How long do bc survivors stay on this site and why do they stay on past their treatment?



  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    Sunrae, I could have written what you posted, so, all I'll say is, "Ditto for me."
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    crselby said:

    Sunrae, I could have written what you posted, so, all I'll say is, "Ditto for me."

    Hadn't thought of this
    I guess I hadn't thought of this before. I really don't know how long I will be here. I know that I need it now for support, advice and encouragement. I mainly just offer that to others, hoping that maybe something that I write will help someone in some way.

    We have all been thru and still are going thru so much in our fight against bc, that this board allows us the freedom to discuss and help each other in so many ways.

    I have been amazed by the strength of all of you. And, I thank you for your support of me.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    I am here as I need it, and I will stay here.
    When I am a survivor, I will be here,and try to help someone else, as all have helped me.
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    I'll never forget the first
    I'll never forget the first time I posted. I had known of my cancer for a few days. I locked myself in my guest room telling the kids I was taking a nap, and I posted a question about how to help young children cope with mommy having cancer. I remember crying as I waited and waited and waited for someone to respond to my post. I was desperate for contact and advice. I will probably stay on here as long as there are new people posting questions and desperate for advice. I remember that feeling so strongly. I hope to help alleviate someone else's fear in whatever way I can.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    susie09 said:

    I didn't mean to open up a can of worms. All I was doing was asking a question, that's it. There was no offense meant, no judgement intended. I was just curious as to why some stay, some never post, some leave right after treatment and so on. I apologize if I offended anyone. It was just a curious question post.

    wait Susie... who's
    wait Susie... who's offended??? The can of worms statement?? I was just talking about my long windedness in the reply... (is that a word???)... I think it was a great question ... with so many different reasons!


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    pitt said:

    I'll never forget the first
    I'll never forget the first time I posted. I had known of my cancer for a few days. I locked myself in my guest room telling the kids I was taking a nap, and I posted a question about how to help young children cope with mommy having cancer. I remember crying as I waited and waited and waited for someone to respond to my post. I was desperate for contact and advice. I will probably stay on here as long as there are new people posting questions and desperate for advice. I remember that feeling so strongly. I hope to help alleviate someone else's fear in whatever way I can.

    Great post Susie! Maybe we should share that wine next time??????????

    I didn't know many bc survivors when I first came here, but, now I know LOTS! You guys! It is good because I have made many new cyber friends that I will cherish forever. Yes, I have friends outside this site, yes, I am busy with lots of other stuff. But, when I feel like I need some help, I come here, as I have this week. When I see a bc survivor reaching out for information or just a friendly word, I log on and reply. I pray that I have given much, much more than I have received. I love you guys!

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    pitt said:

    I'll never forget the first
    I'll never forget the first time I posted. I had known of my cancer for a few days. I locked myself in my guest room telling the kids I was taking a nap, and I posted a question about how to help young children cope with mommy having cancer. I remember crying as I waited and waited and waited for someone to respond to my post. I was desperate for contact and advice. I will probably stay on here as long as there are new people posting questions and desperate for advice. I remember that feeling so strongly. I hope to help alleviate someone else's fear in whatever way I can.

    I came here
    One sleepless night after being diagnosed during the holidays last year. I just stumbled across this site ( I believe God led me here). I cannot imagine what I would have done without my sisters,friends and angels in pink. We all helped with our flashlights turned we all went through the long black tunnel. You have all been here to hold my hand and comfort me through oh so many treatments, tests, worries and many laughs and friendships were built. We are all kindred sisters and I come here now to see if I can help, or when I need help. Sometimes just because it seems like home here with you all.
    lotsa love and hugs, Jackie
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Why I stay......
    I only found this site as my chemo was coming to an end. I wish I had found it earlier. During my chemo I didn't have anyone to talk to who had gone through it. To be honest, only 2 other women I grew up with and loved like sisters, had BC and went thru treatment, but didn't make it. It didn't help when I was in chemo. I was scared and alone. My "adopted" family where I live totally ignored my illness, even the kids I helped raise to adulthood abandoned me. My family are far away and my Mom is an elderly 88 (but spry) years young. She stayed with me and went with me to all my treatments. But she didn't know. She tried, but you have to walk in our shoes. I think I had found the board once, asked a question, got an answer and left. I didn't realize then the impact of the posts from these very courageous women (and men) would have on me later. I think now I'm almost afraid to leave, I still need the cyber hugs, the need to vent once in a while, and welcome a newbie to our circle. I have been out of treatment for 6 months, my hair is growing back in and the wounds are healing, but to be totally honest, I don't want to leave. I love each and every one of you here and you are my newest family of friends. I guess one day I'll start fading out, but I still need it.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    padee6339 said:

