I received a reminder... to be thankful ... even now.

taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have shared before that work has been giving me a hard time... the general manager at our office has not been very supportive through this entire journey I've been on... it's just the way he is...

I've been working... begrudgingly... they won't allow me to work through lunch to leave an hour early... no working from home... Mon-Fri 7:30-4:30... one hour for lunch.. gone is the flexability that I had known for 14 years...

I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription on my way home today... when I was leaving I saw a woman wrapped up tight in a hat, scarf and old worn coat... she was asking people passing for help, "Can you help me.." "Excuse me can you help me..." People passed her, as if she wasn't even there... curiousity got the better of me... so I crossed the parking lot and walked up to her...

"What do you need?" I asked... she proceeded to tell me that she had just got out of the hospital and was just so hungry, and she just wanted some food to eat... Here I am in a warm coat, warm car, heading to a warm home, and a warm meal... I almost never carry cash, as I have become very dependent on my debit card, so I pointed to a resturant at the corner of the parking lot, "meet me over there.." I went into the resturant, holding the door for her, she was seated, ordered her meal, and picked up the tab... and offered a gentle hug. She was so greatful...

As I got back into my truck and drove home... I thanked God for that job that I've been hating lately... that's been causing me so much stress... I thanked him for my home, and the food I have to eat... what a reminder.



  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Thank you for sharing, T!
    You showed more human goodness in that one action than your manager probably has shown in his entire miserable life. The world needs more people like you and less people like him.
  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    I feel that people like that
    I feel that people like that woman are angels that come to us to remind us of what is good on this Earth. For instance, yesterday I was having a "bad cancer day" and feeling very down. I was calling the lab to get information on their hours and I got a wrong number. Instead of being annoyed and hanging up on me, the older-sounding gentleman on the other end said, "Yes, you have the wrong number, but you have a nice little voice so I want to wish you Happy Holidays!" I think it was the Big Guy telling me to take pleasure in small things.

    I'm so glad that you were able to meet and help this angel, Taleena. I see she helped you!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    It is always nice to have

    It is always nice to have reminders of how we are blessed. I, too, sometimes see reminders that my life is better than most and that I am actually a very lucky woman. What you did was such an incredible act of spontaneous kindness. She received a wonderful gift from you, but you have received so much more. Satisfaction that you truly care for your fellow man. And she will have her faith renewed in her fellow man. How beautiful is that.
    We are always here for each other when we need to vent and it is too bad that your work is not more flexible and understanding. But I think it is wonderful that you felt an appreciation for having this job. I appreciate all that I have in life. I occasionally forget how lucky I truly am. Your story helped to remind me of that. Thank you for sharing this with us.
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    fauxma said:

    It is always nice to have

    It is always nice to have reminders of how we are blessed. I, too, sometimes see reminders that my life is better than most and that I am actually a very lucky woman. What you did was such an incredible act of spontaneous kindness. She received a wonderful gift from you, but you have received so much more. Satisfaction that you truly care for your fellow man. And she will have her faith renewed in her fellow man. How beautiful is that.
    We are always here for each other when we need to vent and it is too bad that your work is not more flexible and understanding. But I think it is wonderful that you felt an appreciation for having this job. I appreciate all that I have in life. I occasionally forget how lucky I truly am. Your story helped to remind me of that. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    God has Smiled
    upon you!! What a truly wonderful thing to do!! I too believe she was put in your path for a very good reason. You are going to be blessed 10 fold. Everyone who reads your story will be touched in some way.. You did more than help a stranger. You gave us all something to remember...

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Calleen said:

    God has Smiled
    upon you!! What a truly wonderful thing to do!! I too believe she was put in your path for a very good reason. You are going to be blessed 10 fold. Everyone who reads your story will be touched in some way.. You did more than help a stranger. You gave us all something to remember...


    You will be blessed. What a
    You will be blessed. What a good feeling you must have right now. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Aortus said:

    Thank you for sharing, T!
    You showed more human goodness in that one action than your manager probably has shown in his entire miserable life. The world needs more people like you and less people like him.

