
terri805 Member Posts: 122
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I went for my stereotactic biopsy today for microcalcifications and I am very worried about the outcome of the results. I have been reading different sites about microcalcification and sometimes I feel positive when I read 80 to 85 percent are benign and then other sites I read says it usually means cancer. I am on a roller coaster of emotions and have cried off and on all day since my mammograms. I am suppose to find out the results tomorrow the earliest or Monday. I don't really have one particular question I guess I am just wanting to vent to others who understand how I feel. I have no real family support and feel that I am facing this by myself.Thanks for listening.


  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Hi Terri. Please don't get yourself upset until you know your results. I know, that is easy to say, but, please try. I don't know myself what the percentage is. What I will say is if you don't hear from your oncologist's office by at the latest, tomorrow afternoon, you should call and see if the results are in. It seems that a lot of the times, they don't call you right away like they should. Good luck!

  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Angie2U said:

    Hi Terri. Please don't get yourself upset until you know your results. I know, that is easy to say, but, please try. I don't know myself what the percentage is. What I will say is if you don't hear from your oncologist's office by at the latest, tomorrow afternoon, you should call and see if the results are in. It seems that a lot of the times, they don't call you right away like they should. Good luck!


    Hi Teri
    I agree with Angie. You don't know, yet. Breathe deep. And just deal with today. I know how hard it is. The waiting is the absolute worst part. IF there is something wrong, generally the microcalcifications mean they've caught it at the very earliest stages. Do call the onocologist, you have every right to know.

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Hi Teri,
    Of course you're worried. We always are and it's the longest, scariest wait in the world. I hope your doc will call you as soon as he gets the results...mine does, I'm lucky. I have been thru 2 incisional microcalcifications biopsys and both were benign. They were both sitting in the middle of fibrodendem (not sure of spelling) tumors which are always begnin. The info online is very confusing because of the conflicting info. It just makes us worry and scares us to death. I'm so sorry you're having to go thru this and I hope your results are clear. Please keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you and praying for the good outcome.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Skeezie said:

    Hi Teri,
    Of course you're worried. We always are and it's the longest, scariest wait in the world. I hope your doc will call you as soon as he gets the results...mine does, I'm lucky. I have been thru 2 incisional microcalcifications biopsys and both were benign. They were both sitting in the middle of fibrodendem (not sure of spelling) tumors which are always begnin. The info online is very confusing because of the conflicting info. It just makes us worry and scares us to death. I'm so sorry you're having to go thru this and I hope your results are clear. Please keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you and praying for the good outcome.

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    I will just say the same as everyone else Teri. Please try to relax and don't think the worst. Wait until you hear from your doctor. And, I agree, call them tomorrow if you don't hear early. You don't need to go thru the weekend, not knowing. Sending you prayers and hugs.

    Hugs, Sue
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    Ritzy said:

    I will just say the same as everyone else Teri. Please try to relax and don't think the worst. Wait until you hear from your doctor. And, I agree, call them tomorrow if you don't hear early. You don't need to go thru the weekend, not knowing. Sending you prayers and hugs.

    Hugs, Sue

    Don't borrow any trouble. Relax, breath, Prayers and strength are on the way to you. Keep us posted.
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Hello and welcome Terri
    I have microcalcifications in scar tissue from my lumpectomy. It has been watched very closely for a long time. It has shrunk and that is what they are watching for.

    You have some very good advice here. Do try to relax some. It is what it is and as someone else said if it is cancer you have cought it early and you can be thankful for that. Waiting is so hard we all know that. Please come back and keep us posted.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Terri, welcome!! I will
    Terri, welcome!! I will only add that you won't be alone, we'll all be there with you. One day at a time. Keep us posted.
  • terri805
    terri805 Member Posts: 122
    MyTurnNow said:

    Terri, welcome!! I will
    Terri, welcome!! I will only add that you won't be alone, we'll all be there with you. One day at a time. Keep us posted.

    Thanks to all of you for the moral support. I will let you all know the results as soon as I find out. I pray to God that I can report good news.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    terri805 said:

    Thanks to all of you for the moral support. I will let you all know the results as soon as I find out. I pray to God that I can report good news.

    We hope that you will

    We hope that you will post good news too.
  • cbnky
    cbnky Member Posts: 1

    Hi Teri
    I agree with Angie. You don't know, yet. Breathe deep. And just deal with today. I know how hard it is. The waiting is the absolute worst part. IF there is something wrong, generally the microcalcifications mean they've caught it at the very earliest stages. Do call the onocologist, you have every right to know.


    Hi Teri
    I had a simple mastectomy due to calcium in breast tissue. It was 0 stage
    and they got it all. I had the choice of lumpectomy but chose the mast.
    I did not have to have any treatments or pills. I feel very lucky. Don't worry
    I agree with all of the posts to you. God Bless. Prayer does help.
  • terri805
    terri805 Member Posts: 122
    fauxma said:

    We hope that you will

    We hope that you will post good news too.

    bad news
    I received "the call" from my dr and she said "it doesn't look good". The pathology report shows cancer insitu (sp?). She just delivered the bad news and said I will get back with you for dr referrals.I have a lot of questions but she said that she wasn't an oncologist to answer them soooo I guess I have to wait once again to see what I am up against.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    terri805 said:

    bad news
    I received "the call" from my dr and she said "it doesn't look good". The pathology report shows cancer insitu (sp?). She just delivered the bad news and said I will get back with you for dr referrals.I have a lot of questions but she said that she wasn't an oncologist to answer them soooo I guess I have to wait once again to see what I am up against.

