Struggling after my reversal operation



    GOOFYLADIE Member Posts: 232 Member
    Hi Kim
    I am so sorry you are having so much trouble. Do they have you on bland food. This with soft semi solid food helps. I am on Lialda for ulcerative colitis. I think probably a sulfa drug like mezlasalmine I am sure I spelled it wrong It will slow down the number of time you have to go to the bathroom also adding benefiber will stop this. Along with Lomotil I know alot of you think taking fiber will make you go to the bathroom. But when you are running to the bathroom metamucil and benefiber actually add bulk to stop the runs; sorry for lack of a better word.

    Sometimes when I was on chemo and couldn't seem get off the toilet the doctor would tell my husband to bring me in I was probably dehydrated etc... it was a two hour drive. I never had an accident ever. We never stopped so, maybe forcing yourself in a car for a short ride around the block or store to change atmosphere and worry. Might be a needed medicine. Worry can mess with a whole lot of our system. Just because we THINK SOMETHING isn't right. It might be worth a try. I just wanted to share what helped me. Because I would spend 3 days on the toilet but be able to drive 2 hours to the doctors no problem. I guess I felt secure knowing help was on the way, and not so scared with the doctor going to be right beside me!! Lots of love , Goofyladie (Cass)
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Try to hang in there Kim
    I was where you are almost 4 years ago when I had my colostomy taken down. It was so bad, I wore ultra thick absorbing Depends. They had to be really baggy so they didn't hurt my incision or my burning bum so you can imagine the sweats and pants I wore with them! It took what seemed like forever for me to ID foods that set me off (some still do and I still get that red blood)but it did get better. The foot I had removed was was on the "lower end" of my colon and I was told that it takes time for everything to sync back up with absorbion so I tried to be really patient. I don't like to take any kind of meds so I just tried to learn how to handle/manage it instead of it managing me.

    I did think about getting a permanent colostomy but told myself to give it 6 months, then after 6 months and things were a little better I went for another 6 months. Then it seemed much better and here I am 4 years out of surgery and am glad I was patient.

    That all said, it was tough. Unless you've had a bag you don't understand how "easy" it does make some things. After 2 1/2 years with my bag, my spincter definitely had to get re-educated.

    The blood you are seeing is probably bright red and is from you raw bum, but it is good you are getting it checked out. Let me know if I can help. I will go back and read what some of my triggers foods were if you're interested.

    Lisa P.

    PS. You have been thru so much and I know you are sick and tired of being sick and tired but hang in there, it will get better.
  • jillpls
    jillpls Member Posts: 238
    powder helped me
    Hi I went through the same issues. I'd lay in the warm bath and that helped a lot. Then I would use baby powder made with 100% cornstarch. This would help a lot. I also used a squirt bottle to rinse myself instead of wiping. Then I would pat dry and load up on the powder. ONce the bleeding subsided, I use a cream that had the highest amount of zinc to protect my skin. Calomoseptine was good but not when there are open wounds. It would sting then. I also used immodium but be careful with it. Good luck and Trust God to help you make the right decisions.
    God less
  • khl8
    khl8 Member Posts: 807
    Kim I am new to this
    I am new to this site, but I just had my takedown in September. I had the same problems, the constant going to the bathroom, if it gets too bad and it is like diareah, try immodium. I now only go about every 3 days and then on the third day, I go alot. It still gets sore, but I am using bath wipes to clean myself and that helps alot. It keeps the skin from getting raw. And of course you have to relax, I know it is hard to do, but you have to try. This will help.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Thank you all
    I want to thank you all for your responses. The nurse called me today and doctor wants to see me first thing in the morning (Tuesday). I'm not sure what he plans on doing, but I'm glad he didn't want me go to emergency like the nurse suggested - it's not bleeding when I don't go to the bathroom.

    I can't take a bath right now due to the open wound. I am going to ask about a sitz bath tomorrow, but nurse on Friday said she would wait and ask the doctor because neither she or I know what was down "down there."

    I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

    Hugs! Kim
  • PamPam2
    PamPam2 Member Posts: 370 Member

    Thank you all
    I want to thank you all for your responses. The nurse called me today and doctor wants to see me first thing in the morning (Tuesday). I'm not sure what he plans on doing, but I'm glad he didn't want me go to emergency like the nurse suggested - it's not bleeding when I don't go to the bathroom.

    I can't take a bath right now due to the open wound. I am going to ask about a sitz bath tomorrow, but nurse on Friday said she would wait and ask the doctor because neither she or I know what was down "down there."

    I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

    Hugs! Kim

    Hi Kim
    One thing that helped me a lot, and still does when needed, a cream called proctozone HC, it is prescription so maybe your doctor can get you some tomorrow. I suffered a long time as you are doing, took countless hot baths, tried sitz baths, used over the counter creams and tucks before I got the proctozone from the doctor. I also had to give up pepper, and hot-spicy foods, what burns going in will burn coming out. Another thing that helped was as others said, adding fiber, I use milled flax seed, you can get it in the baking isle at wall mart, or health food stores, a tablespoon a day works, can put it in yogart,on cereal, on salad, bake with it, I just put it in water and drink/chew it down, it has a good flavor. I am four years out from my reversal, it took a long time to get where I am now, and I continue to be careful what I eat, take my fiber, avoid hot spices, and take a stool softener daily. Hope you get some relief soon.
  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    PamPam2 said:

    Hi Kim
    One thing that helped me a lot, and still does when needed, a cream called proctozone HC, it is prescription so maybe your doctor can get you some tomorrow. I suffered a long time as you are doing, took countless hot baths, tried sitz baths, used over the counter creams and tucks before I got the proctozone from the doctor. I also had to give up pepper, and hot-spicy foods, what burns going in will burn coming out. Another thing that helped was as others said, adding fiber, I use milled flax seed, you can get it in the baking isle at wall mart, or health food stores, a tablespoon a day works, can put it in yogart,on cereal, on salad, bake with it, I just put it in water and drink/chew it down, it has a good flavor. I am four years out from my reversal, it took a long time to get where I am now, and I continue to be careful what I eat, take my fiber, avoid hot spices, and take a stool softener daily. Hope you get some relief soon.

    sore tushy
    My oncologist prescribed that cream for me, you would've thought my surgeon would've. It is wonderful, it has a numbing effect. It's hard to heal the area when you go so frequent. Alot of my problem was from the radiation I had. For those of you just having your reversal, it has taken me almost 2 years to see improvement. Kim good luck today. Hope you get some good pain relief.
  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    tiny one said:

    sore tushy
    My oncologist prescribed that cream for me, you would've thought my surgeon would've. It is wonderful, it has a numbing effect. It's hard to heal the area when you go so frequent. Alot of my problem was from the radiation I had. For those of you just having your reversal, it has taken me almost 2 years to see improvement. Kim good luck today. Hope you get some good pain relief.

    Hi Kim,
    Hi Kim. I have not gone through what you are going through. My colorectal surgeon did suggest the baby cream - Desitin for soreness and the brat diet after my colon resection. Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. I hope you feel better soon.

  • lmliess
    lmliess Member Posts: 329

    Hi Kim,
    Hi Kim. I have not gone through what you are going through. My colorectal surgeon did suggest the baby cream - Desitin for soreness and the brat diet after my colon resection. Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. I hope you feel better soon.


    I will keep you in my prayers. But just remember all that you have been through already. You have just a little more and you are strong and you can do it!


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