My oncologist - Full of good news today (NOT)
KFenKFen725 said:Prayer
Eric, I am sorry that you had to hear some sobering news today, but I am glad that for now, you are in remission! We got the sad news this week that neither Folfox nor Folfiri has done a thing for my mom, and she actually has a few more new liver mets. She decided to stop chemo ("the right decision", according to her dr) and isn't interested in clinical trials. So, now she is in a similar place as you - trusting in God to do a miracle! Dr's are certainly not God, and ALL THINGS are possible with Him. Praying for a miracle for you, buddy!
I am so sorry about your mother but hope springs eternal and I hope that your Mother does well. It sounds like a natural alternative might be good for her. You can`t lose by trying. Everybodys body is different and people respond in different ways but you may stumble onto something that works for her.
Eric0 -
Dearest Ericrobinvan said:Ain't dead yet!
Which is truly amazing considering your oncologist!
Eric, it must be very hard to have to hear this stuff from the one who should be a "hope-bearer" and leader of your medical team. As long as you are still alive you might as well find another oncologist!
Being realistic is one thing but leading a patient to despair! That is too much. I am so sorry you have to deal with this.
It was said above, and I've heard it put like this... "There is no such thing as false hope. Only false despair."
You are remarkably resilient and I admire your ability to get past this stuff and serve as a source of inspiration to the rest of us.
Be well... Rob; in Vancouver
"The note we end on is and must be the note of inexhaustible possibility and hope."
Evelyn Underhill
what an amazing wonderful attitude you have. When I had my ....ok this is it! message from my doctor that was 4 years ago. Eric they don't know ....god bless em but they don't.
Have you ever tried this. I would get in beddies and DH would read to me. It didn't seem to matter what but sometimes it would be a story of pioneer struggle when no one could survive??? Except they did. I always drifted off to sleep....thinking about others and their challenges.
Hang in kiddo and hugs from the north
mags0 -
Quality of life has improved
Eric.. I truly believe that your quality of life has improved because WE know how fast it can all be gone. We now live everyday as what it is. Life is a gift.... How WE treat this gift is up to us. You my friend have a gift and you share it with us every time you post. The few who know the real you are lucky. You have taught us to be strong, to open our hearts, to share our feelings, and how to be a true friend. If you pass tomorrow know that you gave this world a GIFT that many others will NEVER know of. I'm one of the lucky ones who has grown because of you. You aren’t going anywhere for a long time anyways!!!.
Life is funny sometimes
Brooks0 -
Agree with Robrobinvan said:Ain't dead yet!
Which is truly amazing considering your oncologist!
Eric, it must be very hard to have to hear this stuff from the one who should be a "hope-bearer" and leader of your medical team. As long as you are still alive you might as well find another oncologist!
Being realistic is one thing but leading a patient to despair! That is too much. I am so sorry you have to deal with this.
It was said above, and I've heard it put like this... "There is no such thing as false hope. Only false despair."
You are remarkably resilient and I admire your ability to get past this stuff and serve as a source of inspiration to the rest of us.
Be well... Rob; in Vancouver
"The note we end on is and must be the note of inexhaustible possibility and hope."
Evelyn Underhill
I wanted to suggest you might go vist the folks at UT Southwestern. I saw a Dr there for a second opinion and he offered alot of hope. Craig goes there also, just a suggestion.
I will also say I will bet on you surviving over the roaches!!!
Take care
Jan0 -
HmmmmKFen725 said:Prayer
Eric, I am sorry that you had to hear some sobering news today, but I am glad that for now, you are in remission! We got the sad news this week that neither Folfox nor Folfiri has done a thing for my mom, and she actually has a few more new liver mets. She decided to stop chemo ("the right decision", according to her dr) and isn't interested in clinical trials. So, now she is in a similar place as you - trusting in God to do a miracle! Dr's are certainly not God, and ALL THINGS are possible with Him. Praying for a miracle for you, buddy!
Eric, you kick some butt!!! Kelly, hope your mom doe try to find some alternatives, they are out there!0 -
ERIC! ERIC! ERIC!!!just4Brooks said:Quality of life has improved
Eric.. I truly believe that your quality of life has improved because WE know how fast it can all be gone. We now live everyday as what it is. Life is a gift.... How WE treat this gift is up to us. You my friend have a gift and you share it with us every time you post. The few who know the real you are lucky. You have taught us to be strong, to open our hearts, to share our feelings, and how to be a true friend. If you pass tomorrow know that you gave this world a GIFT that many others will NEVER know of. I'm one of the lucky ones who has grown because of you. You aren’t going anywhere for a long time anyways!!!.
