I think I finally made a decission but still scared.

jarsam Member Posts: 13
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Thanks everyone. I think I made a decision but need to discuss with the onco tomorrow.

I am the one who is scared to death of being numb.
I believe I am going to have a second lumpectomy. Right breast was 3 weeks ago, now left breast needs to be done.

Has anyone else chosen to have lumpectomy in each breast rather then bilateral mastectomy?
Am I being stupid thinking and hoping it won't return again?????

Please help me. Mentally, I can't handle mastectomy.


  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi,I had a lumpectomy a few months ago.Like you I couldn,t even think of masectomy.I pray I made the right decission.I pray you have also.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi,I had a lumpectomy a few months ago.Like you I couldn,t even think of masectomy.I pray I made the right decission.I pray you have also.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi,I had a lumpectomy a few months ago.Like you I couldn,t even think of masectomy.I pray I made the right decission.I pray you have also.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    I had bilateral lumpectomies
    Hi, Michele -

    I've seen a few of your posts, but don't think I've welcomed you yet.

    I had bilateral lumpectomies and sentinel node biopsies all in one surgery this past June, after tumors were found in both breasts during my first mammogram. The main factor in my decision to have lumpectomies was that my tumors were tiny -- I had four total, each only 2 mm. Both my surgeon and oncologist felt that my prognosis would be the same for mastectomy vs. lumpectomy + radiation.

    In my case, I don't think it would have been that difficult for me to choose to part with my breasts, but I decided not to put my body through more surgery than was necessary. And my lymph node biopsies all came back clean after surgery, so in hindsight I think I made the right decision for me.

    Don't know if that helps at all?

  • jarsam
    jarsam Member Posts: 13
    TraciInLA said:

    I had bilateral lumpectomies
    Hi, Michele -

    I've seen a few of your posts, but don't think I've welcomed you yet.

    I had bilateral lumpectomies and sentinel node biopsies all in one surgery this past June, after tumors were found in both breasts during my first mammogram. The main factor in my decision to have lumpectomies was that my tumors were tiny -- I had four total, each only 2 mm. Both my surgeon and oncologist felt that my prognosis would be the same for mastectomy vs. lumpectomy + radiation.

    In my case, I don't think it would have been that difficult for me to choose to part with my breasts, but I decided not to put my body through more surgery than was necessary. And my lymph node biopsies all came back clean after surgery, so in hindsight I think I made the right decision for me.

    Don't know if that helps at all?


    Thanks for welcoming me
    I have one in each breast, one tiny, and one small but aggressive. Only sentnal nodes were bad but rest were clean. I sure hope I am making the right decision. If not and it returns in a few years does it make it worse to have Chemo a second time?