finally news on hands

rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
hi all my sweet sisters and bro's. just thought i would update you on my situation. I recieved the call yesterday that I have MRCA. I have another apt. in Billings on Wed. We are trying to clear this up, It is very contagious and no work until Dr. says. I probably contacted this from the hosp. that i work at. It is staff infection resistent to most anti-bodies. They have me on the strongest ones now.

As for my son, He is at a facility for mental health trying to get stabalized. Not to exceed 90 days they say.....Oh boy do I need a break from this avalanche of worries. I am strong, and will fight for both of us, pulling up the big girl panties once again. Please keep us in your prayers....I know they are working.
I am holding you all close in my heart as always.
love, jackie


  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Thanks for the update
    Jackie, I'm sorry that it turned out to be MRCA. If anyone in the whole universe deserves a break, it's certainly you. But I'm relieved to hear that Jace is finally in a safe place and receiving compassionate care from experts. He has been happy and fulfilled before, and he will be again. I know you're (as usual) up against a lot. But, as always, Moopy and I are betting on you!

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Aortus said:

    Thanks for the update
    Jackie, I'm sorry that it turned out to be MRCA. If anyone in the whole universe deserves a break, it's certainly you. But I'm relieved to hear that Jace is finally in a safe place and receiving compassionate care from experts. He has been happy and fulfilled before, and he will be again. I know you're (as usual) up against a lot. But, as always, Moopy and I are betting on you!


    Wow that took a long time to
    Wow that took a long time to figure out. I was hoping not so extensive. hoping for a quick resolution for you and your son
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    I had residents who had MRSA
    I had residents who had MRSA at the Nursing Home I worked at for almost 8 years. I don't think you ever get rid of it completely, it kinda goes into a dorment stage or like a remission. My son's EX girlfriend(grandson's mom) contractd it from the Assisted living facility she worked at. But Son's EX is doing fine. I don't know a lot about it, or what triggers a flare-up. I believe open sores can have it. But otherwise you can continue normally with your life when it's not in a flare up.

    Please take care and know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Thank you for letting us
    Thank you for letting us know, Jackie. Joe said the word "biopsy," so I was very nervous for you, even though I knew it could not be the beast. My coworker's husband developed a MRCA infection in his arm. It took awhile with strong antibiotics and rest, but he is fine. I am sorry it turned out be MRCA, but relieved that the right diagnosis was made, at last. Finally, you can get treatment to cure your hand. With Jace getting intense care for this episode, I have hope that he will be able to return to the stable and productive life he had.

    You and Jace remain in our prayers, dear friend. Your heart is aching for your son, but you did the right thing for him and the best you could. You always do. Keep on hanging on. This year will get better.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Oh sweet Jackie~ you didn't
    Oh sweet Jackie~ you didn't need MRCA, you need MERCY! I am glad you got an update and definitive diagnosis; I realize MRCA is antibiotic resistant, but of course we know how strong, determined, and cautious you are, not to mention diligent about meds~ so I feel certain you will indeed get this under control.

    My ex is a psyche RN and has been for 30 years. He is so attentive to those in his care. His patients love him and trust him literally with their lives. Aside from working at free-standing board and care mental health facilites, and a major hospital, he also works in concert with the police to ascertain if someone needs to be put on a hold or not. He regularly accompanies many to their court dates, as well as takes them to the malls and for lunch and monthly hair cuts. I hope that Jace is in the hands of staff like my ex, and that the staph on your hands will soon exit! (sorry~ that just flew out of my fingers and onto this page!)

    Love and peace to you,you so need/deserve it!
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    chenheart said:

    Oh sweet Jackie~ you didn't
    Oh sweet Jackie~ you didn't need MRCA, you need MERCY! I am glad you got an update and definitive diagnosis; I realize MRCA is antibiotic resistant, but of course we know how strong, determined, and cautious you are, not to mention diligent about meds~ so I feel certain you will indeed get this under control.

    My ex is a psyche RN and has been for 30 years. He is so attentive to those in his care. His patients love him and trust him literally with their lives. Aside from working at free-standing board and care mental health facilites, and a major hospital, he also works in concert with the police to ascertain if someone needs to be put on a hold or not. He regularly accompanies many to their court dates, as well as takes them to the malls and for lunch and monthly hair cuts. I hope that Jace is in the hands of staff like my ex, and that the staph on your hands will soon exit! (sorry~ that just flew out of my fingers and onto this page!)

    Love and peace to you,you so need/deserve it!

    Our hearts and prayers go
    Our hearts and prayers go out to you, Jackie!

    Now the doctor knows what he's treating on your hands. That, at least, is a step in the right direction.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    jk1952 said:

    Our hearts and prayers go
    Our hearts and prayers go out to you, Jackie!

    Now the doctor knows what he's treating on your hands. That, at least, is a step in the right direction.


    I will continue to keep you
    I will continue to keep you and Jace in my prayers. Glad they have determined what was going on with your hands but sorry it is more serious than we had hoped. And big prayers too that Jace will find his balance again. You deserve much better than all of this.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    fauxma said:

    I will continue to keep you
    I will continue to keep you and Jace in my prayers. Glad they have determined what was going on with your hands but sorry it is more serious than we had hoped. And big prayers too that Jace will find his balance again. You deserve much better than all of this.

    Sorry for your diagnosis. Is your infection susceptible to any antibiotics?
    I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers.
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member

    Sorry for your diagnosis. Is your infection susceptible to any antibiotics?
    I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers.

    My son was in a mental facility.
    My youger son, Andrew, was hospitalized for a severe depression when he was 19 years old. None of the meds worked so they hospitalized him. The good news is that his is 34 years old and is fine. He has a few bouts of unexplained "sadness" but he was taught to look for that and his doc gave him actions to take like exercise and diet changes to get him through it. I hope your sons gets well and stays well. You too!

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Hi Jackie - Glad to hear
    Hi Jackie - Glad to hear that you have a diagnosis! and a course of action and antibiotics. I wonder if this is this the same kind of infection that you had months back, just not diagnosed the same? Or if there is a connection?

    My prayers go out to you and Jace and all your family. I know that you will beat this, too. xoxoxoxo Lynn