My Bubble Burst Today!



  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Marcia527 said:

    I had a simular diagnosis. I
    I had a simular diagnosis. I had three tumors, 6cm and 3cm and a smaller one. I had to have 4 cycles of A/C to shrink them before surgery. Next was a modified radical mastectomy which also removed 15 nodes. Then 4 cycles of Taxotere and then 6 weeks of radiation. I was disappointed because before surgery he said after I'd go straight for radiation but I guess the first chemo didn't shrink the tumors enough and he added more chemo after. So I know how you feel. It's a bummer.

    Marcia, thanks for letting
    Marcia, thanks for letting me know what you went thru. Your tumors were quite large and sounds like they did shrink down for the surgery. I guesss I'll have to wait on the pathology report to see if I have to have chemo. My onc said if I did it would be 6 cycles of FEC + Taxotere, but that was before she put me on Femara. I'm so sorry you had to go thru all that. Hope you're doing well now and love your upside photo. Does the world look better that way?
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Sunrae said:

    Thank you all for your posts
    Thank you all for your posts and support. I feel better knowing that some of you have been in the same situation and have made it thru ok. I know I'll be fine too after its done, it just made me a little sick to my stomach when the dr. told me I had no other options than the modified radical surgery plus radiation. I was kind of in a fantasy world thinking I might just skate thru it, even tho I was told by the surgeon the first time I saw her that my tumors were scattered around plus the lymph node positive biopsy and would probably require the masectomy. You just build yourself up too much. You're right, my bubble didn't burst, its just leaking a little. As far as reconstruction, I just don't see myself having that. With all my other health problems I just don't want to have to deal with more surgery, possible infections, etc. so I need to find out more about prothesis forms. Have any of you had experience along those lines? Thanks for all your help. Love you all.

    So sorry for what you're having to deal with, Sunrae
    My diagnosis and treatment have been very different from yours, but I think most of us here can relate to having a comforting, concrete "plan" in our heads for how our treatment is going to go, then some unexpected test result comes in, and WHAM! What do you mean I have to take a detour to a different road?!?

    Being thrown off course like that and not knowing what's ahead is so tough, but you have a whole group of women here who've gone through this, made it through this, and YOU WILL TOO!

  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    So sorry
    Sunrea, so sorry for you disappointing news. I have not had your situation, just wanted to wish you the best.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    pgrace35 said:

    So sorry
    Sunrea, so sorry for you disappointing news. I have not had your situation, just wanted to wish you the best.

    I am so sorry Sunrae that
    I am so sorry Sunrae that your news upset you. We are all here to go thru any that you have to face together with you.

    Hugs, Diane ♥
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    Sunrae, I was wondering, would you consider not having reconstruction of any kind, AND going with out any prostheses? When there was a possibility that I would need a mastectomy, I knew I would ask for a double mastectomy so that things would be balanced. I wear DDD cups and can't imagine having one big droopy, heavy breast on one side, and skin and scar tissue on the other. So, after the double, I was pretty sure I wouldn't do reconstruction. No fake stuff. I am what I am. Are there any women who don't do recon and don't do prosthetics? I'd just be flat chested.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    natly15 said:

    Sunrae you are in my
    Sunrae you are in my prayers. Enjoy your trip to Florida.

    Sunrae ♥
    I am so sorry that this isn't the news that you wanted. I am glad that you can take your trip to Florida with your family. You deserve a getaway! Saying lots of prayers for you!

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    I'm sorry it has not turned out the way you hoped. That must be very disappointing. I've had moments like that during this journey, too. People do have radiation after mastectomy. Are you thinking about reconstruction? I know you might not want to think about it right now, but asking your doctor about your options will hopefully give you a plan and make you feel more settled. Hugs to you.

  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    I'm sorry to hear of your news. I wil keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Diane
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Sunrae said:

    Marcia, thanks for letting
    Marcia, thanks for letting me know what you went thru. Your tumors were quite large and sounds like they did shrink down for the surgery. I guesss I'll have to wait on the pathology report to see if I have to have chemo. My onc said if I did it would be 6 cycles of FEC + Taxotere, but that was before she put me on Femara. I'm so sorry you had to go thru all that. Hope you're doing well now and love your upside photo. Does the world look better that way?

    I had treatment in
    I had treatment in 2003/2004. My tumors did shrink. He said if I didn't have the chemo first I'd need skin grafts. I was a stage 3a and after the first 4 cycles downsized to stage 2. So I didn't need the grafts. I also still had cancer in 2 nodes even after the first 4 cycles so I guess that is why he wanted me to have 4 more after surgery. It was an aggressive type grade 3.

    I like being upside down because it fights gravity-all the sags go back into place. Plus I like 'hanging in there'. heehee.
    Plus I'm adding that sometimes I feel like my world is upside down. So by looking upside down maybe I can see what is going on better.
  • kathyDDD
    kathyDDD Member Posts: 34
    I had the rads after a double
    Hi Sunrae,

    I am so sorry about your news. I had chemo, then a double mastectomy (it was only in the right, ut I didn't want to do this again later), then 38 radiations treatments after that. It's definitely not fun, but it is doable. Just stay on top of the skin effects. Use whatever creams they give you or suggest and be very vocal about asking for them. I did burn quite badly after week 4. I actually had second degree burns on my entire right side even though I used the creams faithfully. Different people react differently. I used Silvidine after the treatments were done and 3 weeks later there was a great deal of improvement. Stay strong and positive. I had decided on the double because I did not want it to come back in the other one. Also I was a 42 DDD and if I got one reconstructed, it would be perky forever while the other one still hung to my knees. I am now dealing with secondary bone cancer, so I am not sure what I'm going to do about reconstruction. Hang in there and keep us posted.

    Strength coming your way,
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    chickad52 said:

    I'm sorry to hear of your news. I wil keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Diane

    Hey Sunrae
    I am so sorry about your news. So sorry that it wasn't what you had expected and hoped for. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers!

    ♥ Noel
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    kathyDDD said:

    I had the rads after a double
    Hi Sunrae,

    I am so sorry about your news. I had chemo, then a double mastectomy (it was only in the right, ut I didn't want to do this again later), then 38 radiations treatments after that. It's definitely not fun, but it is doable. Just stay on top of the skin effects. Use whatever creams they give you or suggest and be very vocal about asking for them. I did burn quite badly after week 4. I actually had second degree burns on my entire right side even though I used the creams faithfully. Different people react differently. I used Silvidine after the treatments were done and 3 weeks later there was a great deal of improvement. Stay strong and positive. I had decided on the double because I did not want it to come back in the other one. Also I was a 42 DDD and if I got one reconstructed, it would be perky forever while the other one still hung to my knees. I am now dealing with secondary bone cancer, so I am not sure what I'm going to do about reconstruction. Hang in there and keep us posted.

    Strength coming your way,

    Have fun
    You just have a wonderful trip with your family to Florida! You deserve some TLC and some FUN Sunrae!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    susie09 said:

    Have fun
    You just have a wonderful trip with your family to Florida! You deserve some TLC and some FUN Sunrae!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣

    Thanks again for all your
    Thanks again for all your kind words and help. I can't imagine myself being flatchested, even if I'm one of the older "gals" here. If I do decide for the double masectomy, I'll find some way to fake it. Do water balloons work?