Lesbians after mastectomy's

Heartlight1 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I'm looking for support. I had a mastectomy and did not opt for reconstruction, so I only have one breast. I'm looking to discuss with the same.


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Just wanted to welcome you, Heartlight -- I had bilateral lumpectomies, so my situation isn't the same as yours, but there are women on this board who have had single mastectomies, and I know they'll be along soon to share their experiences with you.

  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I had an R mast, but I had breast implants 8 yrs ago.So my surgeon left the implant in 2 use as an expander for later reconstruct. I haven't decided if I'm going to reconstuct, but it does give me an option if I do go through w it. I hear most women opt for the trans flap. I'm just going to have implants replaced. Less surgery and scarring. They also told me (chemo doc) that I'm to thin for the trans. Wt 120. I'm not so vain that I can't live unless I have this done, I may not. But in the future you may change ur mind. I'm not lesbian, but my mom is. lol Hope this helps. I haven't consulted an plastics doc yet. Waiting for the cancer to be gone. HER1, ER PR pos.,Stage 3c. Finishing up w rads, half way through. Please keep in touch and let me know how u are. You haven't said what type of ca u have, or treatment level. take care and happiness, Katz
  • girls4444
    girls4444 Member Posts: 34
    I have not had my surgery yet, but I can be support for you. I am doing chemo for the next 5 months, then surgery. I am not a lesbian but my daughter is, if I can help in anyway I am here.
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    Heartlight1, welcome, I am a
    Heartlight1, welcome, I am a lesbian however I did not have a mastectomy, that is somthing that my dr and I are discussing still. I am hear for you if you need me.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Hello, Heartlight1, and
    Hello, Heartlight1, and welcome. Though I am not a lesbian, I did have a single mastectomy and have not had reconstruction and don't plan to for at least 3 years. I would be glad to offer any support that I can.