Mom Diagnosed Christmas Eve ... Questions about Doctors

madcat Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello. My mom got the call on Christmas Eve that she had breast cancer. Her brain went blank when she heard cancer so we only have sketchy details for now. What I got out of her was that she had invasive in situ breast cancer. I don't know how in situ and invasive can be used together, but that is not my main question. She was told to schedule appointments with an oncologist and a surgeon. Which doctor are we supposed to see first?

Brief history: On my mom's side of the family ... her grandmother died from breast cancer, her mother had a double mastectomy, her sister was diagnosed a few years back, and my cousin and I have had scares that ended up being benign. Whew ... the inevitable cancer wheel keeps turning.

I am guessing that we carry a gene for breast cancer. I know that all of this will be sorted out pretty quickly on Monday, but my mom and I are going stir crazy looking up information even though we know it probably won't even be pertinent to us. Does it matter which doctor we see first?

Since I have some free time this weekend I have been looking up information for support groups, etc. in our area so I have it just in case. I found this site and I am impressed with what I have read so far. Thank you in advance for your opinions and information.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Probably breast surgeon first
    however if your surgeon on vacation I would see oncologist.
    I am very sorry for your situation.
    You can learn from your sister who underwent treatment as well from internet about cancer.
    If you come to doctors visit somehow educated it will be easy to understand doctor;s recommendations and make treatment decision.

    Good luck
  • Taina
    Taina Member Posts: 166
    surgeon 1st
    hello, madcat....
    I went to my surgeon 1st after bx and lumpectomy she recommended an oncologist which i saw and worked very close with surgeon and radiation oncologist.
    They are all connected and need to work together...
    This is a great support system for you and your mother....
    you and your mother can ask any questions and you will see a response from someone
    that has gone thru the same or just someone that wants to comfort you....
    keep us updated...i will be praying for you and your mom.
  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    to be different I saw onco first
    I did not know what surgery I may have needed until I saw the onco for treatment plans.
    Best wishes to your Mom and all your family.
  • Zhentup
    Zhentup Member Posts: 43
    I saw the surgeon first
    Hi, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother.

    Yes, the surgeon was the first on my list of people to see but my team had already assembled before I saw him! My first words of cancer came through my primary care physician who "introduced" me to my team of doctors. It was obvious that she had already conferenced with them and I felt that I was being well taken care of.

    I decided to have my left breast removed even though the cancer was in my right and a few lymph nodes. I've now had my first dosage of chemo, so I'm in that portion of my journey now.

    Take care and be patient. The testing is difficult to go through-it's always so hard to wait.

  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    I am so sorry about your
    I am so sorry about your Mom. I guess it is possible to have BOTH in one breast. I wish her all the best and that it has been caught early and she will be able to accept and deal with her plan of treatment.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I saw the surgeon first,
    I saw the surgeon first, then there was a goof in the scheduling and I saw the radiologist but was scheduled with the oncologist the next day.

    In my case I had Chemo before surgery and am having a different Chemo now after surgery. Rads will follow in Feb. BUT remember we are each unique and treatment is also designed for us.
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    Rague said:

    I saw the surgeon first,
    I saw the surgeon first, then there was a goof in the scheduling and I saw the radiologist but was scheduled with the oncologist the next day.

    In my case I had Chemo before surgery and am having a different Chemo now after surgery. Rads will follow in Feb. BUT remember we are each unique and treatment is also designed for us.

    I saw
    The surgeon first. From DX to surgery there was a span of about 2 1/2 months. My cancer was IDC. Stage 2A no lymph node involved. ER/PR positive and HER2 negitive. Since the biopsy didn't show it to be real agressive I was sent to the surgeon first (some breast cancers are very agressive and others not). He sent me for genetic testing and an MRI to see if I had any thing going on with my other breast. I was also sent to a plastic surgeon to talk about immediate reconstruction if I chose to have a masectomy. I was the perfect candidate for a lumpectomy but chose to have both removed and used my belly fat for the reconstruction. I also had a sential node biopsy done 2 weeks prior to surgery to see if my lymph nodes were involved..I didn't see a oncologist until after my surgery!! Then they tested my tumor with a test called the Oncotype. It a fairly new test. It tests the tumor to see if chemo would be a benefit or not. Mine test came back for no Chemo. So as you will read from our responses that all of us have seen our different Doctors at different times during our journey. I don't think there's a right or wrong way.

