I am so bummed..I need you sisters



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    mimivac said:

    So sorry
    Jackie, that sucks. I'm so sorry about your fingers and the possibility of not getting your Herceptin tomorrow. Whatever it is, they have to figure out if it's a serious infection, or what. I hope it's minor and that you have the Herceptin tomorrow as scheduled. If not though, a short interruption will not hurt, Jackie.

    Also, the one-year diagnosis is a doozy isn't it. You've been an inspiration this whole year and someone I could count on. Congrats and many, many more years to come. This hand thing is just a blip, I'm thinking. You'll be better soon.


    Oral antibiotics
    I am very sorry,
    If you have not taken antibiotics it is not too late to do CULTURE.
    I do not understand why they did not put you on oral antibiotics.
    Is this the hand with removed lymph nodes? Do you have fewer?

    Since mastectomy I had arm infection once. I was taking Keflex /Cephalexin which helped me immidiately.

    Good luck tomorrow
    New Flower
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    Oral antibiotics
    I am very sorry,
    If you have not taken antibiotics it is not too late to do CULTURE.
    I do not understand why they did not put you on oral antibiotics.
    Is this the hand with removed lymph nodes? Do you have fewer?

    Since mastectomy I had arm infection once. I was taking Keflex /Cephalexin which helped me immidiately.

    Good luck tomorrow
    New Flower

    New Flower
    It was too late to do a culture because he had already wrapped it in a gauze wrap with medicated ointment on my hand. He did give me oral anti-bodies and told me to come back tomorrow before I go to my Onc. to have it re-wrapped and checked. It is my right hand so I can't do much, (like cooking a turkey) or work as a CNA. Since I work in a hosp. is why I worry about Staff infection, I had it once before and it was horrible..I was rushed to ER and it was life-threatening. And I do have a slight fever..although they didn't check it. I did.
    It does seem like it is one-thing after the other since I just got over a horrible UTI which had me laid up in pain for a couple weeks..and now this. I just hope all is cleared up before Christmas! because Iplan on having the Best celebration and time with my family ever!!
    Thank you all for such supportive comments and of course Joe, you ARE just as important to me over this last year as my sweet sisters, Thats why you are my Bro. in pink!
    Love Jackie
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hugs to you Jackie
    Jackie I am so sorry you are have this painful rash and hope it is not anything too serious. Truth be told with us bc sisters we just never know and have to always stay on top of everything.

    As far as your one year anniversary goes, that is good news because you are here to see it. You ARE A SURVIVOR and you have every right to stand tall and be proud of yourself for the battle you forged and the success you have had! Your anniversary is a way to say I beat you cancer, you did not beat me!

    Please let us know what your onco says and in spite of the rash has a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loving family.

  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    rjjj said:

    New Flower
    It was too late to do a culture because he had already wrapped it in a gauze wrap with medicated ointment on my hand. He did give me oral anti-bodies and told me to come back tomorrow before I go to my Onc. to have it re-wrapped and checked. It is my right hand so I can't do much, (like cooking a turkey) or work as a CNA. Since I work in a hosp. is why I worry about Staff infection, I had it once before and it was horrible..I was rushed to ER and it was life-threatening. And I do have a slight fever..although they didn't check it. I did.
    It does seem like it is one-thing after the other since I just got over a horrible UTI which had me laid up in pain for a couple weeks..and now this. I just hope all is cleared up before Christmas! because Iplan on having the Best celebration and time with my family ever!!
    Thank you all for such supportive comments and of course Joe, you ARE just as important to me over this last year as my sweet sisters, Thats why you are my Bro. in pink!
    Love Jackie

    My Goodness!! I pray that it's just something simple. My Mom had something like what you have described and she too had to have her rings cut off. It was DX as some sort of fungus but nothing very serious. I am praying that it's just something very easy and you will be able to prepare that Turkey!!!

    Big hugs going out to you !!!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi eJacki
    Sorry to hear about you breaking out.Hopefully it is not staff infection.I pray it goes away soon and you feel better.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    So sorry to hear you've had a tough time this past week.

    I'm adding my hopes and prayers that all will be well and you will recover from whatever this is quickly and easily.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Maybe this will be a good reason for you to kick back and let others serve you for a change!

    Take care,
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Jackie, so sorry to hear
    Jackie, so sorry to hear about your hands. I hope your doctor can give you something to heal you and make it possible for you to have your treatment.

    Try not to panic, this too shall pass. I will keep you in my prayers.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    A Year
    Dear Jackie, I am so sorry that you're having to deal with a possible infection when you have just finished getting over the UTI. Not to mention radiation,chemo, surgery....the year from Hell did not go out quietly, did it? But it has passed, and so will this. I wish the nurse had not scared you by suggesting you may not get Herceptin tomorrow. Your onc. has not even seen you! But, even in the worst case scenario, a small delay can't hurt that much. Remember, my last chemo was delayed for 4 days. My onc. was more concerned with a possible blood clot.

    I will pray especially hard for you tonight and hope for good news tomorrow. You hang in there. You WILL have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Moopy23 said:

    A Year
    Dear Jackie, I am so sorry that you're having to deal with a possible infection when you have just finished getting over the UTI. Not to mention radiation,chemo, surgery....the year from Hell did not go out quietly, did it? But it has passed, and so will this. I wish the nurse had not scared you by suggesting you may not get Herceptin tomorrow. Your onc. has not even seen you! But, even in the worst case scenario, a small delay can't hurt that much. Remember, my last chemo was delayed for 4 days. My onc. was more concerned with a possible blood clot.

