Putting us on a map. And giving the stage you were diagnosed with as some are doing now.



  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    The Map.

    from Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania (south of Pittsburgh)
    staged as Grade 2 stage ll/llla

    Sept 2005 total hysterectomy for endometriosis
    found endometrial adenocarcinoma

    Oct 2005 - staged (all washings/etc. clear)
    Port Inserted and had preventative treatment
    (Carbo/taxol) - allergic to taxol and then put on Gemzar
    Aug 2006 - three HDR bracy radiations

    CA125 never an issue

    Going for surgery Jan 8, 2010 to remove tumor which was
    biopsied in Oct and tested positive for endo cancer. However,
    CT scan, two PET Scans and a MRI in Oct did not indicate cancer.
    Further, previous CT scans had shown tumor since 2005.

    Another note (tumor appeared to have shrunk from July scan to Oct scan)
  • Cecile Louise
    Cecile Louise Member Posts: 133
    On the Map!
    Cecile Louise
    Houston, Texas
    Stage 1b upsc & endometrioid
    Dx Jan 2008 after having bleeding between periods
    6 rounds of Carbo/Taxol, no radiation
    Going on 2 years since diagnosis and NED!!

    Hugs to all
  • susie1143
    susie1143 Member Posts: 105
    Kate2005 said:

    My Dot
    Western Kansas

    After not going to the ob/gyn for 8 years, I was given a "routine biopsy" because of some bleeding/spotting I had had for a few months (I'm a very patient person). My doctor called me in shock saying it tested positive for cancer and giving me the choice of either getting pregnant (since I was 28 and single) or having a hysterectomy then. Since I had no prospects in my life to have children with, we set the hysterectomy for the following week after sending my biopsy for a second opinion and receiving the same results. She also told me that I had Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome which probably is the main reason that this had happened. They ended up taking my ovaries and uterus but kept most of my cervix because it looked okay and tested fine when they took washings of it. They also tested my other organs near the uterus that also tested fine. They staged me at IB because the Endometrial cancer had gone into the wall of the uterus but had not yet made it through. Since then I have had 3 month check ups that became 6 month. This past February however my routine pap came back abnormal and the doctor did a cold knife cone to remove as much as the cervix as possible, she also cauterized the vagina in hope of getting anything that would cause problems in the future. When my next pap also came back abnormal in Sept, I was referred to a gyn/oncologist who thankfully found no reason to treat me but I saw him again this last week for a follow up. He again has found nothing to be concerned with and now we are waiting for results from the pap that he took and sent to his lab. He stated that sometimes labs see the history of a patient and are overly careful when there is no need.

    Well now I'm waiting... Hard to believe that this stuff is haunting me again. I thought the worst was being told at 28 that if I didn't have them then that I wouldn't have my own kids. Now I'm 33 and wondering what else is in store for me?

    After seeing other posts, sometimes I feel like I'm worrying over nothing. But honestly after seeing the courageous people on here has given me a lot of strength I didn't know I had. Thank You :)

    Hi Kate:
    I also have PCOS and believe that this was partly to blame. I keep telling doctors something was wrong and was not officially diagnosed with PCOS until 7 years ago. I'm 48 and was diagnosed this past June. Aug 26th was my surgery and had robotics. I'm at Stage 1C, Grade 2 and went for second opinion at Moffit in Tampa FL. Brachy was recommended and I had 4 treatments.

    Susie (Lilly the Clown)