  • ms_independent
    ms_independent Member Posts: 214
    my 2 cents
    I think I would go to the surgeon first (my primary sent me to a breast oncological surgeon---one stop shopping). I would also pick a surgeon who specializes in breast surgery, all general surgeons do breast surgery, so, find a specialist. Most areas have a breast center that has all diciplines working together. If you can't find one I would call the local breast center and ask them who the breast surgeons are. You will be surprised how many people will walk through the door to help your mom and family---they just need to know you have a need---don't be afraid to ask for what you need.

    I am so sorry for the frightening news and also sorry that it came during the holiday. You and your mom will find lots of support and information here. As for the insitu and invasive stuff--as I understand it---insitu means the cancer is contained within the milk duct, invasive means the cells have broken through the walls of the milk duct. How much and how far it has traveled has a lot to do with what happens next.

    Take a deep breath----breast cancer is very treatable (especially compared to other cancers)! Your mom is lucky to have such a caring and loving daughter!

    Hugs, El
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    I would call her dr. back and ask him/her who they wanted me to see first.we are here for yo and your mom hugs to you .
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I went to see my PCP when I
    I went to see my PCP when I found the cancer and he sent me for mammograms and to see the surgeon. I ended up going for a second opinion and he is the one who did my surgery. He also picked my oncologist and radiologist. I had chemo first but the surgeon decided this was necessary (had to shrink the tumors first or I would need skin grafts). I didn't have much choice as my tumors were large. 6cm and 3cm and another smaller one.
  • Angel_4_James
    Angel_4_James Member Posts: 73
    I'm so sorry....
    If you are in the Tulsa Oklahoma area I can sugguest some of the best Doctors/Oncologist here in this area. I would talk to the Doctor and see who and what steps he/she suggests you take. I was very blessed when they found the spot in me, everything was just laid out for me. My obgyn sent me to my surgeron, my surgeron sent me to my oncologist and radiation doctors. Just take one step at a time and don't overload yourself. Keep a positive attitude and let God guide you through this.

    The ladies here on this site have been so helpful to me since I have signed up about a month ago. They are the greatest, they have been there and going through it. They share their hearts and wisdom no matter how silly the question may seem to you. They do not see it that way and are here to help and be helped. So you have found a great site for help.

    God Bless,
  • madcat
    madcat Member Posts: 3
    Thank You So Much
    Thank you so much for all of your support. We were given names of a general surgeon and oncologist in Austin, Texas but I'm don't think they were specialists. I will look into that some more before we commit to one. Thank you for your guidance, support and well wishes. We pray for the same for all of you.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    lanie940 said:

    I am so sorry about your
    I am so sorry about your Mom. I guess it is possible to have BOTH in one breast. I wish her all the best and that it has been caught early and she will be able to accept and deal with her plan of treatment.

    So sorry
    I am sorry about your Mother. I met my oncologist, plastic surgeon and rads oncologist all on the same day to form my treatment plan. I wish your Mother the best of luck.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    madcat said:

    Thank You So Much
    Thank you so much for all of your support. We were given names of a general surgeon and oncologist in Austin, Texas but I'm don't think they were specialists. I will look into that some more before we commit to one. Thank you for your guidance, support and well wishes. We pray for the same for all of you.

    I met with my whole team in
    I met with my whole team in one day at the cancer center. My oncologist, my plastic surgeon, my nutritionist, rads oncologist, even a therapist was there incase I might need her. Good luck!