post mastectomy question

ms_independent Member Posts: 214
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a bilateral mastectomy with sentinal node sampling and tissue expanders placed on Tuesday (Dec 15th). I am having arm swelling on the left side. That side is the most painful (MUCH more uncomfortable). And the tissue expander is closer to my arm pit than the other side. The swelling goes down most of the way when I elevate my arm at night, then comes back when I get out of bed more. So, the question is--anybody had this happen? does it eventually go away? I'm so afraid it's lymph edema. I go to both surgeons on Wed the 23rd.
It is wonderful to have so many who have been here before me (not wonderful to have bc) to answer my many questions.
Thanks so much,


  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    I don't have experience with
    I don't have experience with what you're going through, but I think you should call your surgeons today and at least give them the information. I think you'll feel better.

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    El... I didn't have a
    El... I didn't have a I'm no help, but I do agree with Linda, you should probably give your doctors office a call... Thinking of you...

    With Gentle Hugs,

  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    taleena said:

    El... I didn't have a
    El... I didn't have a I'm no help, but I do agree with Linda, you should probably give your doctors office a call... Thinking of you...

    With Gentle Hugs,


    I had
    I had a double mastectomy in February and I never had your symptoms so I would call your doctor.

  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425

    Sounds to me like it could be lymphodema - but don't worry. Talk to your doctors and explain your symptoms. They should be able to set you up with a physical therapist who can help (make sure they have had training in lymphodema treatments).

    I have mild lymphodema from my bilateral but it has gotten better since my surgery in August. You need to be careful that you don't try to lift things that are too heavy or it could make the swelling worse for a day or two. I have a compression glove that I wear but some people end up with compression sleeves depending on when and where they experience the swelling.

    Good luck!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Wolfi said:


    Sounds to me like it could be lymphodema - but don't worry. Talk to your doctors and explain your symptoms. They should be able to set you up with a physical therapist who can help (make sure they have had training in lymphodema treatments).

    I have mild lymphodema from my bilateral but it has gotten better since my surgery in August. You need to be careful that you don't try to lift things that are too heavy or it could make the swelling worse for a day or two. I have a compression glove that I wear but some people end up with compression sleeves depending on when and where they experience the swelling.

    Good luck!

    I hope you called your
    I hope you called your doctor and he could help you. I never had a mastectomy, so, I didn't have these symptoms.

    Good luck!
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    I am sorry El that you are
    I am sorry El that you are having these problems. Did you call your doctor? What did he say?
  • ms_independent
    ms_independent Member Posts: 214

    I am sorry El that you are
    I am sorry El that you are having these problems. Did you call your doctor? What did he say?

    I did call the Dr--got his nurse (who I already didn't have a good experience with). She basically said I would have all kinds of different swelling and painful areas and to expect it. Since then, the hand swelling is gone and I've developed HUGE swelling (picture baseballs under your skin)under my arms and my breast area is swollen and hard. I pushed the Dr and saw him Saturday am---he said it was totally expected and normal. Why didn't he warn me? And why haven't I heard that anywhere else? Needless to say I am not too happy with the plastic surgeon lately. I can't wait to see my breast surgeon on Wed am---I feel like I need a reality check.
    Thanks everybody for your responses!!!!
  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member

    I did call the Dr--got his nurse (who I already didn't have a good experience with). She basically said I would have all kinds of different swelling and painful areas and to expect it. Since then, the hand swelling is gone and I've developed HUGE swelling (picture baseballs under your skin)under my arms and my breast area is swollen and hard. I pushed the Dr and saw him Saturday am---he said it was totally expected and normal. Why didn't he warn me? And why haven't I heard that anywhere else? Needless to say I am not too happy with the plastic surgeon lately. I can't wait to see my breast surgeon on Wed am---I feel like I need a reality check.
    Thanks everybody for your responses!!!!

    Hi E -
    I had a double on Dec

    Hi E -

    I had a double on Dec 5 but no swelling issues... my issue is the dead tissue that has to be removed on the 23rd. I agree with you whole heartedly about the docs and the people that work for them. I expressed the opinion that I learn more on this site than I do from my doctors on another board...

    In specific, I told both my surgeons that we had a family vacation planned for Jan 20 in Florida and that we would be flying.. specifically asked about lymphadema issues, both said it would not be a problem. Then I read on these boards that you have to wear a compression sleeve even if you had only one node removed.. rather surprised to read that. So, when I go tomorrow I will ask again. I don't wait to get on a plane and end up in a hospital in Florida..

    I hope you feel better soon.... I'll be thinking of you..
