Super GOOD news!!!!

fishingirl Member Posts: 188
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi everyone!!

I have got the best news that I have ever had in my life!!! I was told on Monday that I am now cancer free!!!!! I just cried with happiness in the Drs. office at the cancer centre.

This may sound weird but, I am soooo very relieved on one hand and then on the other, I almost feel guilty. Because I made it through and there are still others out there that are still struggling so very hard. SBut I want to tell everyone can do it to!!! Have faith and be STRONG. Listen to what the Drs. tell you to do, AND DO IT!! lol!! Never give up. And I think praying works too. Pray every day.

Thanks to everyone here for their help and inspration. If it wasn't for this website, it would have been MUCH harder. So thank you:)



  • JGE
    JGE Member Posts: 51
    So great!
    I remember the first time they told me I was free of disease. It was tremendous!

    So glad for you
    SIRENAF42 Member Posts: 202
    It is a moment you will never forget :) Enjoy your "FREEdom"
  • thegirlfriend
    thegirlfriend Member Posts: 142
    SIRENAF42 said:

    It is a moment you will never forget :) Enjoy your "FREEdom"

    no guilt
    dont you be feeling guilty. Any one of everyone on here wishes that for themselves as well as everyone here. So you just relish those words, and enjoy how they sound.
  • Dazey
    Dazey Member Posts: 91
    good news
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful news - how sweet it is to hear that kind of news after this long journey. I am so happy for you! Dazey
  • doitforoj
    doitforoj Member Posts: 64
    Heaven not for a second feel guilty. I am 21 rads in on 33 and 2 chemo complete of 3 and am veryyyy happy for you. That is great news. You worked hard and suffered greatly and this is your reward.
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    Great to hear your news. Bet the trip back home was just about the best long trip you've ever made. Excellent. Guilty? Hey, girl- that's guilt we can all live with.

  • jteasley
    jteasley Member Posts: 6
    Kent Cass said:


    Great to hear your news. Bet the trip back home was just about the best long trip you've ever made. Excellent. Guilty? Hey, girl- that's guilt we can all live with.


    Oh Yes!
    Way to go!
  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    As someone who just got a clean PET scan himself, I know just how you feel.
    It's stories like these that help those just diagnosed or in treatment to keep their eyes on the prize.
    There is life after cancer, and it's good.
    Merry Christmas!

    --Jim in Delaware
  • fishingirl
    fishingirl Member Posts: 188
    delnative said:

    As someone who just got a clean PET scan himself, I know just how you feel.
    It's stories like these that help those just diagnosed or in treatment to keep their eyes on the prize.
    There is life after cancer, and it's good.
    Merry Christmas!

    --Jim in Delaware

    Thank you all!!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank God for giving me a second chance in life:) And I wish the same for everyone. This journey has changed my life forever. It's made me see through different eyes, and be gratefull for each day. I will pray for all of you and wish the same for all. I would like to keep on this forum, as it is the kindest, warmest forum I have ever seen:) If I can help at all....I will.

  • SmithMama2
    SmithMama2 Member Posts: 48
    Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
    I am so pleased to read your message tonight! May you have a stress-free holiday season. You certainly have something to celebrate now, don't you!!! For us it felt like we won the jackpot to be cancer-free at last.

    Great big hugs to you and your family!!!
  • pk
    pk Member Posts: 192

    Thank you all!!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank God for giving me a second chance in life:) And I wish the same for everyone. This journey has changed my life forever. It's made me see through different eyes, and be gratefull for each day. I will pray for all of you and wish the same for all. I would like to keep on this forum, as it is the kindest, warmest forum I have ever seen:) If I can help at all....I will.


    Your news is the best news. I am so happy for you. Keep on keeping on - your story is an inspiration to all here with cancer and caregivers like myself!!!!
  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    Yahoooooooo !
    Great news Cindy. I can share your joy as I my Scan done Tuesday and got and ALL CLEAR so I can feel the wind from your sigh of relief. Good Stuff and we all look FWD to continuos results of the ALL CLEAR. Oh Yeah !

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Great to Hear
    Thanks for sharing - joy shared is joy doubled. Merry, merry Christmas!
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Cindy
    I just love hearing this type of news, congratulations to you and may God keep you in His care
  • mums flower
    mums flower Member Posts: 12
    Hi Cindy just wanted to say a BIG Congratulations have a Happy and Merry Christmas that will be your best Christmas present ever.

    Hugs to you

    Janette : )