How do I deal w/my mood swings?

Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was diagnosed in Sept, and all has been okay. I have caregivers, have managed the treatments, and now I seem to have these lousy mood swings more often.I am no longer on AC(+taxotere)I do take some heart meds. Now I find smack in the middle fo doing something enjoyable my brain wanders elsewhere, and I am tearyeyed. My sleeping habits are atrocious, I am up at 3-4am day after day. It is to the point I refuse invitations as I fear I will not be good company (not that I ever was!)
I am trying to be cheery and positive for myself and those around me but it seems to be going down hill.
Any advice or is this it for now?
Thanks and peace.


  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Go with the flow! What ever
    Go with the flow! What ever your mood is it is the right mood. You don't have to be cheery and positive for anyone. That's their problme and they can just suck it up. Now I am not saying to wallow in the negative but acknowledge your feelings. If you try to deny your feelings you are going to get worse. You also have to accept your feelings, its ok to feel however you are feeling at that moment. Feelings are like trains they come and go you know.

    I have told everyone (said with a smile)I am in a bitchy mood today so watch out! I have told them I am in a weepy mood today and to leave me alone.
  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210

    Go with the flow! What ever
    Go with the flow! What ever your mood is it is the right mood. You don't have to be cheery and positive for anyone. That's their problme and they can just suck it up. Now I am not saying to wallow in the negative but acknowledge your feelings. If you try to deny your feelings you are going to get worse. You also have to accept your feelings, its ok to feel however you are feeling at that moment. Feelings are like trains they come and go you know.

    I have told everyone (said with a smile)I am in a bitchy mood today so watch out! I have told them I am in a weepy mood today and to leave me alone.

    swV Thanks sounds easier then I allow it
    They do not last. I think I will ask for something for sleep and I guess anxiety. When I think I get so worked up I have really scarey shortness of breathe. There have been heart issues ruled out, but the chemo screwed up some heart muscles.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Lynda53 said:

    swV Thanks sounds easier then I allow it
    They do not last. I think I will ask for something for sleep and I guess anxiety. When I think I get so worked up I have really scarey shortness of breathe. There have been heart issues ruled out, but the chemo screwed up some heart muscles.

    going through breat cancer
    going through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment is a trauma. you are dealing with the aftermath. Cant judge why dperession. lack of sleep, only a professional can tell you . I am on a samll dose of lexapro and it helps but find I am worse when tired and of course when feeling lousy. You should not be expected to bounce back all perky and happy. You are still dealing emotionally with what has happend.
  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    Been there. Some days are
    Been there. Some days are better than others. This bc journey takes a toll on our body and minds. For me medications are a must to survive. Asking for help is very hard but help is available. Take good care of yourself. I am so grateful for this board. I have received so much info an strength. It is good to know we are not alone with our fears. Do what makes you feel good. Take care of yourself. Marilyn
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Don't be afraid to ask your health care provider for something to help with your anxiety, depression or sleep problems. Many of us here have had to do just that at one time or another during our treatments, etc.

    After all, if now now, then when would help of that nature be suitable!


  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    My original posted twice...must be gremlins!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    You know when you are at the
    You know when you are at the supermarket, and you hear a toddler crying? And you know it isn't the "brat cry" but from the sound you can tell this poor baby is way, way past his nap time? And instead of being irritiated, your heart goes out to the baby and also his mama? Well, hun, chemo has put YOU way past your nap time and you are the crying baby!

    The difference is, we don't get the same freedom to act out on our tiredness or hunger as a child does. This doubles our irritation~ not only are we being poisoned ( for a good reason!) we aren't sleeping, food doesn't taste good, our bodies have been mutilated, we have lost our hair, and a breast or two, our sex life has all but disappeared, we feel anything but feminine, etc. etc. etc. Sheesh~ if all of that isn't a reason to be "cranky" ( read B.itchy!) I don't know what is!

    Listen to your body! Many of us talk to our Drs about getting help with both sleep and depression. There is such a thing as situational depression, and this is definately the situation! No one wants us to suffer any more than necessary as we are fighting for Life After Cancer!!!! Take care of the things you can, and know that "this too shall pass".

