex was the best med for me.

    Hubby has an atrophied neurogenic bladder and has had to catherize himself now for over 20 years. He does it about 5 times a day. The nerves are dead in his bladder so when he gets an infection, we don't know it until it's spread to his kidneys. He will feel like he has the flu and have a high fever and back ache.

    Hope nothing serious is going on! Let us know! Maybe it's just a bad infection.
  • Madre
    Madre Member Posts: 123
    So sorry you have to go through more crap
    I work for a urologist and your procedure sounds like a cystoscopy. We do it in the office while people are awake and just like any other procedure (filling at the dentist, colonoscopy, wart removal) some people don't notice anything and some people feel everything. Did your urologist do a urine cytology test? The doc I work for usually orders that (3 times in a row) when people have blood in their urine. The lab test the urine for abnormalities in the actual cells of the urine, not just infection. You were smart to go (so many people don't) and be thankful they didn't find a tumor. Drink lots of fluids, cut back on coffee and soda. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your biopsy comes bck normal.


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