surgery tomorrow :(

terri805 Member Posts: 122
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am having a lumpectomy tomorrow and I am really afraid because I don't know what to expect. Is it really painful afterwards? The area is about 1 and a half inches of microcalcifications (path dx insiti ductal carcinoma) so will I be very disfigured? Ugh!!! Then I am worried about the pathology report and whats to come afterward. It seems that I am having an anxiety attack. I feel what if this and what if that and so on and so on. I need to get a grip I know but I have always been a worrier. Does it hurt when they put the locator wire in the breast to mark the area? I feel like I am just rambling on.


  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    It is totally normal to feel
    It is totally normal to feel afraid. You are headed into the unknown. If they are doing a lumpectomy you shouldn't be disfigured. You might have a bit of a divot at first. Mine was on the top of my breast and I had one but it filled in and looks fine now. My scars look pretty good also. I have lumpectomies on both breast (only 1 had cancer I am happy to say). They were wire guided lumpectomies which is what I am assuming you are asking about. This can be ultrasound or mammogram guided. I was supposed to have the left as ultrasound and the right as mammogram but they after trying to see it with the ultrasound, they decided to do both with mammogram. I had the injections for the sentinel node biopsy done first. There were four short and they pinched (stung like a bee sting) then they had be massaged the area. About 45 minutes later I went into the mammogram room. They put me in a comfy chair and wheeled the machine over to me. They gave me a numbing injection in each breast (another quick pinch) and then gently compressed my right breast, took pictures, inserted the wires, took more pictures and then covered the area with sterile gauze and taped a coffee, dixie cup over the wire. Then they repeated this for the left breast. Not all of them need to put cups on them. A needle is used to go to the tumor site and a wire is threaded down to it and it has a little hook (like a fishhook) that grabs onto the tumor. Most surgeons have the needle removed and just the wire is left. If that is the case they lay the excess on the breast and cover it with gauze and tape it down. Some surgeons (mine for one) like the needles left it. This stick out a bit and they don't want them bumped for jarred so the cups are to protect them. I must admit it looks odd to see these cups protruding. When I was finished and they wheeled me out I had my hosptial gown covering them but obviously they were noticeable. My husband just stared and I told him I was going off to be in Madonna's next video. On the elevator as we were going to the surgery area, I wanted to tell this lady who was gawking at my weird protruding breasts that this is what happens when boob jobs go bad. Honestly I thought she was going to lean over and tap them. In any case, all of it is doable and it was not bad at all. It was no more uncomfortable than the biopsies were. I also had no real pain after. Tylenol was all I ever needed.
    As for the path report, try not to worry now. Take one step at a time. It is a lot to absorb and I found that it really helped doing each piece as it came and not over thinking the whole thing. It is easier to understand if you are working through it one thing at a time. At least it was for me.
    You will get lots of good advice here and everyone will chime in because each of our surgeries vary. But the consensus will be that it is doable and not as bad as you are anticipating. Wishing you the best possible surgery and outcome. Prayers coming your way.
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    a deep breath.. your feeling normal!!! I had a double mastectomy with immediate reconstuction using my own body tissue.. I clearly remember the panic I had the night before my surgery.. I too am a worrier.. But i knew back in my mind I HAD to do this.. I just wanted it over with so I could move on. As for pain.. I'm not sure how it feels with a lumpectomy. I had my sentinal node removed 2 weeks prior to surgery.. it was sore but not enough to use pain meds... I will be thinking of you tomorrow.. let us know when you can..

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Hi Terri... first.. are you
    Hi Terri... first.. are you ready... okay... take a deep breath, let it out... you are going to do fine... being aprehensive and afraid is so normal... we have all been there. I too had a lumpectomy. I did not have the locator they could not only see mine, but feel it as well... so I don't know what that feels like... but the rest of it is pretty easy... I woke up with a drain tube that stayed in for about 10 days... Try to take one thing at a time, first lets get you through the lumpectomy... then we will wait it out with you for the pathology report... I will be thinking about you tomorrow... let us know how your doing when you can.

