Terrifying news: my CA-125 went up to 154!! They are calling for hurry-up CT-scan to see if my canc



  • thank you
    thank you Member Posts: 77

    Linda, I don't know anything
    Linda, I don't know anything more about CA-125 numbers than what my doctors have told me. They have told me time and time again that they can go up and down for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with cancer.

    I would bet that your number has gone up b/c of whatever is going on with your bowels - and that is unrelated to cancer too. Perhaps something to do with the radiation treatment, but not a return of cancer.

    All of these treatments come with a whole host of side effects. I know that certain foods that I eat now make my bowels feel more uncomfortable than they did before I had radiation.

    Please know that you drift in and out of my thoughts and I am sending lots of prayers for only good news for you!


    Linda, in case you are up this night...
    I see patients who are referred to me for high ESR (inflammatory marker), and come to rule out rheumatologic disease. If the symptoms, physical exam and imaging does not show any disease, we never treat the number. Numbers are numbers.
    Also: check with your radiation oncologist or in the internet if you want about post radiation inflammation (can be acute - at the time of radiation, subacute or chronic). I copy paste something that I found: Radiation colitis can be acute, coming on suddenly or chronic, developing gradually and persisting. With the chronic form of the condition, symptoms may not arise until months or years after radiation therapy is over. Symptoms may include abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, frequent urges to have bowel movement etc.

    I am trying to say that you should celebrate tomorrow when you get the preliminary results of clear CT (we know it will be clear). The studies you read about the ca 125 are studies for ovarian ca (which always recurs). It is too early for you to have the disease back TOO EARLY!!! Also: when studies mention survival, they don't mention the reason that the patient passed away. May of those patients have comorbidities, and don't die from cancer. They also include population from different countries and different socioeconomic status - compliance etc. I believe that the real numbers are much better with the "state of the art" medicine that you all receive nowadays. I know that whatever I say you just want a clear CT and a decreasing CA 125. And this will happen.
  • thank you
    thank you Member Posts: 77

    Linda, I don't know anything
    Linda, I don't know anything more about CA-125 numbers than what my doctors have told me. They have told me time and time again that they can go up and down for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with cancer.

    I would bet that your number has gone up b/c of whatever is going on with your bowels - and that is unrelated to cancer too. Perhaps something to do with the radiation treatment, but not a return of cancer.

    All of these treatments come with a whole host of side effects. I know that certain foods that I eat now make my bowels feel more uncomfortable than they did before I had radiation.

    Please know that you drift in and out of my thoughts and I am sending lots of prayers for only good news for you!


    Linda, in case you are up this night... dublicate...
    I see patients who are referred to me for high ESR (inflammatory marker), and come to rule out rheumatologic disease. If the symptoms, physical exam and imaging does not show any disease, we never treat the number. Numbers are numbers.
    Also: check with your radiation oncologist or in the internet if you want about post radiation inflammation (can be acute - at the time of radiation, subacute or chronic). I copy paste something that I found: Radiation colitis can be acute, coming on suddenly or chronic, developing gradually and persisting. With the chronic form of the condition, symptoms may not arise until months or years after radiation therapy is over. Symptoms may include abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, frequent urges to have bowel movement etc.

    I am trying to say that you should celebrate tomorrow when you get the preliminary results of clear CT (we know it will be clear). The studies you read about the ca 125 are studies for ovarian ca (which always recurs). It is too early for you to have the disease back TOO EARLY!!! Also: when studies mention survival, they don't mention the reason that the patient passed away. May of those patients have comorbidities, and don't die from cancer. They also include population from different countries and different socioeconomic status - compliance etc. I believe that the real numbers are much better with the "state of the art" medicine that you all receive nowadays. I know that whatever I say you just want a clear CT and a decreasing CA 125. And this will happen.
  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596
    hurry up ct scan


    my acupuncturist just told me yesterday (who is a two time survivor of breast cancer, and who's mother had ovarian cancer and lived 11 years after they told her she didn't have much time), is very knowledgeable about ca 125s, and said aberrations in ca 125s are not uncommon. when she herself had spikes twice in her blood tests, they gave her another ca 125 soon after, and in both cases, her counts the second time were normal. also, in all of her blood tests, they used one particular way of interpreting her tests at the lab. when her scores were higher, she noticed the lab had used another way of reading her tests, and that had made the difference. just maybe that's true for you. there was no particular reason for the lab to have done it differently, they just did, and it made a huge difference.

    of course you're shocked and trying not to freak out, though a few tears probably wouldn't hurt, but you don't know anything for sure yet as you say, so try to keep the faith. there are many of us out here also keeping the faith for you. my particular vision is that after your cat scan, your chemo doc will apologize again, this time for scaring you needlessly.

    you're certainly in my thoughts, as i've come to so appreciate your informative, and informed comments so much, and your kindness and authenticity.

    hoping for the best,

  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596
    hurry up ct scan


    my acupuncturist just told me yesterday (who is a two time survivor of breast cancer, and who's mother had ovarian cancer and lived 11 years after they told her she didn't have much time), is very knowledgeable about ca 125s, and said aberrations in ca 125s are not uncommon. when she herself had spikes twice in her blood tests, they gave her another ca 125 soon after, and in both cases, her counts the second time were normal. also, in all of her blood tests, they used one particular way of interpreting her tests at the lab. when her scores were higher, she noticed the lab had used another way of reading her tests, and that had made the difference. just maybe that's true for you. there was no particular reason for the lab to have done it differently, they just did, and it made a huge difference.