Life is funny sometimes
I am so glad to see you! I have been missing you soooooooooo much!!! YOU ARE NED!!! You have NO cancer today. We all know that tomorrow is a question mark. Who cares... Look how far you have come... my God..NED! If it only last a day... or a week.... that's just that much time we are free of the beast. I too face the same dilemma you do... FAITH is the key word here. I would not be where I am without it. I know that chemo is like the beast itself but gotta fight fire with fire. WE WILL SURVIVE.... and win!!
Love ya.... Jennie0 -
Here's to you and the roaches!eric38 said:Texas Strong
All of you are such sweet and caring people. I thank God for you. I know doctors go by the book and the stats but sometimes people defy stats and I think my doctor is an atheist so he does not believe miracles happen, but I do and there are new things coming out all the time. The doctor is still going to give me 4 more mop up treatments but at the present moment I have had a break from chemo for about 3 weeks and am feeling better than I have in 2 years so that is the positive in all this. I am certainly not on my death bed. Whatever comes my quality of life has improved because I was so fatigued for such a long time before my diagnosis. I`ll certainly live alot longer than I would have without treatment. The surgeon was under the belief that i wouldn`t have lasted 6 months if I didn`t respond to chemo. Those are the things I can be grateful for and I am prepared to face whatever comes but I believe that I will be sticking around for a while. I come from a family of survivors. If there was a nuclear holocaust it would be me and the roaches left.
You are NED now. You did respond to treatment! Beyond that no one can say what can/will happen. You might remain NED. Others have. At least you are getting a rest for your body for now from treatments, so if it does come back and you need to fight again you'll be ready.
My guess is that you'll eat the roaches, leaving you as survivor!
Please don't let this one doctor get you down. Celebrate NED!!!0 -
eric38just4Brooks said:Quality of life has improved
Eric.. I truly believe that your quality of life has improved because WE know how fast it can all be gone. We now live everyday as what it is. Life is a gift.... How WE treat this gift is up to us. You my friend have a gift and you share it with us every time you post. The few who know the real you are lucky. You have taught us to be strong, to open our hearts, to share our feelings, and how to be a true friend. If you pass tomorrow know that you gave this world a GIFT that many others will NEVER know of. I'm one of the lucky ones who has grown because of you. You aren’t going anywhere for a long time anyways!!!.
Life is funny sometimes
OK, Gonna be frank here, really Im just Buzzard but for the moment Im gonna be frank...I am very sorry that your "ex" oncologist doesn't know you better than we do for if he did then he would have never made that statement. What a dipstick, yep he's a dipstick. Now, as for the way you feel, like a truck has run over you. But you are young resilient, and smart enough to know that that Onc is full of BS if he thinks your going anywhere except out of his office......see what Lisa42 has to say about Dr Cantrells visit. Do as I did, call around and find out more options that you have about other treatments or trials. Even the Interferon and Lovastin sounds a whole lot better than "well your in remission but maybe not for long"....I am raising the BS flag on that one. Hes not the only Onc in the world and at this point I would inject mouse pee if I thought there was a snowballs chance that it would help me.....I know you I think and I don't think you will sit idly by and let your Dr lead you into an end of life situation.....Take the remission time and get on the phone, I did and Im positive in my own mind its the reason I'm alive today......I want to see just how diligent you are...I also want to see if I know you like I think I do....I think I do..You are and will always be one fine young man, there's not many of them anymore....Good Luck to you young man....Im right here if you need anything at all....Clift0 -
Santa Is On His Way...
Santa stopped by my house this morning and he has picked up your package and wingin' it your way right now! He's a pretty cool cat after all
You'll probably have it by Saturday at this rate - he told me he'd slide it down your chimney or perhaps put it in your mailbox
You know it's going to snow here tonight and tomorrow, don't you? Santa brought Rudolph and you know he looks just like he does on TV - his nose is so red, but Santy brought him to cut through the Texas snow
Ok, I've caught the spirit and just feeling goofy tonight! So, I've finished a couple of packages and Santa has them now and they are on the and Santa are taking a break along with the elves from the workshop to check the board...but no rest for me, it's back to work putting those packages together for all the good Boys and Girls on this wonderful board.
I do hope it makes you feel better AND don't let on to anyone else what it is, I want this to be a surprise, I have so few that I can still give out that make me feel so good!
Take care my Amigo
-Craig0 -
You're precious
You are far too precious to this group to go anywhere! A lovely person like yourself is a blessing to us all, and we don't want to be deprived of that blessing. I'm praying for only good things for you, including a positive new oncologist!
Don't let that guy take the wind out of your sails. You're NED, and you deserve to dance and enjoy it!
Gail0 -
I have only been posting here for a couple of days. I agree with all who said in one form or another... "kick you onc. to the curb". I can tell from your postings that you have the necessary spirit and attitude to prove him wrong, wrong, wrong. Focus on the positive information "remission" and mentally take the rest of it to a cliff and kick it over the side.
