side effects ...:(

newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone , just a few questions....I am 10 days post chemo,,felt great the 1st 3 days thwn wham!!! the big "d" now under control...sore mouth ... faithfully doing mout wash after every meal and bed time....achey..... felt better around day 8 but today sharp pains (like a light electric shock in both arms...and legs (it just comes and goes)also a "weird not quite here feeling and light headed ness) I think I will believe everything is from chemo now but it seems like there is alot , so are these normal and will these get worsewith each treatment or stay the same ???? thanks everyone xxoxoxoxo Lisa


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    The electrical shocks are prob. your nerve firing off, some chemos cause nerve damage just be sure to mention it to your doc when you see him. I was super light headed, for me it all cleared up at the start of the third week. I hope you feel better soon.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    RE said:

    The electrical shocks are prob. your nerve firing off, some chemos cause nerve damage just be sure to mention it to your doc when you see him. I was super light headed, for me it all cleared up at the start of the third week. I hope you feel better soon.


    yes I have to say I dont
    yes I have to say I dont know my body on chemo and have al kinds of weird sensations, i felt more out of it in the beginning of the cycle then it cleared. but am still pretty fuzzy like misspelling and typing etc... I would say its all normal but ask your doc.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    carkris said:

    yes I have to say I dont
    yes I have to say I dont know my body on chemo and have al kinds of weird sensations, i felt more out of it in the beginning of the cycle then it cleared. but am still pretty fuzzy like misspelling and typing etc... I would say its all normal but ask your doc.

    Hi Again you
    I really hate to tell you this BUT: I am 18 months out of chemo and my taste buds are very SLOWLY returning. The peripheral neuropathy has not deminished at all, and Chemo brain sucks big time, I can't DO numbers, make change, count money........I have been told that only a few respond like this, I sure hope it is so. Huge Hugs HunXXXXXXXX
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    Hi Lisa
    Make sure you mention your symptoms to your sound like you have some neuropathy going on which I know happens with some chemos.

    Remember too that you will have a new normal now that you are on took me 6 weeks to figure that out.

    Hugs and stay warm in Canada. Its cold here in Wisconsin, so youve gotta be cold
    Linda T
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    So sorry you are having all
    So sorry you are having all of these problems Lisa. I hope it gets better for you.

    KYLEZ ♥
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    My onc makes me take B-6
    My onc makes me take B-6 (150mg) per day to ward off the shocks in my fingers/toes. Also take a claritin for 10 days to help with the Neulasta shot if you are having one of those. (CHeck with your onc first, of course!) I also got mouth sores and my doctor gave me some special lozenges for that and I didn't get any for treatment #3. good luck! Pitt
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Lisa, unfortunately the
    Lisa, unfortunately the nerve damage causing the numbness and tingling is a symtom of chemo
    and won't get better. My toes are permanently numb. My symptoms never kicked in until the 4th, or 5th day after a treament.You will feel better the third week, right before you go back for more fun! My sickness and diarea did stop with the chemo though,and my taste came back quickly, so it will get better.
  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    dyaneb123 said:

    Lisa, unfortunately the
    Lisa, unfortunately the nerve damage causing the numbness and tingling is a symtom of chemo
    and won't get better. My toes are permanently numb. My symptoms never kicked in until the 4th, or 5th day after a treament.You will feel better the third week, right before you go back for more fun! My sickness and diarea did stop with the chemo though,and my taste came back quickly, so it will get better.

    thanks xoxox
    thank you everyone.... I can deal with stuff if I know what I am dealing with... I feel so much better today I am going to cut down my christmas tree today!! yes linda it is cold here -5 today so I will bundle up... thanks again everyone...hope you all are well....xoxoxxxo Lisa
  • calvertcrafts
    calvertcrafts Member Posts: 93 Member
    side effects
    I had the same side effects after my first chemo. I told my onc and she changed the dosage for my second chemo and the effects were much better. I had no bone pain or achiness. I was afraid changing the dosage would mean more chemo, but that's not the case. Talk to your onc and good luck!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    thanks xoxox
    thank you everyone.... I can deal with stuff if I know what I am dealing with... I feel so much better today I am going to cut down my christmas tree today!! yes linda it is cold here -5 today so I will bundle up... thanks again everyone...hope you all are well....xoxoxxxo Lisa

    Happy that you are feeling
    Happy that you are feeling much better! Hope you get a great xmas tree!

  • Lindsay82
    Lindsay82 Member Posts: 4
    pitt said:

    My onc makes me take B-6
    My onc makes me take B-6 (150mg) per day to ward off the shocks in my fingers/toes. Also take a claritin for 10 days to help with the Neulasta shot if you are having one of those. (CHeck with your onc first, of course!) I also got mouth sores and my doctor gave me some special lozenges for that and I didn't get any for treatment #3. good luck! Pitt

    I've had terrible mouth sores. Do you remember the name of the lozenges your doctor gave you? I've been doing a rinse, but if there is something that helps prevent them, I'm all for it.
