
girls4444 Member Posts: 34
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
After my first round of chemo I had a headache for 4 days, the doctor slowed down my chemo drip to try and prevent the headache. I had my second round of chemo on tuesday, the next day I had a headache again and it has lasted for 2 days. The doctor gave my tylenol 3, which has not helped. Has anyone else had this happen and what do you do to help get through it.


  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    Yes, I had such a headach
    Yes, I had such a headach after my first A/C chemo I thought my head was going to come off. My oncol. had me take 4 advil before going to chemo. It helped and I stayed on advil for 3 days after chemo. Talk to your doctor to get something stronger then tylenol.
  • S3
    S3 Member Posts: 28
    My headache started 2 days
    My headache started 2 days after. If my stomach was well enough I took darvocet.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    S3 said:

    My headache started 2 days
    My headache started 2 days after. If my stomach was well enough I took darvocet.

    I haven't had chemo, but, I
    I haven't had chemo, but, I hope you get some relief from your headaches.