Thoughts become things - choose the good ones.0 -
Thanks to all of you for theJDuke said:Eric
I have only been posting here for a couple of days. I agree with all who said in one form or another... "kick you onc. to the curb". I can tell from your postings that you have the necessary spirit and attitude to prove him wrong, wrong, wrong. Focus on the positive information "remission" and mentally take the rest of it to a cliff and kick it over the side.
Thoughts become things - choose the good ones.
Thanks to all of you for the wonderful posts. I think about you often even though I have been absent from the board lately. Craig - it sounds like you are working hard on your gifts. I`m sure whatever it is it will be wonderful. As soon as I get it I am going to send out a post telling everybody what it is. (kidding) I can keep a secret. Thanks for all your work and preparation. Brooks - Thank you for the kind words. They mean alot.
Eric0 -
Not kind words. They are truth wordseric38 said:Thanks to all of you for the
Thanks to all of you for the wonderful posts. I think about you often even though I have been absent from the board lately. Craig - it sounds like you are working hard on your gifts. I`m sure whatever it is it will be wonderful. As soon as I get it I am going to send out a post telling everybody what it is. (kidding) I can keep a secret. Thanks for all your work and preparation. Brooks - Thank you for the kind words. They mean alot.
and dont you ever for get it. You're a wonderful person. Take what Buzzerd says and run with it. He a wize man and know's what he's talking about. We're lucky to have him too. As we have so many others on this board. We're in this together.
Life is funny sometimes
Brooks0 -
Ditto to what everyone else said. Especially "Frank" (aka Buzzard). There are wise words in his posts. You are an amazing fighter and I can't envision you stopping that now, na matter what some dimwitted oncologist thinks.
Your semicolon army is behind you!
Many hugs, Vicki0 -
My BrotherVickiCO said:Eric
Ditto to what everyone else said. Especially "Frank" (aka Buzzard). There are wise words in his posts. You are an amazing fighter and I can't envision you stopping that now, na matter what some dimwitted oncologist thinks.
Your semicolon army is behind you!
Many hugs, Vicki
You're in good hands here, and like my other bro there said, you're onc is a dipstick, but I would have put it more meaner like Dipsh@t.
~Donna0 -
Thank you!eric38 said:Thanks to all of you for the
Thanks to all of you for the wonderful posts. I think about you often even though I have been absent from the board lately. Craig - it sounds like you are working hard on your gifts. I`m sure whatever it is it will be wonderful. As soon as I get it I am going to send out a post telling everybody what it is. (kidding) I can keep a secret. Thanks for all your work and preparation. Brooks - Thank you for the kind words. They mean alot.
You have been such an inspiration to us all!
I can't add anything that has not all ready been said, but keep on keeping on!
You are in my thoughts and Prayers.
Sue0 -
Fight Fight and fight
We are with you, and we will fight with you, you will not be alone in this fight. I would like to fight that ONC of yours, he just pisses me off. No one has the right to take away our hope, and no one has the dates on which we are to expire, if he had that I would suggest he go buy a lottery ticket. Ok enough of the anger, please know I am thinking about you and praying for you, When I pray, I dont ask for a specific thing, I ask that God will take care of the persons needs that I am praying for, besides a cure for cancer, I dont know exactly what your needs may be, but I know God does. Stay strong and know you are cared for by some of the finest people in the world.
God Bless
Beth0 -
Beth - I agree. These aredorookie said:Fight Fight and fight
We are with you, and we will fight with you, you will not be alone in this fight. I would like to fight that ONC of yours, he just pisses me off. No one has the right to take away our hope, and no one has the dates on which we are to expire, if he had that I would suggest he go buy a lottery ticket. Ok enough of the anger, please know I am thinking about you and praying for you, When I pray, I dont ask for a specific thing, I ask that God will take care of the persons needs that I am praying for, besides a cure for cancer, I dont know exactly what your needs may be, but I know God does. Stay strong and know you are cared for by some of the finest people in the world.
God Bless
Beth - I agree. These are some of the finest people on earth. Buzzard - If there is anything I have learned from being a part of this community it is that every stage 4 person on here that survived did it because they were pro active. I will definitely take your advice.You are a wise man. One day I will learn how to snatch the pebble from your hand.
Eric0 -
I ditto everyones thoughtseric38 said:Beth - I agree. These are
Beth - I agree. These are some of the finest people on earth. Buzzard - If there is anything I have learned from being a part of this community it is that every stage 4 person on here that survived did it because they were pro active. I will definitely take your advice.You are a wise man. One day I will learn how to snatch the pebble from your hand.
I think its good news you are in remission and The other stuff you will beat i just know it.
take care
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