After treatment...colds, flu, odd stuf...HELP!

TLynn0102 Member Posts: 86
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My chemo ended one year ago on December 5th. I had reconstruciton surgery on the 21st of January and returned to work finally on April 6th; just shy of one year. I was fortunate that I was able to work from home everyday so that I was not exposed to any illness or odd germs people have while undergoing chemo. With winter here now I am finding that I am CONSTANTLY getting sick. It seems I see the doctor more now than I did while in treatment. I have gotten 3 earaches, 4 colds, two rounds of the flu and now I have bronchitis. All this since late November. I eat right, get lots of rest, take my vitamins, wash my hands and watch who I come in contact with. Even got both of the flu shots! Has anyone else experienced this after you were done with treatment and if so what have you done to combat these problems? I try to explain at work that I am ill and need to rest in order to feel better but I am starting to feel like a broken record. Needless to say I am getting a little upset about the entire situation. Have a wonderful day and thanks!


  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Hi Tracey ♥
    I can't answer specifically for your case, but, just look at all that you have been thru. That is a LOT! I had 2 lumpectomys last year with my 2nd bout of breast cancer, countless scans and MRI's, blood tests, 37 radiation treatments and even more. We have been put thru a lot Tracey. And, I don't know about you, but, our winter here is worse than it has been for years. Our poor bodies have to go thru so much and sometimes with back to back treatments and surgeries, they don't have time to actually even heal or get strong. I got the regular flu shot and got the flu immediately. LOL I didn't get the H1N1 as my oncologist felt is hadn't been tested enough. Have you spoken to your oncologist or gp about this? Maybe there is something else going on with you, like low in Vitamin D, anemic or thyroid problems or many things. I would suggest that. Let us know if you do and what you find out. And, I hope that you start to feel better soon!

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>
  • TLynn0102
    TLynn0102 Member Posts: 86
    Jeanne D said:

    Hi Tracey ♥
    I can't answer specifically for your case, but, just look at all that you have been thru. That is a LOT! I had 2 lumpectomys last year with my 2nd bout of breast cancer, countless scans and MRI's, blood tests, 37 radiation treatments and even more. We have been put thru a lot Tracey. And, I don't know about you, but, our winter here is worse than it has been for years. Our poor bodies have to go thru so much and sometimes with back to back treatments and surgeries, they don't have time to actually even heal or get strong. I got the regular flu shot and got the flu immediately. LOL I didn't get the H1N1 as my oncologist felt is hadn't been tested enough. Have you spoken to your oncologist or gp about this? Maybe there is something else going on with you, like low in Vitamin D, anemic or thyroid problems or many things. I would suggest that. Let us know if you do and what you find out. And, I hope that you start to feel better soon!

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>

    Doctor tells me
    Hi Jeanne,
    I did speak to my GP doctor yesterday, she told me the same thing you mentioned, the amount of 'trama' we have been through warrants a weak immune system. She indicated that it will take time to rebuild what I have lost. I explained to her that I am frustrated with not feeling better and she seemed to understand. It's enough to deal with the emotional adjustments of cancer and then have the bugs added to it. She suggested I try to get more rest, eat more veggies and stay away from sick people. I will give it a try. Thank you for reminding me of what we go through when fighting this battle, sometimes it just does not seem all that real to me but I know I went through hell and back when I look in the mirror. This is another stepping stone to recovery I guess, or a simple reminder to slow down a little bit. I see my oncologist on the 12th of Feb. and will have all my blood and marker tests then. I will inquire about ways to ward off getting sick and see what he suggests. Have a wonderful day and thank you again! Tracey
  • labtech
    labtech Member Posts: 37
    Jeanne D said:

    Hi Tracey ♥
    I can't answer specifically for your case, but, just look at all that you have been thru. That is a LOT! I had 2 lumpectomys last year with my 2nd bout of breast cancer, countless scans and MRI's, blood tests, 37 radiation treatments and even more. We have been put thru a lot Tracey. And, I don't know about you, but, our winter here is worse than it has been for years. Our poor bodies have to go thru so much and sometimes with back to back treatments and surgeries, they don't have time to actually even heal or get strong. I got the regular flu shot and got the flu immediately. LOL I didn't get the H1N1 as my oncologist felt is hadn't been tested enough. Have you spoken to your oncologist or gp about this? Maybe there is something else going on with you, like low in Vitamin D, anemic or thyroid problems or many things. I would suggest that. Let us know if you do and what you find out. And, I hope that you start to feel better soon!

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>

    flu shots
    HI, i am so glad i came on here and read this. I have been wondering the same thing myslef, we have been through so much and when i was well before the cancer last yr i would get a flu shot and get sick right after as well. I didn't get either shot this yr for fear of dying. im not sure what to do but am meeting with my doctor soon to discuss what to do when the flu or sickness happens. its awful to be so scared all the time over everything.

    tracey a.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    TLynn0102 said:

    Doctor tells me
    Hi Jeanne,
    I did speak to my GP doctor yesterday, she told me the same thing you mentioned, the amount of 'trama' we have been through warrants a weak immune system. She indicated that it will take time to rebuild what I have lost. I explained to her that I am frustrated with not feeling better and she seemed to understand. It's enough to deal with the emotional adjustments of cancer and then have the bugs added to it. She suggested I try to get more rest, eat more veggies and stay away from sick people. I will give it a try. Thank you for reminding me of what we go through when fighting this battle, sometimes it just does not seem all that real to me but I know I went through hell and back when I look in the mirror. This is another stepping stone to recovery I guess, or a simple reminder to slow down a little bit. I see my oncologist on the 12th of Feb. and will have all my blood and marker tests then. I will inquire about ways to ward off getting sick and see what he suggests. Have a wonderful day and thank you again! Tracey

    Yes Tracey, you have been
    Yes Tracey, you have been thru a lot and your body is going to react to it. It just takes time, so you will have to try and be patient. And, there are a lot of sick people out there at this time of year. Just be careful, take your vitamins and see what your onco says.