    Thanks Aortus... but really
    Thanks Aortus... but really it just seemed like the right thing to do...


  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    LC815 said:

    I feel that people like that
    I feel that people like that woman are angels that come to us to remind us of what is good on this Earth. For instance, yesterday I was having a "bad cancer day" and feeling very down. I was calling the lab to get information on their hours and I got a wrong number. Instead of being annoyed and hanging up on me, the older-sounding gentleman on the other end said, "Yes, you have the wrong number, but you have a nice little voice so I want to wish you Happy Holidays!" I think it was the Big Guy telling me to take pleasure in small things.

    I'm so glad that you were able to meet and help this angel, Taleena. I see she helped you!


    I guess your right Linda...
    I guess your right Linda... she was there for a reason.... and she really did help me... she reminded me to be thankful... and that really in the "big" sceme of things, I really have a lot to be thankful for..... Yep... let's take the time to take pleasure in the small things...

    Hugs to you!

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    fauxma said:

    It is always nice to have

    It is always nice to have reminders of how we are blessed. I, too, sometimes see reminders that my life is better than most and that I am actually a very lucky woman. What you did was such an incredible act of spontaneous kindness. She received a wonderful gift from you, but you have received so much more. Satisfaction that you truly care for your fellow man. And she will have her faith renewed in her fellow man. How beautiful is that.
    We are always here for each other when we need to vent and it is too bad that your work is not more flexible and understanding. But I think it is wonderful that you felt an appreciation for having this job. I appreciate all that I have in life. I occasionally forget how lucky I truly am. Your story helped to remind me of that. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    Stef.... yep... I really
    Stef.... yep... I really think that she did more for me than I did for her... I hate the way people pass without ever seeing her... I pray that my eyes are always open to see someone in need...

    Hugs to you!

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Calleen said:

    God has Smiled
    upon you!! What a truly wonderful thing to do!! I too believe she was put in your path for a very good reason. You are going to be blessed 10 fold. Everyone who reads your story will be touched in some way.. You did more than help a stranger. You gave us all something to remember...


    Calleen & Kat... thank
    Calleen & Kat... thank you... I hope people don't think that I was trying to toot a horn... because really I was more ashamed that I had lost sight of all that I do have, to be greatful for... and regardless of my challanges with work... it is work...and that is more than a lot of people have.

    Hugs to both of you!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    taleena said:

    Calleen & Kat... thank
    Calleen & Kat... thank you... I hope people don't think that I was trying to toot a horn... because really I was more ashamed that I had lost sight of all that I do have, to be greatful for... and regardless of my challanges with work... it is work...and that is more than a lot of people have.

    Hugs to both of you!


    No one would ever think you
    No one would ever think you are tooting your own horn. We know that you were saying how it made you realize all you have. But you have nothing to be ashamed about. We all get cancer tunnel vision during this journey. How can we not? It is a crushing thing to hear. And all our focus is on us, our treatment, our family, our lives and that's okay. It's what allows us to make decisions, to get through treatments, and to accept that this is what we have and we have to fight it. It doesn't mean that we don't know that there are other things in our lives to be grateful for, but it puts them on the back burner. You just moved the pan to the front burner. Reaching out to her was like saying life is more like it was, there are others in need, I am lucky. We all reach that moment at some point and for different reasons. You have a good heart and you always truly appreciated what you had, she was just a virtual reminder. We all can use those on occasion. So I tooted your horn for you. TOOT TOOT
  • marywest
    marywest Member Posts: 132
    taleena said:

    Stef.... yep... I really
    Stef.... yep... I really think that she did more for me than I did for her... I hate the way people pass without ever seeing her... I pray that my eyes are always open to see someone in need...

    Hugs to you!