    Hugs to you my friend.
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    taleena said:

    Hi Terri... first.. are you
    Hi Terri... first.. are you ready... okay... take a deep breath, let it out... you are going to do fine... being aprehensive and afraid is so normal... we have all been there. I too had a lumpectomy. I did not have the locator they could not only see mine, but feel it as well... so I don't know what that feels like... but the rest of it is pretty easy... I woke up with a drain tube that stayed in for about 10 days... Try to take one thing at a time, first lets get you through the lumpectomy... then we will wait it out with you for the pathology report... I will be thinking about you tomorrow... let us know how your doing when you can.

    Hugs to you my friend.

    Terri, our prayers will be
    Terri, our prayers will be with you tomorrow. Let us know how your doing after this is over.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    fauxma said:

    It is totally normal to feel
    It is totally normal to feel afraid. You are headed into the unknown. If they are doing a lumpectomy you shouldn't be disfigured. You might have a bit of a divot at first. Mine was on the top of my breast and I had one but it filled in and looks fine now. My scars look pretty good also. I have lumpectomies on both breast (only 1 had cancer I am happy to say). They were wire guided lumpectomies which is what I am assuming you are asking about. This can be ultrasound or mammogram guided. I was supposed to have the left as ultrasound and the right as mammogram but they after trying to see it with the ultrasound, they decided to do both with mammogram. I had the injections for the sentinel node biopsy done first. There were four short and they pinched (stung like a bee sting) then they had be massaged the area. About 45 minutes later I went into the mammogram room. They put me in a comfy chair and wheeled the machine over to me. They gave me a numbing injection in each breast (another quick pinch) and then gently compressed my right breast, took pictures, inserted the wires, took more pictures and then covered the area with sterile gauze and taped a coffee, dixie cup over the wire. Then they repeated this for the left breast. Not all of them need to put cups on them. A needle is used to go to the tumor site and a wire is threaded down to it and it has a little hook (like a fishhook) that grabs onto the tumor. Most surgeons have the needle removed and just the wire is left. If that is the case they lay the excess on the breast and cover it with gauze and tape it down. Some surgeons (mine for one) like the needles left it. This stick out a bit and they don't want them bumped for jarred so the cups are to protect them. I must admit it looks odd to see these cups protruding. When I was finished and they wheeled me out I had my hosptial gown covering them but obviously they were noticeable. My husband just stared and I told him I was going off to be in Madonna's next video. On the elevator as we were going to the surgery area, I wanted to tell this lady who was gawking at my weird protruding breasts that this is what happens when boob jobs go bad. Honestly I thought she was going to lean over and tap them. In any case, all of it is doable and it was not bad at all. It was no more uncomfortable than the biopsies were. I also had no real pain after. Tylenol was all I ever needed.
    As for the path report, try not to worry now. Take one step at a time. It is a lot to absorb and I found that it really helped doing each piece as it came and not over thinking the whole thing. It is easier to understand if you are working through it one thing at a time. At least it was for me.
    You will get lots of good advice here and everyone will chime in because each of our surgeries vary. But the consensus will be that it is doable and not as bad as you are anticipating. Wishing you the best possible surgery and outcome. Prayers coming your way.

    Good Luck tomorrow. I would
    Good Luck tomorrow. I would like to tell you to relax. I had this surgery last June and I do remember how you are feeling. It's not that bad. Stef said it all. My experience was the same as her's 3rd boob and all. ( the dixie cup )I know it's easier said then done, but try and relax it will be over before you know it. Lets us know how you are doing when you feel up to it. Hugs
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    taleena said:

    Hi Terri... first.. are you
    Hi Terri... first.. are you ready... okay... take a deep breath, let it out... you are going to do fine... being aprehensive and afraid is so normal... we have all been there. I too had a lumpectomy. I did not have the locator they could not only see mine, but feel it as well... so I don't know what that feels like... but the rest of it is pretty easy... I woke up with a drain tube that stayed in for about 10 days... Try to take one thing at a time, first lets get you through the lumpectomy... then we will wait it out with you for the pathology report... I will be thinking about you tomorrow... let us know how your doing when you can.