    Why I stay......
    I only found this site as my chemo was coming to an end. I wish I had found it earlier. During my chemo I didn't have anyone to talk to who had gone through it. To be honest, only 2 other women I grew up with and loved like sisters, had BC and went thru treatment, but didn't make it. It didn't help when I was in chemo. I was scared and alone. My "adopted" family where I live totally ignored my illness, even the kids I helped raise to adulthood abandoned me. My family are far away and my Mom is an elderly 88 (but spry) years young. She stayed with me and went with me to all my treatments. But she didn't know. She tried, but you have to walk in our shoes. I think I had found the board once, asked a question, got an answer and left. I didn't realize then the impact of the posts from these very courageous women (and men) would have on me later. I think now I'm almost afraid to leave, I still need the cyber hugs, the need to vent once in a while, and welcome a newbie to our circle. I have been out of treatment for 6 months, my hair is growing back in and the wounds are healing, but to be totally honest, I don't want to leave. I love each and every one of you here and you are my newest family of friends. I guess one day I'll start fading out, but I still need it.

    Hi all
    I stumbled across this site after my treatment was over... my pain was not. I had no support at home and I got through on my own, even carrying passengers. I discovered this site totally by accident and I am so glad I did... It literally saved my life. Some of the 'Old Timers' on here gave me hope that I could survive more than a year... some of the newbies were comforted by my wafflings.... If I can help just one person in here I will stay for the rest of my life...I can never put this behind me completely. It could happen again...

    Hey Great question though...............Cabernet Sauvignon?...Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Because I think these are very reasonable questions.....not offensive at all...

    I actully, "stumbled" on this site back in early April, right after my diagnosis..It was and IS a GOD SEND for me! I was so full of questions, fear, anxiety, you name it! I asked a hundred questions and probably got twice the replies....To actully have someone experience EXACTLY what I was facing was incredible.....My first question was about a core needle biopsy and then about a wire needle localization......I was terrified of that....I got a varying degree of responses..some said it hurt, others said, no big deal....Turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought.....

    I am finished all treatment as of 4 weeks ago...lumpectomy, chemo, radiation...I will stay. I have said "If I can help just one person, get through this horrible time, I will feel as if I have done something kind and good"......I want to be able to ease someone's mind, even about the smallest of things, if possible....I want to give back, the tremendous support I have been given......not by all, but by most! I cherish the long time bc survivors posts...It's reassuring to say the I hope they stay also!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    MAJW said:


    Because I think these are very reasonable questions.....not offensive at all...

    I actully, "stumbled" on this site back in early April, right after my diagnosis..It was and IS a GOD SEND for me! I was so full of questions, fear, anxiety, you name it! I asked a hundred questions and probably got twice the replies....To actully have someone experience EXACTLY what I was facing was incredible.....My first question was about a core needle biopsy and then about a wire needle localization......I was terrified of that....I got a varying degree of responses..some said it hurt, others said, no big deal....Turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought.....

    I am finished all treatment as of 4 weeks ago...lumpectomy, chemo, radiation...I will stay. I have said "If I can help just one person, get through this horrible time, I will feel as if I have done something kind and good"......I want to be able to ease someone's mind, even about the smallest of things, if possible....I want to give back, the tremendous support I have been given......not by all, but by most! I cherish the long time bc survivors posts...It's reassuring to say the I hope they stay also!

    I went looking for a site
    I went looking for a site when I was diagnosed. I had been on a different site when I went through uterine cancer and found it to be so helpful to have others who had been through what I had. People I could ask questions, share with and help support as well.
    I actually tried two other sites before this one. Neither seemed the right fit for me. At first I just lurked and read but then I finally jumped in. I have found this site to be so much more than I ever expected. It is the best. And when I was comfortable in giving advice and support to others I did. I think that like Chen and so many others have said, I hope to remain a member for a long, long time. I want to give to others what was given to me. A shoulder to cry on, an arm to hold me, an ear to listen to me, a laugh to lift my spirits, a prayer, blessing, or good thought to lift me up, a sister, a brother, a friend, a family and a heart that is always open. Someone who knows my fears, my questions, my very being. That is what I have received and I hope that I can give even the smallest portion of that to someone else. This site can be so much, but mostly it is a lifeline to those that are lost in the sea of breast cancer.
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    MAJW said:


    Because I think these are very reasonable questions.....not offensive at all...

