Surgery done...starting tamoxifen

ccd Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am 3 weeks post mastectomy, still having pain but getting a bit better everyday. Before my surgery it was discovered that my CA125 (uterine cancer marker) was slightly elevated. My Mother currently has uterine cancer (she's 88 and doing GREAT!) so I had an ultra sound done. A complex cyst was seen on my right now that the breast cancer is taken care of (DCIS with no invasion) I have opted for a complete hysterectomy. I want to get everything out so I won't have to spend time wondering if something is going on inside me. However the thought of yet another surgery and recovery is so depressing! I am having a really hard time with all of this...1 Thanks for letting me vent!!


  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    ccd, a very dear friend of
    ccd, a very dear friend of mine who is, oh, around 60, just had her uterus removed and she is doing great. The incision bothers her since she is still very large after losing nearly 100 pounds and the lower abdominal skin sort of flops over it. But she took the pain meds one day and after that only regular Tylenol. Constipation was her motivation to get off them. She hasn't been released to drive yet and, since she lives alone, that bugs her. Gives her friends a chance to step in! Anyway, if a hysterectomy gives you peace of mind, I hope you can find the strength of spirit to do it. Sooner or later.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    crselby said:

    ccd, a very dear friend of
    ccd, a very dear friend of mine who is, oh, around 60, just had her uterus removed and she is doing great. The incision bothers her since she is still very large after losing nearly 100 pounds and the lower abdominal skin sort of flops over it. But she took the pain meds one day and after that only regular Tylenol. Constipation was her motivation to get off them. She hasn't been released to drive yet and, since she lives alone, that bugs her. Gives her friends a chance to step in! Anyway, if a hysterectomy gives you peace of mind, I hope you can find the strength of spirit to do it. Sooner or later.

    Is this the best
    Is this the best recommendation of your oncologist? If you trust him, then you should do what he says in order for you to stay healthy. Let us know.

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Alexis F said:

    Is this the best
    Is this the best recommendation of your oncologist? If you trust him, then you should do what he says in order for you to stay healthy. Let us know.


    This place is for any of us
    This place is for any of us to vent, so vent away. I am praying for you!
