New to all this and really overwhelmed

margo54 Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer on 11/17/09, had lumpectomy & had some lymphnodes removed on 12/30/09, had my follow up today.

The good news the tumor was removed completly, 7.5 cc in size, but the 10 lymphnodes that were taken out were positive.

I am told it is treatable, and will begin a very aggressive chemo treatment next week. I am a little frightened about this.

The good news is that I had my scans and the cancer has not spread to any organs or bones.

I just need to speak to someone who has been in the same position, I guess what I am asking for is a pep talk.



  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Hi Margo and Welcome!
    I am not so sure that I can give you a great pep talk, but, I will certainly offer you any information, support and encouragement that I can.

    It is good news that they got clean margins. But, I am sorry that your nodes were positive.

    I didn't have chemo Margo, so, I can't speak specifically about it, but, many here have and still are taking chemo and will post more info to you.

    Great news that your scans are clean too.

    You are welcomed here amongst other bc sisters and post whenever you need to. Someone is always here for you. I am sorry that you found us because of bc, but, you won't find a better group anywhere!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • Jacque101
    Jacque101 Member Posts: 75
    Hello Margo
    I am also new and I can honestly tell you that by tomorrow you will have lots of good encouragement from this group of girls. It's so uplifting to just watch and listen to what they have to say. I also will start chemo next week and thought it would be nice just sharing our experience since we have similar stories. I got my news in Oct/Nov and had lumpectomy in Dec, lymph nodes involved, test shows it has not spread, had port placement this morning, and will start chemo on Jan 14. We have got a fight ahead of us...but we can win this battle!
  • Dr3amline
    Dr3amline Member Posts: 6
    Glad to hear surgery went
    Glad to hear surgery went well! My tumor was 2.5cc in size and had 22 lymph nodes removed with 11 of them being cancerous..

    Are you comfortable with your Oncologist? If so, do your homework and read up on the drugs they will be giving you. If not, don't be afraid to get a second can change Oncologists at any time..I did and couldn't be happier.

    Hope this helps..
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Hi Margo, you will find a
    Hi Margo, you will find a wealth of knowledge on this website. I have stage 2 ER+. I had a lumpectomy and removal of sentinel lymph node. The tumor was small but had invaded the sentinel lymph node so I had another surgey to remove the rest of the lymph nodes which all came back negative. Based on all my testing it was decided that I also needed strong chemo. My onc said to me its strong, but remember, 'hundreds of women have been thru this, you will also get thru this and you will be fine".

    I recently completed 4 rounds of Adriamycin/cytoxan they called it dose dense. I started taxol on 12/28. everyone is so different so side effects can be none at all, different or similar to others. I had a lot of nausea with A/C but we found a pill combo that finally worked. I took emend along with kytril and that combo corrected the nausea. Zofran did not work for me. Like I said everyone is sooo different. I had a lot of muscle and joint pain with my first taxol and now my onc will try to figure out what combo of meds to use for the next infusion to eliminate the pain.

    That first infusion is the scariest of all because we have the "fear of the unknown". I prayed all the way to the infusion center. It turned out to be uneventful, and pretty easy. There were 2 ladies getting chemo, they were talking, drinking coffee and laughing. I thought if they can do this so can I. My side effects showed up on the 3rd day after chemo, The day of and day after were easy.

    I've had good days and not so good days but as all the ladies doing chemo will tell you it is doable. Not always easy but doable. We are all warriors here and we are survivors. We are doing everything we can to fight this good fight against the "beast".

    I believe you will also be fine. You are so fortunate that you found it early enough.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    natly15 said:

    Hi Margo, you will find a
    Hi Margo, you will find a wealth of knowledge on this website. I have stage 2 ER+. I had a lumpectomy and removal of sentinel lymph node. The tumor was small but had invaded the sentinel lymph node so I had another surgey to remove the rest of the lymph nodes which all came back negative. Based on all my testing it was decided that I also needed strong chemo. My onc said to me its strong, but remember, 'hundreds of women have been thru this, you will also get thru this and you will be fine".

    I recently completed 4 rounds of Adriamycin/cytoxan they called it dose dense. I started taxol on 12/28. everyone is so different so side effects can be none at all, different or similar to others. I had a lot of nausea with A/C but we found a pill combo that finally worked. I took emend along with kytril and that combo corrected the nausea. Zofran did not work for me. Like I said everyone is sooo different. I had a lot of muscle and joint pain with my first taxol and now my onc will try to figure out what combo of meds to use for the next infusion to eliminate the pain.

    That first infusion is the scariest of all because we have the "fear of the unknown". I prayed all the way to the infusion center. It turned out to be uneventful, and pretty easy. There were 2 ladies getting chemo, they were talking, drinking coffee and laughing. I thought if they can do this so can I. My side effects showed up on the 3rd day after chemo, The day of and day after were easy.

    I've had good days and not so good days but as all the ladies doing chemo will tell you it is doable. Not always easy but doable. We are all warriors here and we are survivors. We are doing everything we can to fight this good fight against the "beast".

    I believe you will also be fine. You are so fortunate that you found it early enough.

    Hi Margo
    Hi Margo from the other Margo on this site.
    Do you know what type of chemo you will be having?
    I was diagnosed with DCIS with invasion and my path report showed that I was ER-,PR- but HER2+. My treatment plan was A/C once every 2 weeks for 4 treatments and then Taxol w/Herceptin once a week for 12 treatments and now I am on Herceptin alone once every 3 weeks until the end of August.

    The ladies and gentlemen on this site are awesome so come and ask any question or just to vent. Usually there is someone on line.