    Hugs to you my friend.

    Hey Terri. I had a wire
    Hey Terri. I had a wire guided lumpectomy and I did just fine. I was numb when they inserted the wire, so, I felt nothing. The tech was very kind and very gentle. I had a very small incision as my tumor was small. I didn't find out my whole treatment plan until after I had the path report. So, I had radiation treatments about 6 weeks after my lumpectomy. I want to wish you good luck and post when you can.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    jnl said:

    Hey Terri. I had a wire
    Hey Terri. I had a wire guided lumpectomy and I did just fine. I was numb when they inserted the wire, so, I felt nothing. The tech was very kind and very gentle. I had a very small incision as my tumor was small. I didn't find out my whole treatment plan until after I had the path report. So, I had radiation treatments about 6 weeks after my lumpectomy. I want to wish you good luck and post when you can.

    Hugs, Leeza

    Good luck tomorrow! We will all be rooting you on and standing in the room with you to help ease your anxiety. So, if you get scared, just know that we are right there with you.

    Post when you can.

    Sue :)
  • terri805
    terri805 Member Posts: 122
    Ritzy said:

    Good luck tomorrow! We will all be rooting you on and standing in the room with you to help ease your anxiety. So, if you get scared, just know that we are right there with you.

    Post when you can.

    Sue :)

    Thanks to all
    I am having a hard time getting to sleep because of the anxiety so I got up to read your words of encouragement. It helps sooth my nerves to read your kind caring words.I keep thinking if so many other women can do this then so can I! I will post and let you all know how I came through when I can.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    terri805 said:

    Thanks to all
    I am having a hard time getting to sleep because of the anxiety so I got up to read your words of encouragement. It helps sooth my nerves to read your kind caring words.I keep thinking if so many other women can do this then so can I! I will post and let you all know how I came through when I can.

    You can do it!
    And, you will be fine. I know you are anxious, but, won't it be good to have it over finally? To move on with the rest of your treatment? It will be. Try to relax, try to not worry. Have faith and know that we are all here for you! Now, go to sleep!

    ♥ Noel
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    You will be in my thoughts and prayers that your surgery goes well. It's normal to be scared but it will be over soon and you'll be on your way to healing! Hugs, Diane
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    chickad52 said:

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers that your surgery goes well. It's normal to be scared but it will be over soon and you'll be on your way to healing! Hugs, Diane

    Just want to wish you good
    Just want to wish you good luck today Terri!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    susie09 said:

    Just want to wish you good
    Just want to wish you good luck today Terri!

    Keeping you in my thoughts
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers today Terri.

  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Angie2U said:

    Keeping you in my thoughts
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers today Terri.


    Terri ♥
    You are in my prayers today!

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • Sharon40
    Sharon40 Member Posts: 93
    good luck
    I did the same thing last Thursday night . . . now a week later, it is over and I'm doing fine! You will too!! Get a good nights sleep, all will be well!
  • Taina
    Taina Member Posts: 166
    pain is not that bad
    hello, Terri...
    I had my lumpectomy and 8 lymph nodes removal July 09.
    I 1st had the wire put didn't hurt....
    After lumpectomy there was some pain but something you can
    live for few days...They give you a surgical bra which helps.
    Just follow your surgent instructions. get some sport bras
    2 sizes felt like my surgent did an aumentation
    instead of a lumpectomy....the doctor will get the path report
    in 1 wk. while they do the lumpectomy they will look tissue
    which will tell them if the margins are clear or need to take
    more bacuse of cancer. My lump was breast still a little
    swell from surgery but is not going to look disfigurated...
    is also a little tan from had 4 chemo tx's..
    i will be praying for you...take a pm pill or a glass of wine
    so you can sleep tonight...
    if you have any other questions send me an email...
    hugs your way...