Taxol pain

kathyDDD Member Posts: 34
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Does the bone pain from Taxol lessen after the first few days? My treatment was Tuesday. I felt fine yesterday, but today I feel like I got hit by a bus. I know my paperwork says "3 days" and everyone is different, but I wondered if this would subside a little after maybe tomorrow. Thanks for any input.



  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Can't help you - I've had 5
    Can't help you - I've had 5 weekly doses of Taxol - 6th to be today and so far I've had no pain. Just problems with sleeping - nice little pink pill takes care of that. Also having a lot of fairly extreme fatigue/exhaustion - much worse than what I had on A/C.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Rague said:

    Can't help you - I've had 5
    Can't help you - I've had 5 weekly doses of Taxol - 6th to be today and so far I've had no pain. Just problems with sleeping - nice little pink pill takes care of that. Also having a lot of fairly extreme fatigue/exhaustion - much worse than what I had on A/C.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Just had my 5gh weekly dose, too...
    and I can agree with Rague. If you are taking only 4 intense doses that explains it. The weekly smaller doses are much easier on your body. Ask your doctor about it if the pain does not subside soon.
    Rague, what pink pills are you using? I need sleep, too!!!!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Mama G said:

    Just had my 5gh weekly dose, too...
    and I can agree with Rague. If you are taking only 4 intense doses that explains it. The weekly smaller doses are much easier on your body. Ask your doctor about it if the pain does not subside soon.
    Rague, what pink pills are you using? I need sleep, too!!!!

    I am on the 12 cycles, I
    I am on the 12 cycles, I dont get bone pain but on day3 and 4 feel crummy and have body aches more muscle like.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Mama G said:

    Just had my 5gh weekly dose, too...
    and I can agree with Rague. If you are taking only 4 intense doses that explains it. The weekly smaller doses are much easier on your body. Ask your doctor about it if the pain does not subside soon.
    Rague, what pink pills are you using? I need sleep, too!!!!

    Pink Pills
    I was first told to try Tylenol for nighttime but it did nothing. Chem Dr gave me Temazepam but it took 3 - 4 hrs to get sleepy, then horrible/violent/vicious nightmares (which I never have normally) for about 2 hrs and wake up not to get back to sleep. I had an apt. with my PA (I've had her for years and she's great). She asked how the Temazepam was working. Told her so she gave me the lowest dose of Zolpidem Tartrate (pink pill). Said she could give me a higher dose if needed but I like the way it works for me. Takes about an hr for me to get sleepy/asleep, sleep about 6 hrs wake up for 10 - 15 min. and fall back asleep until time to wake up - no grogg-ness - just a nice night sleep with no nightmares - for me anyway.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Rague said:

    Pink Pills
    I was first told to try Tylenol for nighttime but it did nothing. Chem Dr gave me Temazepam but it took 3 - 4 hrs to get sleepy, then horrible/violent/vicious nightmares (which I never have normally) for about 2 hrs and wake up not to get back to sleep. I had an apt. with my PA (I've had her for years and she's great). She asked how the Temazepam was working. Told her so she gave me the lowest dose of Zolpidem Tartrate (pink pill). Said she could give me a higher dose if needed but I like the way it works for me. Takes about an hr for me to get sleepy/asleep, sleep about 6 hrs wake up for 10 - 15 min. and fall back asleep until time to wake up - no grogg-ness - just a nice night sleep with no nightmares - for me anyway.

    i was on taxol and i did
    i was on taxol and i did have some body aches, but i also had zometa. I took oxycodone which helped me alot. I don't know if you want to go that route, but it did numb the pain. Take care
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    meena1 said:

    i was on taxol and i did
    i was on taxol and i did have some body aches, but i also had zometa. I took oxycodone which helped me alot. I don't know if you want to go that route, but it did numb the pain. Take care

    My oncologist told me to take Allegra when I was on Taxol. It helped out greatly.

  • clmjewel
    clmjewel Member Posts: 1
    Taxol Pain
    I just completed 6 rounds of Chemo 3 week cycle. First treatment with Taxol wasn't too bad. The second round I felt like I was hit by a train and my body was separating. Every bone, joint in my body ached. I told my Oncologist and I was advised to take Advil or Clariten. Both worked fine, but I learned to start taking it the day prior to chemo.
    Hope this helps.
  • kathyDDD
    kathyDDD Member Posts: 34
    clmjewel said:

    Taxol Pain
    I just completed 6 rounds of Chemo 3 week cycle. First treatment with Taxol wasn't too bad. The second round I felt like I was hit by a train and my body was separating. Every bone, joint in my body ached. I told my Oncologist and I was advised to take Advil or Clariten. Both worked fine, but I learned to start taking it the day prior to chemo.
    Hope this helps.

    Thank you all so much
    The information you provided was wonderful. I ended up with 5 days of almost intolerable pain. I left school on Thursday and stayed home Friday too. I NEVER do that. I spoke to the doctor this week about changing the dosage and frequency of the taxol. He agreed we should try a different regimen. He thought since I "breezed" through the Adriomycin, Cytaxin, and Taxotere, that I would do the same with Taxol. Not so. I also spoke to him about changing my pain meds to something stronger. I had been using darvocet. We are going to change to oxycodone. Now, my nurse told me that I would lose my hair on Taxol, probably before my next treatment. So far, I haven't lost a strand. None in the shower or on my pillow. I did lose it before and it started right away. Am I being too hopeful? Have a wonderful holiday with your families. My 7th grade students today gave me a gift card for a massage. My calculus class gave me a gift card to Barnes and Nobles so I could get some "romance novels" to read while I am hooked up on chemo. Now people know why I fight through the fatigue/pain to be in my classroom. I cannot tell you what being part of this board means. It is not a club we join willingly, but it's nice to know there are many willing to share advice and lend a shoulder. I wish you all a wonderful new year filled with happiness and HEALTH!!!