    I will pray especially hard for you tonight and hope for good news tomorrow. You hang in there. You WILL have a wonderful Christmas with your family.


    Jackie, I had to have my
    Jackie, I had to have my wedding ring cut off because of a rash and infection. The ring can be fixed and so can you. I just hope you get relief soon and they find out what caused it in the first place. Glad to hear that you're a survivor. Hoping to hear soon that you're better. Keeping you in my prayers for a quick healing.
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    HI Jackie
    You know, theres always something...I am so sorry this happened to you. Hopefully the antibiotics will help.

    Hang in there
    Linda T
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Jackie, I am with you in spirit today and hoping, praying for that your finger is healing--no staph. Also hoping for good news from your onc and a go-ahead with the Herceptin. Please let us know, ok?

  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Wishing you the best of best
    Wishing you the best of best news today, Jackie! Sometimes we all wonder how much more we can take, but then we get through it... once again! Hoping you will let us know how you make out today!

    Lots of hugs, prayers & positive vibes, Mar
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Jackie, I am with you in spirit today and hoping, praying for that your finger is healing--no staph. Also hoping for good news from your onc and a go-ahead with the Herceptin. Please let us know, ok?


    Thinking of you today, Jackie
    And hoping that the rash has cleared up and you are able to get your Herceptin. Let us know.

  • cvolk821
    cvolk821 Member Posts: 36
    Man, Jackie! That Sucks!
    I hate all of that for you. I'm thinking about you and sending you hope for all good things.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Appt Today
    Jackie, just thinking of you and hoping all went well today with the Herceptin and the cut on your finger.

  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    Moopy23 said:

    Appt Today
    Jackie, just thinking of you and hoping all went well today with the Herceptin and the cut on your finger.


    Hope you got good news
    and that your finger is much better. Thinking about you all day and hoping all went well.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Appt Today
    Jackie, just thinking of you and hoping all went well today with the Herceptin and the cut on your finger.


    yes waiting to hear hoping
    yes waiting to hear hoping it heals quickly and easily
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    carkris said:

    yes waiting to hear hoping
    yes waiting to hear hoping it heals quickly and easily

    Thank you my angels
    just being here and hearing all of your encouraging words has cheered meup so much.Once again I thank you all with my whole heart. I never fail to feel comfort here with you. My hand was so bad my Onc. was very alarmed until she found out it was on my non-affected side. Because of 26 lymph nodes taken out (and lymphedemia) that side is comprimised...and I have to be very careful not to get an infection.

    She said it is acting like a chemical burn or reaction...probably due to hand sanitizers/gloves at work and my ring... I am on anti-bodies, soak it 2x's a day..wrap with gauze and leave open to air at night, She thinks alot of skin will fall off (yuck) and it will heal YEAH ..I did get my Herceptin and will be done in Jan. with that. Then out with the port. I am still scheduled for bone-density...and echo-cardiogram in Dec. and another follow-up with her.

    Herceptin can damage your heart but so far my echo-grams have been OK. I am just so very grateful that my reaction was on my good side and for all of your good wishes and prayers..once again you have all been here for me when I needed you, I can't tell you how much that means to me.
    hugs and sweet dreams to you all.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    rjjj said:

    Thank you my angels
    just being here and hearing all of your encouraging words has cheered meup so much.Once again I thank you all with my whole heart. I never fail to feel comfort here with you. My hand was so bad my Onc. was very alarmed until she found out it was on my non-affected side. Because of 26 lymph nodes taken out (and lymphedemia) that side is comprimised...and I have to be very careful not to get an infection.

    She said it is acting like a chemical burn or reaction...probably due to hand sanitizers/gloves at work and my ring... I am on anti-bodies, soak it 2x's a day..wrap with gauze and leave open to air at night, She thinks alot of skin will fall off (yuck) and it will heal YEAH ..I did get my Herceptin and will be done in Jan. with that. Then out with the port. I am still scheduled for bone-density...and echo-cardiogram in Dec. and another follow-up with her.

    Herceptin can damage your heart but so far my echo-grams have been OK. I am just so very grateful that my reaction was on my good side and for all of your good wishes and prayers..once again you have all been here for me when I needed you, I can't tell you how much that means to me.
    hugs and sweet dreams to you all.

    Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving!
    I'm so relieved to hear that you don't have a staph infection, and you are getting the Herceptin. Our household will be all the more thankful this holiday for your good news, dear friend. Thank you for letting us know.

    This Thanksgiving is much better for us than last, I think....and next Thanksgiving will be even better.


  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving!
    I'm so relieved to hear that you don't have a staph infection, and you are getting the Herceptin. Our household will be all the more thankful this holiday for your good news, dear friend. Thank you for letting us know.

    This Thanksgiving is much better for us than last, I think....and next Thanksgiving will be even better.



    Glad it was not staph. But
    Glad it was not staph. But still that is so yucky for you to deal with. I remember having a reaction under my ring finger when I was in my twenties. Had to have my wedding ring cut off. It did spread a little and while not as bad as yours it was very painful. My doctor also thought it was something that I had come in contact with and it started under the ring because it was trapped there. I had just been cleaning house the day before and using a new cleanser so I tossed it out. Never had the problem again. I was able to have my ring (a simple band) mended so maybe you can do the small with your treasured ring.
    I am sending special good thoughts that the rest of this year and beyond go much smoother for you.