
theisbarbara Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
First of all my usual tuor marker test is Thursday but my Onco appt. isn't for a week after that and I am wondering how I can last that long without knowing. It was 5 years Sept 09 so you would think I was used to it by now.

Also, can anyone tell me how to respond privately to members and add them to friends list if it exists.




  • Taina
    Taina Member Posts: 166
    try not to think about it
    hi, Barb:
    I just had my done too.
    When i went to see my oncologist for my result
    i was told the machine was not working so i had to wait
    few more days for my result. He called me on the phone
    which i almost dropped dead before he said everything was
    i know is easier to say than done but try not to think about it...
    just think you're going for regular blood work.
    i don't think we will get use to it...
    i will be praying for you...
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Taina said:

    try not to think about it
    hi, Barb:
    I just had my done too.
    When i went to see my oncologist for my result
    i was told the machine was not working so i had to wait
    few more days for my result. He called me on the phone
    which i almost dropped dead before he said everything was
    i know is easier to say than done but try not to think about it...
    just think you're going for regular blood work.
    i don't think we will get use to it...
    i will be praying for you...

    How to send a privet message (PM)
    It is very easy, let's try
    Go to:
    Connect and Communicate (deep blue)
    You will see "CSN Email" tab then click on this tab and it brings you to your mailbox at CSN network
    You can write me if you like,
    New Flower
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    How to send a privet message (PM)
    It is very easy, let's try
    Go to:
    Connect and Communicate (deep blue)
    You will see "CSN Email" tab then click on this tab and it brings you to your mailbox at CSN network
    You can write me if you like,
    New Flower

    Did the Pming work for you
    Did the Pming work for you Barb? New Flower explained it very well. Let us know!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Mine is always like that~ I
    Mine is always like that~ I get labs drawn a week to 10 days before I see the oncologist, and the marker numbers are included in that. When my Dr greets me and asks how I am, I always say, "You tell me, you have my test results".....

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    chenheart said:

    Mine is always like that~ I
    Mine is always like that~ I get labs drawn a week to 10 days before I see the oncologist, and the marker numbers are included in that. When my Dr greets me and asks how I am, I always say, "You tell me, you have my test results".....


    Chen and others,

    Chen and others,

    This brings up a question I have about these visits to the oncologist. When I go (and i have had only two check ups), I do not do labs or any other tests (except the 6 month mammos) and mostly my visit is her asking if I have any side effects from the arimidex. I don't even change out of my clothes. At the end of the visit, she has me raise my shirt and bra and looks at my breasts and lightly runs her fingers over them. Takes 15 seconds. I know visits vary depending on what treatment we have had so what are your exams like. I would have thought that a more thorough breast exam would be a part of the check ups. My gal is very good at answering questions and she is thorough about questioning me for side effects on the arimidex and maybye that is all that is needed. The mammos would tell her if there was anything else of concern. Just curious.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    fauxma said:

    Chen and others,

    Chen and others,

    This brings up a question I have about these visits to the oncologist. When I go (and i have had only two check ups), I do not do labs or any other tests (except the 6 month mammos) and mostly my visit is her asking if I have any side effects from the arimidex. I don't even change out of my clothes. At the end of the visit, she has me raise my shirt and bra and looks at my breasts and lightly runs her fingers over them. Takes 15 seconds. I know visits vary depending on what treatment we have had so what are your exams like. I would have thought that a more thorough breast exam would be a part of the check ups. My gal is very good at answering questions and she is thorough about questioning me for side effects on the arimidex and maybye that is all that is needed. The mammos would tell her if there was anything else of concern. Just curious.

    Breast Exams
    A good question. My oncologist barely examines my other breast, even though I am at double the risk of a primary in it and a fivefold risk of any new primary being hormone-negative. Both oncologists I saw in St. Louis, in contrast, do extremely thorough physical examinations. Not only of my breast, but also of the lymph nodes in my neck and shoulders. I also think the stethoscope around my oncologist's neck here is an accoutrement for him, not a diagnostic tool.

    That said, not sure what to do about the token exams.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Barb, I guess we never get
    Barb, I guess we never get used to it. Five years is wonderful, though. Hope I get there, too. About the marker test, can you call your onc. and get the results beforehand? Sending you positive thoughts and wishes for good test results, soon.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Breast Exams
    A good question. My oncologist barely examines my other breast, even though I am at double the risk of a primary in it and a fivefold risk of any new primary being hormone-negative. Both oncologists I saw in St. Louis, in contrast, do extremely thorough physical examinations. Not only of my breast, but also of the lymph nodes in my neck and shoulders. I also think the stethoscope around my oncologist's neck here is an accoutrement for him, not a diagnostic tool.

    That said, not sure what to do about the token exams.

    I don't worry so much

    I don't worry so much about this because when I go to my uterine gal, she is so thorough. She always does a full breast exam, lymph nodes in my neck, armpits, groin, as well as all the pelvic stuff that is expected. She checks the pulse in my legs, my arms, palpates my stomach, abdomen, and in the first two years neurological tests (they were like balance tests and other things that I can't remember). She checks my lungs, heart and leaves no stone unturned. So I am not going to worry if the oncologist isn't doing all this. I got my appointment in the mail for my mammo on the right breast only for the 19th of February. I had forgot that was coming up. Good thing they schedule these when due or I would forget. I have no doubt all will be good so I will let you know after I go. I think my onc uses her stethoscope as a necklace cause she doesn't use it with me. I don't feel like these are token exams cause she will take her time and answer questions and we discussed the Lynch syndrome, Muir-Torre thing and she was aware of my recent skin cancer. Maybe for my stage, grade and treatment this is the norm. Or it just varies from onc to onc as you have seen with yours.