Feeding Tube Question?

emg09 Member Posts: 228
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Well, I think we finally have my dad to a point to agree to the feeding tube? There are 2 different one's, Jtube and Gtube??? Does anyone have any information on either or which they would prefer. The nurse was suggesting both, at the same time. I'm going to do my research, but wanted to get the question out there. Also, has anyone had their esophagus stent removed because of side effects??? They have my poor dad so drugged. He's seeing things and talking to himself. He can't stay awake for very long. It's just so depressing. They won't be doing ANYTHING with him until Monday, so he'll be in the hospital until at least Monday. I just can't believe how many bumps in the road there are!! He's been so groogy, that's why I'm guessing he's kind of ok with the tube. All tests are still clear for him. They do think it's a combination of the tumor and the stent causing so much pain. They are insisting that if they remove the stent it will close back up, but to me, how do they know that for sure?? AND, is it a problem to have the esophagus stretched as needed?? Hopefully the chemo, Taxotore, will do the shrinking, yes, they are only using that on him right now. I see other's are using this mixed with other chemo's. That's the next question for his Dr. on Monday. Well, any advice will be greatly appreciated!!!

The beginning of the new year isn't so good so far, I hope it improves for all of us!!! I know things are going really well for others and I'm so happy for that!!! I'm just sad right now. We are supposed to be going to a friends house and I feel kind of bad going, knowing my parents are sitting in the hospital. Ok, enough of that.



  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    j-tube vs g-tube
    HI Erika

    I can't address all the other questions---but the only thing I can address is that the G-tube ia a GASTRIC tube (stomach) and the J-tube is from the Jejunum a part of the small intestine... it is below the stomach area. My dad had this because the stomach was pulled up to be the new esophagus---
  • survivorfam
    survivorfam Member Posts: 41
    K_ann1015 said:

    j-tube vs g-tube
    HI Erika

    I can't address all the other questions---but the only thing I can address is that the G-tube ia a GASTRIC tube (stomach) and the J-tube is from the Jejunum a part of the small intestine... it is below the stomach area. My dad had this because the stomach was pulled up to be the new esophagus---

    j-tube vs g-tube
    Hi Erika,
    So sorry you are beginning the new year in these circumstances. I am no expert on feeding tubes but I do know my husband's surgeon would not let him get a g-tube because it might interfere with his esophagectomy. Your father's surgeon should advise you on this. My husband has had a j-tube since his surgery 3 weeks ago and is tolerating it quite well. My husband also had a stent prior to his treatment and surgery that had to be removed less than a week after its placement because it was causing him unbearable pain. I would definitely be aggressive on your father's behalf if you're not satisfied with what's going on.
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  • maria53
    maria53 Member Posts: 9
    Feeding tube question
    Hi Erika, I just posted to this site but I wanted to let you know that the surgeon will be the best resource for placement of the tube. We were told a J tube would be placed during surgery due to the need to allow healing of the anastomisis of the "conduit" constructed during the surgery. Chucks tube feedings were started on post op day 1 and really he lost very little weight during the whole hospitalization although it was not without a few bumps in the road. We are working out a home program now and I will be happy to advise you or answer any questons I can. Hang in there. Maria
  • dwhite0002
    dwhite0002 Member Posts: 126 Member
    I am a 35 yr. old Esoph. survivor. I have a j-tube, still. It has been three years. I definitely reccommend a j-tube. It is actually quite easy to manage, overall. I take in 1500-2000 calories a night. Then, during the day, I can eat as little as I like and not have to deal wih counting calories. I have considerable nausea due to the surgery I had in '06. It has gotten better, and I manage it with meds, but I still cant eat enough to maintain weight.

    The j-tube has been a life-saver. I think a g-tube would be much more difficult to manage.

    I had temporary stents and they never worked well. They always slipped, etc.

    You might look into a bougie dilator. You can actually teach yourself to dilate at home. I still go in every couple of months or so to be dilated in the endoscopy unit.

    Good luck with your father. I hope my comments help.
  • emg09
    emg09 Member Posts: 228

    I am a 35 yr. old Esoph. survivor. I have a j-tube, still. It has been three years. I definitely reccommend a j-tube. It is actually quite easy to manage, overall. I take in 1500-2000 calories a night. Then, during the day, I can eat as little as I like and not have to deal wih counting calories. I have considerable nausea due to the surgery I had in '06. It has gotten better, and I manage it with meds, but I still cant eat enough to maintain weight.

    The j-tube has been a life-saver. I think a g-tube would be much more difficult to manage.

    I had temporary stents and they never worked well. They always slipped, etc.

    You might look into a bougie dilator. You can actually teach yourself to dilate at home. I still go in every couple of months or so to be dilated in the endoscopy unit.

    Good luck with your father. I hope my comments help.

