I am so bummed..I need you sisters



  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    rjjj said:

    Thank you my angels
    just being here and hearing all of your encouraging words has cheered meup so much.Once again I thank you all with my whole heart. I never fail to feel comfort here with you. My hand was so bad my Onc. was very alarmed until she found out it was on my non-affected side. Because of 26 lymph nodes taken out (and lymphedemia) that side is comprimised...and I have to be very careful not to get an infection.

    She said it is acting like a chemical burn or reaction...probably due to hand sanitizers/gloves at work and my ring... I am on anti-bodies, soak it 2x's a day..wrap with gauze and leave open to air at night, She thinks alot of skin will fall off (yuck) and it will heal YEAH ..I did get my Herceptin and will be done in Jan. with that. Then out with the port. I am still scheduled for bone-density...and echo-cardiogram in Dec. and another follow-up with her.

    Herceptin can damage your heart but so far my echo-grams have been OK. I am just so very grateful that my reaction was on my good side and for all of your good wishes and prayers..once again you have all been here for me when I needed you, I can't tell you how much that means to me.
    hugs and sweet dreams to you all.

    I must say, a chemical
    I must say, a chemical burn/reaction to hand sanitizers /gloves, although horribly painful, yukky and frightening, stills sounds preferable to a staph infection! My niece is horribly allergic to latex, and has to wear non latex at her work ( culinary arts).
    Please, please, please take care of yourself~ sluffing skin and all! Just think~ you may have brand new soft baby skin under it all!

    We love you, sweet Jackie and we are all very very concerned about whatever it is~ so glad that you already sound better. Here's to a full and SPEEDY recovery!

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    fauxma said:

    Glad it was not staph. But
    Glad it was not staph. But still that is so yucky for you to deal with. I remember having a reaction under my ring finger when I was in my twenties. Had to have my wedding ring cut off. It did spread a little and while not as bad as yours it was very painful. My doctor also thought it was something that I had come in contact with and it started under the ring because it was trapped there. I had just been cleaning house the day before and using a new cleanser so I tossed it out. Never had the problem again. I was able to have my ring (a simple band) mended so maybe you can do the small with your treasured ring.
    I am sending special good thoughts that the rest of this year and beyond go much smoother for you.

    I cannot wear rings to work
    I cannot wear rings to work as freq hand washing causes breakdown underneath, raw and itchy but I have not had it so bad to have my fingers swell. thank goodness it is something you can fix and did not hold back your treatment. sometimes people have issues from a respiratory point of view from breathing in the purell too much too I think the alchohol irritates the passages.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    carkris said:

    I cannot wear rings to work
    I cannot wear rings to work as freq hand washing causes breakdown underneath, raw and itchy but I have not had it so bad to have my fingers swell. thank goodness it is something you can fix and did not hold back your treatment. sometimes people have issues from a respiratory point of view from breathing in the purell too much too I think the alchohol irritates the passages.

    I am glad that you are on your way to recovery. Chemical or allergic reaction could be very painful and takes long time to heal too. Hand sanitizes can seriously irritate and damage skin. I like the idea of using gloves everywhere (if you are allowed to wear gloves at work?).
    Since my surgery I have been using vinyl gloves at home just to be safe.
    Please take care of yourself and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Jackie, just a note to let
    Jackie, just a note to let you know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are all better! Lynn