The drive to radiation

pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Started radiation this week. My drive from work to rads and home again is about 100 miles everyday, it's going to be a long 5 weeks. Plus I live in Colorado where the mountain passes can be a challenge in the winter. Keeping my fingers crossed for "mostly" good weather for my daily drive. Have to admit I feel a bit wore out already, mostly in the evening. Do you think it's the radiation or just my daily schedule?


  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    it could be both when i did radiation i got more tired it seemed in the middle of the week.i took naps but i also burnt so bad and they would not let me put anything on it.i was sure glad when it was over and i know you will be also. i hope it goes by fast and the weather is good.

    best of luck to you and rest.
    :0) teresa
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi,I just finished rads. today.Thank God.I travel around 100 miles a day for treatments also.And I know what you mean.the first week was very long and the last two weeks were.My last one today I drove in a winter storm.I know what you mesn.I was lucky to have different ones to go with me.My son on Mon.My sister on Tues.Daughter on weds.My husband on Thurs and my best friend on Friday.So that helped allot.Just to have them go with me.I hope your 5wks. go fast for you.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    ppurdin said:

    Hi,I just finished rads. today.Thank God.I travel around 100 miles a day for treatments also.And I know what you mean.the first week was very long and the last two weeks were.My last one today I drove in a winter storm.I know what you mesn.I was lucky to have different ones to go with me.My son on Mon.My sister on Tues.Daughter on weds.My husband on Thurs and my best friend on Friday.So that helped allot.Just to have them go with me.I hope your 5wks. go fast for you.Love and Prayers.(Pat).

    I never burnt, but, started turning pink probably about the 4th week. And, I didn't get tired until about then too. You just aren't used to it and that is a long drive. It took us about and hour and a half each way, so, about 3 hours everyday for us, but, it was worth it as I knew it was killing the cancer. Could you stay somewhere in town if needed? Good luck to you!

    Sue :)
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Hang In There
    Hang in there. That is a very long drive. I get tired driving to my treatments everyday after work and all and I only have about a 20 mile drive.

    I did burn pretty bad. My skin turned black and peeled. They prescribed a burn cream for me and switched me to boosters. I have 9 more to go and then I am all done with all of that. I can hardly wait.

  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    That's an amazing long drive! I'm almost done, I have 2 regular treatments and 5 boosters to go (wooohoo!). I didn't really begin to feel the fatigue until week 3 and it affected me quite strongly, but i'm told that everyone is very different. Sounds like the long drive may certainly be a factor there. I work in the same place where I get my rads, but do have an hours drive home, so have to factor that drive time into my level of fatigue. I've left work w/that drive home with not a whole lot of energy left. Take it from me, be careful. That being said, my drive is still shorter than yours.

    I was very pink and very tender early on and now my breast is more brown than pink, very dark nipple (which is now peeling - yuck) and not as tender. Haven't worn a bra since week 2! The girls are smaller, so I can manage well enough...thank God fro large denim shirts!

    Use all the lotions they provide and be generous in the application. Be sure and take naps as you need to and just be good to yourself in general. Is anyone driving with you?

    Good luck w/the rest of rads! God Bless...

  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    jbug said:

    That's an amazing long drive! I'm almost done, I have 2 regular treatments and 5 boosters to go (wooohoo!). I didn't really begin to feel the fatigue until week 3 and it affected me quite strongly, but i'm told that everyone is very different. Sounds like the long drive may certainly be a factor there. I work in the same place where I get my rads, but do have an hours drive home, so have to factor that drive time into my level of fatigue. I've left work w/that drive home with not a whole lot of energy left. Take it from me, be careful. That being said, my drive is still shorter than yours.

    I was very pink and very tender early on and now my breast is more brown than pink, very dark nipple (which is now peeling - yuck) and not as tender. Haven't worn a bra since week 2! The girls are smaller, so I can manage well enough...thank God fro large denim shirts!

    Use all the lotions they provide and be generous in the application. Be sure and take naps as you need to and just be good to yourself in general. Is anyone driving with you?

    Good luck w/the rest of rads! God Bless...


    I agree! I really feel for
    I agree! I really feel for you gals who have to drive such distances. I only had a 15 min drive from my grandson's house. Ihad about a 25 min drive back home to my house afterward.
  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    Thanks for all your repsonses ladies...have a great day!
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    pgrace35 said:

    Thanks for all your repsonses ladies...have a great day!

    I had to do the same
    I had to do the same thing...100 round trip ...and then on to work ! I
    arranged it to have the first appt. at I'd leave around 7:00, grab a coffee on the way..and arrive right on time...then go straight to work afterwards. I never felt the fatigue at all. I think doing it in the a.m. helped. But I did get some nasty burns the last couple of weeks. The creams are good though. They never hurt.Just looked nasty.
    Good luck