    THANKS for all the responses!!!!
    I'm thinking the j-tube will be best for him, however, the oncologist is in favor of the G-tube. The GI team came today instead of tomorrow, so I missed the apt. to find out more info. I'm waiting for my mom to call me back as I write. But, thanks everyone for taking the time to write me. I really appreciate all the information!!!

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    emg09 said:

    THANKS for all the responses!!!!
    I'm thinking the j-tube will be best for him, however, the oncologist is in favor of the G-tube. The GI team came today instead of tomorrow, so I missed the apt. to find out more info. I'm waiting for my mom to call me back as I write. But, thanks everyone for taking the time to write me. I really appreciate all the information!!!


    j tube
    Hi Erika
    I have the j tube since the day of my surgery and have about 3 more weeks on it. It is not too bad right above my belly button but to the left. The first one was a red rubber one not good and got clogged in a week but the silicone one with the good closure part is really easy to handle and I can eat and still do night feedings. That is the one going in the small colon and right now I put all my liquid meds in it and flush it before and after I do the cans of Jevity. Hope your Dad does better, it has been a hard time for all of you. my prayers are with you.
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Donna70 said:

    j tube
    Hi Erika
    I have the j tube since the day of my surgery and have about 3 more weeks on it. It is not too bad right above my belly button but to the left. The first one was a red rubber one not good and got clogged in a week but the silicone one with the good closure part is really easy to handle and I can eat and still do night feedings. That is the one going in the small colon and right now I put all my liquid meds in it and flush it before and after I do the cans of Jevity. Hope your Dad does better, it has been a hard time for all of you. my prayers are with you.

    hi Erika,
    God Bless you, and

    hi Erika,
    God Bless you, and give you a great new year! I am happy to hear that dad is considering the feeding tube. Last we spoke, he was dead set against it. What a hard decision you have to make. I guess I would advise to say try one, if it works great, if not, change to the other one. I am lucky so far, my dad has not had to have a feeding tube. Today we age going back to UVA to visit the ongologist to discuss the lesions found on his liver. Well, we beat this EC, so I know we can beat this in the liver too! Prayers continue for you, mom, and dad. Keep us posted.
  • emg09
    emg09 Member Posts: 228

    hi Erika,
    God Bless you, and

    hi Erika,
    God Bless you, and give you a great new year! I am happy to hear that dad is considering the feeding tube. Last we spoke, he was dead set against it. What a hard decision you have to make. I guess I would advise to say try one, if it works great, if not, change to the other one. I am lucky so far, my dad has not had to have a feeding tube. Today we age going back to UVA to visit the ongologist to discuss the lesions found on his liver. Well, we beat this EC, so I know we can beat this in the liver too! Prayers continue for you, mom, and dad. Keep us posted.

    update on feeding tube
    Thanks everyone for responding. However, my father has decided not to do the feeding tube. He also decided to keep the stent, which was recommended by the GI team. So, we are back to square 1. He's out of the hospital and is back home to his grouchy self. I guess that's a good sign!! He did have to have 2 blood transfusions due to low red cells. Has anyone else had to do this?? Maybe I should post a new message about that. I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall with him some days!!!

  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    emg09 said:

    update on feeding tube
    Thanks everyone for responding. However, my father has decided not to do the feeding tube. He also decided to keep the stent, which was recommended by the GI team. So, we are back to square 1. He's out of the hospital and is back home to his grouchy self. I guess that's a good sign!! He did have to have 2 blood transfusions due to low red cells. Has anyone else had to do this?? Maybe I should post a new message about that. I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall with him some days!!!


    Two more things in Common!
    Oh my gosh....I can not believe this. I have to laugh. My dad has also had a stent put in his esophagus, has not had a feeding tube, and had to have two units of blood while he was in the hospital because he was anemic. We have got to get our dads together!!
    P.S. and grouchy???? one of his nicknames is Oscar!!! :)
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    emg09 said:

    update on feeding tube
    Thanks everyone for responding. However, my father has decided not to do the feeding tube. He also decided to keep the stent, which was recommended by the GI team. So, we are back to square 1. He's out of the hospital and is back home to his grouchy self. I guess that's a good sign!! He did have to have 2 blood transfusions due to low red cells. Has anyone else had to do this?? Maybe I should post a new message about that. I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall with him some days!!!


    blood transfusions
    Sorry your Dad did not consent to the j tube when I started tube feedings with the ng tube thru the nose before surgery, it saved me all the trips for iv infusions because of dehydration and inability to swallow. During chemo with cisplatin and 5 FU I wound up getting 3 blood transfusions due to low counts, some while I got that neutropenic fever which the dr told me happens to about 33% of cancer patients. I do hope your Dad can get some better nutrition going, it makes you grouchy when you can't swallow right and want to eat so bad. Prayers for all.