    I actully, "stumbled" on this site back in early April, right after my diagnosis..It was and IS a GOD SEND for me! I was so full of questions, fear, anxiety, you name it! I asked a hundred questions and probably got twice the replies....To actully have someone experience EXACTLY what I was facing was incredible.....My first question was about a core needle biopsy and then about a wire needle localization......I was terrified of that....I got a varying degree of responses..some said it hurt, others said, no big deal....Turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought.....

    I am finished all treatment as of 4 weeks ago...lumpectomy, chemo, radiation...I will stay. I have said "If I can help just one person, get through this horrible time, I will feel as if I have done something kind and good"......I want to be able to ease someone's mind, even about the smallest of things, if possible....I want to give back, the tremendous support I have been given......not by all, but by most! I cherish the long time bc survivors posts...It's reassuring to say the I hope they stay also!

    Why do I come here?
    Why do I come here? You know Ias myself that alot. Usual when I am signing in. I don't post often, I would like to think that when i do post it helps some one some how. I try to bring humor here, because i beleave that a smile goes a long way towards giving comfort. My biggest reason though, is because my heart tells me this is where i belong, this is where i am needed, this is how it should be. So i will continue comming, i will continue to post even if it is sparaicly. My sister are here, how could i ever leave them.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    taleena said:

    wait Susie... who's
    wait Susie... who's offended??? The can of worms statement?? I was just talking about my long windedness in the reply... (is that a word???)... I think it was a great question ... with so many different reasons!



    Thanks for posting that. Whew again! ♠♣ Christmas Susie ♠♣
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    I'm here to stay.
    Hi All,

    I have found great comfort here. Information, too but the comfort has meant much more to me. People talk about being born again religiously. Because of BC, I have been born again to the value of life and the people I love. I will never forget the fear I felt with my diagnosis. I was not only frightened but I was confused by the decisions I was expected to make. This site and my BC sisters were here to offer their support, information, and inspiration. I want to be a survivor who gives that to others. I want them to see the 2009 joined date and think, "Wow she's still around, I can survive too."

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Susie an excellent question
    Susie an excellent question with our without wine!! I read everyone's comments, and all I can say is THANK YOU to everyone posting and reading on this site. I found this when I was looking for answers. I googled my question and somehow by the Grace of God stumbled on to this magnificent site with all you beautiful people. I signed up for a couple other sites but they were not for me. This discussion board is direct, supportive,acessible, and so loving. your questions get answered, sometimes not what I want to hear, but I find both answers and questions I need to ask. Thank you Survivors one and all, newbies and the seasoned long timers. I get the support I need here and so far this is my only real support network.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    tjhay said:

    Why do I come here?
    Why do I come here? You know Ias myself that alot. Usual when I am signing in. I don't post often, I would like to think that when i do post it helps some one some how. I try to bring humor here, because i beleave that a smile goes a long way towards giving comfort. My biggest reason though, is because my heart tells me this is where i belong, this is where i am needed, this is how it should be. So i will continue comming, i will continue to post even if it is sparaicly. My sister are here, how could i ever leave them.

    Excellent Post Susie
    Hi Susie. I think I have taken this board for granted because in my most dire need of support and help, I got it from all of you my bc sisters and I don't think I properly thanked you.

    So, Thank You everyone for all that you have done to help me thru my treatments for bc. I don't know what I would have done without each and everyone of you.

    This is the one place, as someone else said, where everyone "gets it"!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    susie09 said:

    Whew and Thanks
    Thank you Jadie and MaryWest. I was starting to feel like I offended someone and that was not my intention. So, I am letting out a big WHEW! Thanks for posting and letting me know this. Now I feel better!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣

    p.s. No more drinking wine when I am on here. HAHA

    Hey Susie
    I think this thread was a great idea! Just look at the responses! You did not offend anyone. So, have another glass of wine. Kristin ♥
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I didn't come on to this
    I didn't come on to this site until my treatment was about over. I was falling apart emotionally and was reaching for every kind of support that was recommended to me. Some of the people who welcomed me at first have disappeared: Joyce Louise, Lily Montero, and others. Some of the people were here for me in the beginning and are still here: Kathy M., RE, Claudia, Eileen, Marcia, Others arrived around the same time: Peggy, Cindy, Julia., and still others arrived shortly after...Aortus and Moopy, Mimi, Pammy, Taleena, Christmas Girl, RJJ...Judy, I don't know when YOU cropped up..(just because I'm not mentioning your name right now, doesn't mean I don't think of you - these are folks who come to mind as I type in my slap dash way). Then there are the ones who I think of as newbies, who are actually FINISHING treatment. It is hard to keep up with everybody. I must be getting old, which with cancer is a GOOD thing!

    I'm on here to repay the debt I owe for the love, prayers, and support I've received. I want to share back my experience for as long as I can be of help. And things still crop up that help me. Tasha just posted about ongoing pain. Others post about reconstruction (still on the fence). I ask for your prayers when checkups loom. I like to read the "funnies."

    And then, so many of you have become 3-dimensional to me - even in Cyberspace. I will be in Chicago (my home town) around July 4th and I would love to meet my Chicago sisters. A bit later, I will be in Boston.

    I don't feel any obligation, so I don't know how long I will keep posting. It feels right for now.

    xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    natly15 said:

    Susie an excellent question
    Susie an excellent question with our without wine!! I read everyone's comments, and all I can say is THANK YOU to everyone posting and reading on this site. I found this when I was looking for answers. I googled my question and somehow by the Grace of God stumbled on to this magnificent site with all you beautiful people. I signed up for a couple other sites but they were not for me. This discussion board is direct, supportive,acessible, and so loving. your questions get answered, sometimes not what I want to hear, but I find both answers and questions I need to ask. Thank you Survivors one and all, newbies and the seasoned long timers. I get the support I need here and so far this is my only real support network.

    You could have offered us some too Susie. This place, how would I describe it? Miraculous! I know it has given peace of mind to a lot of us a lot of times. When will I leave? I finished rads late summer, and, don't post often anymore. It is kind of sad that when I do come on, I just am lost with so many new bc survivors. I hate to see that. But, I thank God that I had it in my time of need. Maybe now I can give someone else a lil good advice, a chuckle or just a good luck now and again.

    Kristin ♥
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    I didn't come on to this
    I didn't come on to this site until my treatment was about over. I was falling apart emotionally and was reaching for every kind of support that was recommended to me. Some of the people who welcomed me at first have disappeared: Joyce Louise, Lily Montero, and others. Some of the people were here for me in the beginning and are still here: Kathy M., RE, Claudia, Eileen, Marcia, Others arrived around the same time: Peggy, Cindy, Julia., and still others arrived shortly after...Aortus and Moopy, Mimi, Pammy, Taleena, Christmas Girl, RJJ...Judy, I don't know when YOU cropped up..(just because I'm not mentioning your name right now, doesn't mean I don't think of you - these are folks who come to mind as I type in my slap dash way). Then there are the ones who I think of as newbies, who are actually FINISHING treatment. It is hard to keep up with everybody. I must be getting old, which with cancer is a GOOD thing!

    I'm on here to repay the debt I owe for the love, prayers, and support I've received. I want to share back my experience for as long as I can be of help. And things still crop up that help me. Tasha just posted about ongoing pain. Others post about reconstruction (still on the fence). I ask for your prayers when checkups loom. I like to read the "funnies."

    And then, so many of you have become 3-dimensional to me - even in Cyberspace. I will be in Chicago (my home town) around July 4th and I would love to meet my Chicago sisters. A bit later, I will be in Boston.

    I don't feel any obligation, so I don't know how long I will keep posting. It feels right for now.

    xoxoxoxo Lynn

    Thanks Susie!
    I have been reading all of these posts and they are great! It just clarifies how much this site means to all of us. I know that I came on here and just read for awhile. I finally just jumped in and found so much hope, help and comfort here. When I was going thru radiation, I know I seemed to need a lot of help and I would like to thank Jeanne D for all of the PM's and all of the help she gave me to get me thru it. I don't know what I would have done without it. There are a lot of super heros on this site as far as I am concerned, and, she is one of them!

    I post whenever anymore, but, miss a lot by not being on everyday. I imagine someday I will just not come on. Not for sure when, but, I think it will happen that way. Or, who knows, I might be here until they cart me away. HAHA

    KYLEZ ♥