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Considering what you are dealing with.....We ALL go through can't help the way you feel........I understand putting on the cheery face.....I did it for help others....but I realized it wasn't helping me much to hide my fear, grief and anxiety.... so I finally just let my feelings be known.....It was a stress reliever to not have to "be on" so to speak.......I also, at the beginning took a low dose Valium....hand never needed anything like that but it worked! It took the edge off without making me feel like a zombie...I am all for "what gets you through the day." I am now almost 4 weeks out from ALL's been a long 8 months and I find myself actually takes a good long while to get to this point.....but eventually, you's just a long drawn out process that we must go through.....

    I wish you peace......and Valium, Xanax, what ever it takes!
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    MAJW said:

    Considering what you are dealing with.....We ALL go through can't help the way you feel........I understand putting on the cheery face.....I did it for help others....but I realized it wasn't helping me much to hide my fear, grief and anxiety.... so I finally just let my feelings be known.....It was a stress reliever to not have to "be on" so to speak.......I also, at the beginning took a low dose Valium....hand never needed anything like that but it worked! It took the edge off without making me feel like a zombie...I am all for "what gets you through the day." I am now almost 4 weeks out from ALL's been a long 8 months and I find myself actually takes a good long while to get to this point.....but eventually, you's just a long drawn out process that we must go through.....

    I wish you peace......and Valium, Xanax, what ever it takes!

    Mood swings
    have become an everyday thing for me.. I can be doing fine one second then be in tears the next second... I just try my best to see the best side of things. I hate it that I have had to go through this journey, But at the same time it has forever changed my life and put wonderful people in it I would have never ever had the chance to get to know. Including everyone on this site. And it has also removed people from my life that now looking back I'm glad are no longer there. Everyday I'm happy that God has given me another day to be a blessing to someone. Today I hope it's you!!!


  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Lynda I'm having a rough
    Lynda I'm having a rough week emotionally. Things that I can usually overlook have overataken me this week. I'm crying, angry, irritable, and just plain tired. My sleep patterns are all messed up. I know that "this too shall pass". So I'm feeling my feelings, venting, and just saying I'm ok. I'm allowed to feel what I feel even if some is not nice, but I will get past it. We are going thru some difficult times emotionally and lets not diminish the physical, this is tough, but we are tough and we will get thru it with our good and bad days.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    natly15 said:

    Lynda I'm having a rough
    Lynda I'm having a rough week emotionally. Things that I can usually overlook have overataken me this week. I'm crying, angry, irritable, and just plain tired. My sleep patterns are all messed up. I know that "this too shall pass". So I'm feeling my feelings, venting, and just saying I'm ok. I'm allowed to feel what I feel even if some is not nice, but I will get past it. We are going thru some difficult times emotionally and lets not diminish the physical, this is tough, but we are tough and we will get thru it with our good and bad days.

    Bc makes life tough. Let's
    Bc makes life tough. Let's just face it. And, sometimes we may need some kind of meds to get us thru it. Talk to your oncologist about this. They can prescribe an antidepressant, an antianxiety drug or even a sleeping pill for you take temporarily. Be kind to yourself and realize that you are fighting the beast, and, it isn't easy. But, you can DO IT!

  • Lynda53
    Lynda53 Member Posts: 210
    thnaks all I will cope
    the best I can.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Lynda53 said:

    thnaks all I will cope
    the best I can.

    Venting here helps some of
    Venting here helps some of us. It is the one place where everyone "gets" it. Sorry you are having a rough time. I pray that you feel better soon!

  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    DebbyM said:

    Venting here helps some of
    Venting here helps some of us. It is the one place where everyone "gets" it. Sorry you are having a rough time. I pray that you feel better soon!


    Me too
    I was too diagnosed at end of Aug and going thru terrible mood swings....I feel as if the chemo is "sinking in" to my body and starting to take its toll. Its really hard to stay positive. I keep thinking one more treatment and Im done but it doesnt seem to help. Hopefully as time goes on, the moodiness will go away..along with the cancer!! Hang in right there with you and have the exact same feelings as you girl.