New advice from GOVT...what a bunch of idiots!



  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Marcia527 said:

    we should not be afraid
    I'm more concerned about lobbyists controling the politicians. And corrupt politicians. Healthcare needs to be taken away from insurance companies control. I wouldn't even have any if it weren't for my state has a high risk pool. Private companies won't touch me. It's expensive tho and I have a high deductable. Who is putting out all the scary info? Probably those who have the most to lose if government is controling how much health care costs. I know people from Canada and they love their health system. My only concern is the lobbyists and drug companies putting their own spin on reform.

    People I know who have insurance thru their companies is being affected now by companies shifting more costs to the employees. This is happening now.

    And now more........
    Less cervical cancer screening? I sure hope they are going to use some of the money they are saving on women's lives to fund studies on how to get men pregnant.
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    padee6339 said:

    And now more........
    Less cervical cancer screening? I sure hope they are going to use some of the money they are saving on women's lives to fund studies on how to get men pregnant.

    Pregnant Men
    Now that gets my vote. Can you imagine a man having morning sickness? Probably wouldn't get out of bed for the whole 9 months. But he would only have 1 baby and that would be the end of civilization after a few years. Nah, won't happen. For the time being men are the majority when it comes to making decisions that affect women's health but I truly believe that we can make our voice heard loud and clear ever time some idiot comes up with anew study or try to take funding away. BC Research needs to continue and increase more as more women get this terrible disease. Its our lives gals, and its worth fighting for.
  • kimber10
    kimber10 Member Posts: 47
    I also have no family
    I also have no family history and was diagnosrd at 38 I have a 20 year old dughter and she will need testing early its absolutly ridiculous
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    kimber10 said:

    I also have no family
    I also have no family history and was diagnosrd at 38 I have a 20 year old dughter and she will need testing early its absolutly ridiculous

    routine cervical cancer screening too
    will be be reduced. Unfortunately, both Privet Insurance companies and Government will use these new recommendations to deny coverage. I hear on NPR that American Cancer Society agreed with recommendations for cervical cancer.
    I do not have information if they agree about breast cancer as well.
    These government recommendations also said that monthly self-examination is not required either.
    I still believe we need to speak up
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    mimivac said:

    Stef, exactly
    I don't like to play games either, but I had to fake a more extensive family history to get a mammogram for a PALPABLE lump. Turns out, it was stage 2, grade 3 cancer. And it showed up on the mammogram, clear as day, despite my dense breasts. So a mammogram really did save my life. I think these guidelines tell women that they can't get breast cancer before age 50. And given that women don't like getting mammograms in the first place and now a government task force tells them not to... well, lives will be lost and that's a tragedy.


    The new advice is so dumb
    The new advice is so dumb and so dangerous. I hope no woman follows their advice. This is a life and death matter.