  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762

    Hi Margo
    Hi Margo from the other Margo on this site.
    Do you know what type of chemo you will be having?
    I was diagnosed with DCIS with invasion and my path report showed that I was ER-,PR- but HER2+. My treatment plan was A/C once every 2 weeks for 4 treatments and then Taxol w/Herceptin once a week for 12 treatments and now I am on Herceptin alone once every 3 weeks until the end of August.

    The ladies and gentlemen on this site are awesome so come and ask any question or just to vent. Usually there is someone on line.


    been there, doing that!
    Mine was very similar to yours. I had the 4 doses of a/c and they were pretty bad. Wish I had been on here for help from all the wonderful people here! I kept trying the same meds for the nausea and none of them really helped that much. If you have trouble talk to your doctor and try something else! I just put up a note where I found a patch that is supposed to work wonders! Maybe ask them about that. Sure beats swallowing a bunch of pills trying to figure out which one will do the trick. Keep snacks available at all times, crackers, pieces of apples, bananas, ect. Whatever you feel like snacking on. Drinks like WATER, WATER and more WATER! gatorade, gingerale, ect.

    I'm on my 8th dose of weekly Taxol. Taking it for 12 weeks instead of 4 strong treatments every 3 weeks is the way to go! basically no side effects for me.

    Good luck and keep us posted!
    God bless,
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi,I will try here.I can tell you I know how hard it is to get through all this.But you will and you are not alone.They have wonderful meds. now that they didn,t have years are doing what you can to fight this beast.We are here at this sight to help you through this.You will get through this.I am just finishing my treatments.I do know what you are going through.Please keep us posted.My Prayers are with you.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Welcome, Margo, you've come
    Welcome, Margo, you've come to the right place. This is an amazing group of women and men that sincerely care, support and are very knowledgeable with the various treatments. There is more than likely someone on here that has done a specific treatment. Plus, the best part is we will be with you every step of the way. Feel free to come on and vent or share anything you want. I joined in August and have just finished my radiation treatments. I've been through a lumpectomy, chemo and rads. I am surprised at how fast it really goes. I know it seems like forever when you are just starting but it is all doable. With the help of all your sisters/brothers in pink, we'll help you through your treatments. Take care and keep us abreast of your situation.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Hi Margo,
    welcome,though I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis.I'm glad to hear your scans were clear-that's great news I'm sure after having to hear everything else!
    Mine was not the same case as yours,but I did have aggressive chemo-not an easy time,but it's something that you can get through.
    We are here for you..
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Welcome, margo54
    We're all here to support and encourage each other.

    My own lumpectomy included the removal of 15 lymph nodes, total - from both the breast and underarm area: 7 (about half) were positive. That was 6+ years ago...

    Chemo isn't an easy task - yet, it's doable. As many of us can attest to. We'll be here for you, each step of the way.

    Best wishes to you, and...

    Kind regards, Susan
  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    hi and welcome.... I was
    hi and welcome.... I was diagnosed in Sept of this year ...had 3 tumours removed...5cm, 2 cm and 1 cm ... I also had a lumpectomy and 17 lymph nodes were removed (4 being pos) all my other tests came back clear as well... I have had 3 chemo treatments and am doing very well I have 6 more to go then 25 radiation treatments .. My DR is looking at a cure... he statted to me that he had clean margins and removed all the tumours .... the other tests were clean so now the rest is up to chemo and will feel so comfortable here on this site everyone here is fantastic and found this to be my "lifeline" during this time.. but you will be just fine.. cancer is no longer a death sentence... DR's have more treatment option and thechnology has come a far way... I actually look at having chemo and all the side effects of it as ""its working and keeping me safe and killing any little "micro bad cells that maybe hiding" (I have learned this from the many wonderful women on this site... (I hope this helps a bit.... ((((best wishes)) and ((hugs going your way))) xoxoxo Lisa
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Welcome, margo54
    We're all here to support and encourage each other.

    My own lumpectomy included the removal of 15 lymph nodes, total - from both the breast and underarm area: 7 (about half) were positive. That was 6+ years ago...

    Chemo isn't an easy task - yet, it's doable. As many of us can attest to. We'll be here for you, each step of the way.

    Best wishes to you, and...

    Kind regards, Susan

    Welcome Margo. Very good news that your scans were clear. So, congrats on that!

    I am sorry that you have to do chemo. Everyone here will support and help you with it as best as we can.

    Hang in there!

    Sue :)
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I was diagnosed in 2003. I
    I was diagnosed in 2003. I had 4 cycles of A/C before a modified radical mastectomy. Then 4 more cycles of Taxotere after surgery and 6 weeks of radiation. My tumors were 6cm, 3cm, an another smaller one. He removed 15 lymph nodes and 2 were still positive but he said I could have had more but the chemo could have killed it. I was a stage 3a and downsized to stage 2 after the first four chemo cycles. Because I had an aggressive cancer they treated me aggressively also. Hang in there.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    I didn't have to have chemo
    I didn't have to have chemo Margo, but, so many here have. They will tell you that although it isn't something that we want to do, it is doable. You will get thru it and it will kill any remaining cancer in your body. Try to think of it like that and see if that might help some. We are here for you 24/7. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    I think we all know what you are going through. I had chemo first, then lumpectomy last month. Radiation to follow. I was also scared to death of the chemo, but it isn't like it used to be. They give you drugs to take before and the day of your first treatment and I never had any nausea at all. I did have some minor side effects, like diarrhea, a fever and some mouth sores, but nothing terrible. My doctor would give me medications for whatever side effect I was having and it would clear up pretty quickly. I was very tired about the third day after the treatment, but it didn't stop me from continuing to work and I'm no youngster !!! You will do fine. Keep us posted on how things go.