    Its a principle to live by
    Your act of kindness is awesome and needed so badly in this world. Your mind can only have one thought at a time, if your negative you are not thankful, and visa versa. when I am down, I look around at what i have and it is more than abundant. I have always taught my kids, when they are down and acting negative, (they are adults) I ask them if they have been giving. the answer is no. giving and loving brings anyone out of a negative situation. Giving makes you rich, giving can be kind words, such as on this site, giving has no limits and is not a respector of persons. Give and you will recieve. Remain thankful and be the biggest lover and giver the world has ever seen. Problems in life will become smaller. You bless me so much, we do have alot to be thankful for. If your thankful you are not negative. Happy holidays, and every day is an opportunity to love and bless others.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    ~T~ I love you more today
    ~T~ I love you more today than I did before~ and I loved you bunches already!!!! This experience is worthy of a Hallmark commercial! You know that ones which show unselfish human kindness and bring tears to the eyes of the viewer? That was you!
    I am so touched that you saw past the "invisibilty" of this woman in need and led with your heart. Being that you post here regularly, I am truly not surprised that this happened...
    I just read your experience to my Reggie~ he is beaming! We love moving out of our comfort zone and reaching out to share, and you epitomized it! LOVE YOU!

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    chenheart said:

    ~T~ I love you more today
    ~T~ I love you more today than I did before~ and I loved you bunches already!!!! This experience is worthy of a Hallmark commercial! You know that ones which show unselfish human kindness and bring tears to the eyes of the viewer? That was you!
    I am so touched that you saw past the "invisibilty" of this woman in need and led with your heart. Being that you post here regularly, I am truly not surprised that this happened...
    I just read your experience to my Reggie~ he is beaming! We love moving out of our comfort zone and reaching out to share, and you epitomized it! LOVE YOU!


    Thanks T!
    I love this Taleena! I think so many of us, and, I will include myself in that, just get so caught up with everything, that we sometimes don't even see what is right in front of us such as this woman who needed help. Thanks for helping her. She will never forget it.

    ♥ Noel
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    Noel said:

    Thanks T!
    I love this Taleena! I think so many of us, and, I will include myself in that, just get so caught up with everything, that we sometimes don't even see what is right in front of us such as this woman who needed help. Thanks for helping her. She will never forget it.

    ♥ Noel

    Oh ~T you make me so proud
    Oh ~T you make me so proud to call you sister. What you did for that women is a perfect example of why you are so well loved. If more people were like you this world would not have half the problems it has
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    tjhay said:

    Oh ~T you make me so proud
    Oh ~T you make me so proud to call you sister. What you did for that women is a perfect example of why you are so well loved. If more people were like you this world would not have half the problems it has

    God bless you Taleena
    YOu are an amazing woman!
  • Taina
    Taina Member Posts: 166
    thank you
    I thank God for you....
    Sometimes we are cut up in little things....
    Sometimes don't even see how good things are
    until we see others like that lady that need it
    some food....
    May God always bless you....
  • mizcaldwell
    mizcaldwell Member Posts: 143
    Thanks for Sharing
    As our other sisters have said, your sharing of your experience has enriched not only you and the dear lady you helped - but everyone of us that has read your post. Through your experience, our eyes will be more open to see the needs around us. Our lives will be enriched because of the example you set. And not one of us read any "horn tooting" going on! God bless you and God bless that woman who you helped!

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    T - thanks for sharing your
    T - thanks for sharing your experience. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. You have reminded all of us not just to be thankful, but also of the power of one - for good in the world (you), or for meanness in the world (your own personal Scrooge). As Tiny Tim said: "God bless us, every one!" xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    tears are rolling
    down my cheek as I realize how much we do have to be thankful for...and people like you bring the joy of the season into my heart...Thank you for being such an angel.
    love and hugs,
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    rjjj said:

    tears are rolling
    down my cheek as I realize how much we do have to be thankful for...and people like you bring the joy of the season into my heart...Thank you for being such an angel.
    love and hugs,

    You did good................ I am so glad to be able to call you 'Friend!'

    Hugz Jlzz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx