always being questioned!!



  • MelanieT
    MelanieT Member Posts: 186

    So Sorry
    People are so insensitive. They have no idea what they are talking about. Most of them are just there for the fun times. I was in the hospital for 14 days for emergency surgery for obstructions which turned out to be Stage IIIc, 8/32 positive lymph nodes, had resection and chemo followed. At the same time my sisters house burned to the ground. She never once called me or came to see me. I was visiting at my moms house when she called so I got on the phone to say hello. She started crying about loosing here house and said she just couldn't call me. Then proceeded to tell how horrible it was to loose everything. Broke my heart. I felt bad but how many of us would exchange material things for our health. I know I would. I was very sympathetic towards her but it really hurt my feelings. She has yet to call or talk to me about my cancer. When I finished my chemo she asked my mom why I wasn't back to work yet. People just don't get it. You don't let anyone try to enter in where they don't belong. You and your husband live it and you make your decisions based on experience, knowledge and your dedication to one another. I'm sorry they have been so disrespectful to you. You're in my prayers. Big hugs to you both.

    Blessings to all,

    Debbie (gramma)

    thanks debbie..... people
    thanks debbie..... people ask chris the same thing. they think cause some people work on chemo that eveyone should. They dont realize how the tumor,surgery, colostomy bag, illiostmy bag and chemo has turned our lives upside down.. I am so glad to have all you to talk to it helps so much.. Im also sorry for what you have been through..
