82-year 'young' mom and double mastectomy

newdlwig Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My sister and I would appreciate any thoughts you have about our 82-year old mother wanting to go the double mastectomy route for stage one cancer in the 'other' breast, rather than having a lumpectomy and radiation, etc. done, as she did last year for a pre-cancerous growth in the 'first' breast. We are concerned about the impact of this surgery itself, as she is no longer a 'spring chicken' and not very fit. We are trying to keep our own fears away from influencing her choices, but the age issue is one we struggle with. Thank you!


  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    I wouldn't think of saying more than I am sure your Mother's doctor's know what is best for her. Ultimately, the decision is your Mother's. Trust in your Mother and trust her doctor's. Good luck!

    Kristin ♥
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    difficult choice
    Hi and welcome. I am very sorry about your mother conditions. She appears as a very strong and confident person.
    It is difficult to advise.
    I was 46 when I had my mastectomy with immediate reconstruction.
    I would follow your oncologist advice plus common sense. I believe that the patient should make her own decision and be happy with it.
    While lumpectomy seems and is easier choice than mastectomy, radiation has its own side effects and complications, including lymphedema.Yes her age, type of her cancer and her other health conditions should be taken into account.
    It is very personal decision.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Kristin N said:

    I wouldn't think of saying more than I am sure your Mother's doctor's know what is best for her. Ultimately, the decision is your Mother's. Trust in your Mother and trust her doctor's. Good luck!

    Kristin ♥

    I can understand how you
    I can understand how you would feel this way. I wish I could console you. Just have faith. Sending you lots of positive thoughts.

    KYLEZ ♥