    I am so sorry Terri. Talk with your oncologist and let us know what your treatment will be. We are all here to support and help you thru this.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    terri805 said:

    bad news
    I received "the call" from my dr and she said "it doesn't look good". The pathology report shows cancer insitu (sp?). She just delivered the bad news and said I will get back with you for dr referrals.I have a lot of questions but she said that she wasn't an oncologist to answer them soooo I guess I have to wait once again to see what I am up against.

    Terri, sorry about the bad
    Terri, sorry about the bad news. We were all praying for good news. I imagine you will see an oncologist next week. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Alexis F said:

    I am so sorry Terri. Talk with your oncologist and let us know what your treatment will be. We are all here to support and help you thru this.


    Sorry that the news

    Sorry that the news was not good, but remember there are lots of treatments for this and we are all here to help you through each and every step. It will probably be a little while before you see the oncologist and start on this journey but we can support and comfort you during the wait. Sounds like it might be DCIS or LCIS. But you will get more information when you see the first member of your team. Prayers are coming to you and a great big hug. Try not to worry (I know it is easier said than done) but it won't help and stress is not good for you. But do vent, cry, rant, and rave if you need to and if worry comes then it comes. It is part of the journey too. But you have many warrior sisters to walk with you.
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808

    Terri, sorry about the bad
    Terri, sorry about the bad news. We were all praying for good news. I imagine you will see an oncologist next week. Keep us posted on how you are doing.


    Teri, Sorry that you didn't
    Teri, Sorry that you didn't get the good news we were all hoping for. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. We're here for you anytime, 24/7. Let us know what the next step is after you see your onc.
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Sunrae said:

    Teri, Sorry that you didn't
    Teri, Sorry that you didn't get the good news we were all hoping for. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. We're here for you anytime, 24/7. Let us know what the next step is after you see your onc.

    I too am sorry
    that it wasn't the news you wanted to hear. As posted above, sounds like DCIS or Lobular ... both of which are cancer in the earliest stages. That part is good news. I know that sounds hollow now. It will take time. And the waiting is so incredibly hard. So sorry.

    Big hugs,
  • Zhentup
    Zhentup Member Posts: 43

    I'm sorry about the news you got. It seems we all spend almost as much time waiting as anything else. The one thing I noticed, though, is that you mentioned about not having a lot of family support and that you felt alone. Just check out the people who answered you!! You're NOT alone.

    Keep the faith,
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Zhentup said:


    I'm sorry about the news you got. It seems we all spend almost as much time waiting as anything else. The one thing I noticed, though, is that you mentioned about not having a lot of family support and that you felt alone. Just check out the people who answered you!! You're NOT alone.

    Keep the faith,

    We're here
    Not the news anyone wants to get. I am so sorry. We are here for you!

  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    you're not alone
    My dear Terri,
    Where ever you are, you may be sitting in front of your computer alone, but in spirit you have many 'sisters in pink' holding your hand. We have been on this path and have felt the emotions you are feeling, and, guess what? We made it through it! And you will too. I hope you can feel our support to infuse you with courage and our warm hugs to allay your fears.

    No one wants to come to this site and become part of this sisterhood. I wish you had no reason to be here. But since you are, let me tell you... your cancer has been caught early if it's 'in situ', and it's VERY treatable, and you will survive! I got the bad news on June 16 of this past summer. I had surgery (lumpectomy), took a month's vacation, then started 5 days of radiation (accelerated partial breast irradiation). Ta da. I'm done.

    You will be learning a lot of new terms that seem to be specific to breast cancer. I hope you can bet some books on breast cancer. Almost any title will do. Look for the DCIS chapters. Books are a lot more straight forward than the internet.

    This is a great place to ask questions, vent your frustrations, tell your story, etc. I will be watching for your future posts to know how you are doing. {{{{ big hugs }}}}}
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    crselby said:

    you're not alone
    My dear Terri,
    Where ever you are, you may be sitting in front of your computer alone, but in spirit you have many 'sisters in pink' holding your hand. We have been on this path and have felt the emotions you are feeling, and, guess what? We made it through it! And you will too. I hope you can feel our support to infuse you with courage and our warm hugs to allay your fears.

    No one wants to come to this site and become part of this sisterhood. I wish you had no reason to be here. But since you are, let me tell you... your cancer has been caught early if it's 'in situ', and it's VERY treatable, and you will survive! I got the bad news on June 16 of this past summer. I had surgery (lumpectomy), took a month's vacation, then started 5 days of radiation (accelerated partial breast irradiation). Ta da. I'm done.

    You will be learning a lot of new terms that seem to be specific to breast cancer. I hope you can bet some books on breast cancer. Almost any title will do. Look for the DCIS chapters. Books are a lot more straight forward than the internet.

    This is a great place to ask questions, vent your frustrations, tell your story, etc. I will be watching for your future posts to know how you are doing. {{{{ big hugs }}}}}

    We will help
    Terri, you are not facing this by yourself, you have all of us! I also am so sorry to read this. Post and let us know what your oncologist says.

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