Drain NOT coming out before Christmas

Sharon40 Member Posts: 93
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am disappointed! My drain is not going to come out before Christmas. I was really hoping that it would. It is so hard to sit when there is so much to do! Any suggestions as to how I can slow down the drain . . . one day I'm close to 30cc, the next day I'm back at 50cc!


  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    my drain stayed in for a month i was glad to get it out but dr said it had to stay in i had a lot of nodes removed 36.mine seemed like the more active i was the more i got out of drain everyone is different hang in there it will slow down and come out.

    best of luck to you...
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    I don't know
    I am sorry Sharon that you can't get your drain out before Christmas. I have no idea how to slow it down. Just enjoy your day with your family the best you can.

    ♥ Noel
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    Noel said:

    I don't know
    I am sorry Sharon that you can't get your drain out before Christmas. I have no idea how to slow it down. Just enjoy your day with your family the best you can.

    ♥ Noel

    Try not to be anxious~
    ~that drain is doing its job. And as long as there is fluid that needs to be drained off, you are better with it in. I know what a pain they are, and you do feel a sense of freedom when they are out. Hang in there. Most likely it is coming to an end soon. They were never my favorite part of the healing process, but they are so necessary. Honestly, I dreaded them. But, it does come to an end.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Try not to be anxious~
    ~that drain is doing its job. And as long as there is fluid that needs to be drained off, you are better with it in. I know what a pain they are, and you do feel a sense of freedom when they are out. Hang in there. Most likely it is coming to an end soon. They were never my favorite part of the healing process, but they are so necessary. Honestly, I dreaded them. But, it does come to an end.

    The drain is crappy, but,
    The drain is crappy, but, like the others said, it is doing its job. It will come out. Try to relax and enjoy your holiday.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Your body needs time to heal!
    Your body is telling you it still needs to drain. If it is taken out too soon it may have to be put back in.

    2 weeks post surgery, 1 of my 2 drains was taken out - it was down to 2 - 10cc drainage per day. The second 1 was taken out at 4 weeks post even though it was still drfaining between 30 and 50 cc a day. The Dr. was not happy with the amount of drainage but felt that the drain itself could be aggravating the area causing the drainage so he took it out. In the 4 weeks since then the area (I think he called it a 'seroma') has had to be drained by Dr (via needle) because of fluid build-up. He got over 200cc out last Thurs and told me that there is a good chance he will have to put a drain back in. It's almost as large again so as soon as his office is open I'll be calling.

    Yes drains are an inconvience but certainly didn't stop me from doing anything and I'd much rather had had it in longer than be facing possibly having to have another inserted - especially this close to Christmas.

    Your body will heal - AT IT'S own schedule - not yours. Give it time.


  • blazytracy
    blazytracy Member Posts: 157
    Hi Sharon!
    My drain didn't come out till Day #26!!!! It was a pain, that is for sure!!!!! My fluid never did slow down (24 nodes removed). I finally called my Dr. and asked him what was up? He said that the "drain itself" was most likely causing the irritation and the drainage and told me to come in and get it taken out so I did - THAT DAY!

    So that is my story - oh, one more tip - I thought it was a pain to take a shower with that drain hanging down so I bought one of the elastic necklaces that hold an ID tag (with a clip) and just clipped it on there! My life got 95% easier! Just try it.

    Good luck and have a Very Mery Christmas!

  • Maize
    Maize Member Posts: 76
    My drain came out last week. I go today to have stitches removed. I hated the drain. They just left it hanging, which was very painful. I pinned it to my top so there was no pull on it from hanging. That made a big difference. When I went out, I pinned it where it couldn't be seen. Just try not to aggravate it. I believe that that can cause more drainage. I prefer the drain to having a needle inserted to get the fluid out. Best wishes and think positive thoughts. I understand, but this too shall pass.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    It's a bummer but you got to
    It's a bummer but you got to drain the fluid or you will have problems. Hang in there. Some day this will be just a memory or you will have forgotten it.
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    Maize said:

    My drain came out last week. I go today to have stitches removed. I hated the drain. They just left it hanging, which was very painful. I pinned it to my top so there was no pull on it from hanging. That made a big difference. When I went out, I pinned it where it couldn't be seen. Just try not to aggravate it. I believe that that can cause more drainage. I prefer the drain to having a needle inserted to get the fluid out. Best wishes and think positive thoughts. I understand, but this too shall pass.

    Tracy's and Maize's

    Tracy's and Maize's suggestions are both good: I did both of these things, and it made it much easier to deal with the drains. I went home with four or five drains: two in my abdomen and two or three in my reconstructed breasts. They were a pain, but they were much better than having to have my abdomen aspirated after the final drain became plugged. Your body is telling you that it still needs time to heal.

  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Marcia527 said:

    It's a bummer but you got to
    It's a bummer but you got to drain the fluid or you will have problems. Hang in there. Some day this will be just a memory or you will have forgotten it.

    Sorry to hear
    Sorry to hear that your drain won't be out before Christmas but like others have said your body needs to heal so there aren't problems later on.

  • helen e
    helen e Member Posts: 223
    I'm sorry
    I am so sorry to hear that. I just got mine out today, thank God! I had my surgery on Firday the 11th - not even 2 weeks ago and was sure that he'd leave them in but I guess not having more than 5 cc's in 24 hours come out made him change his mind. I told my husband that when the dr. told me he was going to take them out I was ready to kiss him! I hated them and am so sorry that yours aren't coming out. May you have a great Christmas despite the drains.

  • Sharon40
    Sharon40 Member Posts: 93
    Thanks for all the encouragement. I know this will be a memory soon! I think I am really doing better than my husband. He has had to do almost all of the "holiday" prep by himself. He is doing a great job, but I can tell he is just about ready for a break! I have a 7 year old daughter that can hardly wait for Christmas and a 40 year old husband that can hardly wait for it to be over!!
    Hope you all have a great Christmas as well!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Sorry to hear
    Sorry to hear that your drain won't be out before Christmas but like others have said your body needs to heal so there aren't problems later on.


    I am sorry that you can't have it out right now, but, it needs to stay in to do its job. If you took it out too soon, there would be serious problems. Good luck!

    KYLEZ ♥
  • jikaras
    jikaras Member Posts: 58
    Sharon, sounds exactly what I was going through with my drains. When they were pulled from me, I was estactic......but now, looking back, they probably should have stayed in longer.

    I had mine in for about 4-5 weeks post surgery. I had one side that would go from 70cc to 50, to 30, then shoot right back up to 70. My plastic surgeon would have me come back weekly with full anticipation that this was going to be the week that she could pull them out. Finally, she said enough is enough, and pulled them.

    2 weeks later, I had so much fluid backed up. She didn't want to readmit me back to the hospital to drain the side...I would have had to have an ultrasound and get the fluid drained at the same time (so she wouldn't hit the expander). We waited over a weekend; I went back for another visit, and she pulled out the huge syringe and said "we're going to drain it and I've got an idea". She found the port for the expander, placed the needle in there and drained a whole bunch of fluid. To this day (that was back in the beginning of March), I still can feel some fluid on my right side. I might be going for lyposuction to pull the rest out....

    So as much of a pain in the **** as those drains are, please don't rush getting them out. It's easier in the long run if you keep them in and let them run their course.