    of course you're shocked and trying not to freak out, though a few tears probably wouldn't hurt, but you don't know anything for sure yet as you say, so try to keep the faith. there are many of us out here also keeping the faith for you. my particular vision is that after your cat scan, your chemo doc will apologize again, this time for scaring you needlessly.

    you're certainly in my thoughts, as i've come to so appreciate your informative, and informed comments so much, and your kindness and authenticity.

    hoping for the best,

  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596
    hurry up ct scan


    my acupuncturist just told me yesterday (who is a two time survivor of breast cancer, and who's mother had ovarian cancer and lived 11 years after they told her she didn't have much time), is very knowledgeable about ca 125s, and said aberrations in ca 125s are not uncommon. when she herself had spikes twice in her blood tests, they gave her another ca 125 soon after, and in both cases, her counts the second time were normal. also, in all of her blood tests, they used one particular way of interpreting her tests at the lab. when her scores were higher, she noticed the lab had used another way of reading her tests, and that had made the difference. just maybe that's true for you. there was no particular reason for the lab to have done it differently, they just did, and it made a huge difference.

    of course you're shocked and trying not to freak out, though a few tears probably wouldn't hurt, but you don't know anything for sure yet as you say, so try to keep the faith. there are many of us out here also keeping the faith for you. my particular vision is that after your cat scan, your chemo doc will apologize again, this time for scaring you needlessly.

    you're certainly in my thoughts, as i've come to so appreciate your informative, and informed comments so much, and your kindness and authenticity.

    hoping for the best,

  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596
    hurry up ct scan


    my acupuncturist just told me yesterday (who is a two time survivor of breast cancer, and who's mother had ovarian cancer and lived 11 years after they told her she didn't have much time), is very knowledgeable about ca 125s, and said aberrations in ca 125s are not uncommon. when she herself had spikes twice in her blood tests, they gave her another ca 125 soon after, and in both cases, her counts the second time were normal. also, in all of her blood tests, they used one particular way of interpreting her tests at the lab. when her scores were higher, she noticed the lab had used another way of reading her tests, and that had made the difference. just maybe that's true for you. there was no particular reason for the lab to have done it differently, they just did, and it made a huge difference.

    of course you're shocked and trying not to freak out, though a few tears probably wouldn't hurt, but you don't know anything for sure yet as you say, so try to keep the faith. there are many of us out here also keeping the faith for you. my particular vision is that after your cat scan, your chemo doc will apologize again, this time for scaring you needlessly.

    you're certainly in my thoughts, as i've come to so appreciate your informative, and informed comments so much, and your kindness and authenticity.

    hoping for the best,

  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596
    hurry up ct scan


    my acupuncturist just told me yesterday (who is a two time survivor of breast cancer, and who's mother had ovarian cancer and lived 11 years after they told her she didn't have much time), is very knowledgeable about ca 125s, and said aberrations in ca 125s are not uncommon. when she herself had spikes twice in her blood tests, they gave her another ca 125 soon after, and in both cases, her counts the second time were normal. also, in all of her blood tests, they used one particular way of interpreting her tests at the lab. when her scores were higher, she noticed the lab had used another way of reading her tests, and that had made the difference. just maybe that's true for you. there was no particular reason for the lab to have done it differently, they just did, and it made a huge difference.

    of course you're shocked and trying not to freak out, though a few tears probably wouldn't hurt, but you don't know anything for sure yet as you say, so try to keep the faith. there are many of us out here also keeping the faith for you. my particular vision is that after your cat scan, your chemo doc will apologize again, this time for scaring you needlessly.

    you're certainly in my thoughts, as i've come to so appreciate your informative, and informed comments so much, and your kindness and authenticity.

    hoping for the best,

  • TiggersDoBounce
    TiggersDoBounce Member Posts: 408

    Sending you hugs, thoughts and prayers....

    I have nothing scientific to offer here...just hoping you get some answers soon...

    Hang in....we all need your shining smile to keep us going!

  • cookie1948
    cookie1948 Member Posts: 77
    Linda ! OMG
    Remember me, Linda? I'm Linda aka Cookie. I have not been on this site for a month as i've been taking care of grandaughter, daughter and mom who had that hysterectomy at 85. AND have been in the process of remodeling so i've been pre occupied. Something told me to check in here tonite no matter what. I wanted to make sure Ro and you and so many others are doing well. I am in total shock with the radical chemo and radiation you've had. I just cannot believe it's back. I do NOT believe it and will pray for a good outcome. I guess a CA125 is not enough to go on. I wanted to check on Deanna and the many others i've grown fond of. Please know i am thinking of you. You are such an inspiration to others but i surely can understand your shock. Hang in there. I know that's easier said than done. I sooooooooooooo wish you the best. You are a good friend to all here. You have been so much help for me with my 85 now 86 yr old mom. Take care, and i will check in now daily to see how you and the other beautiful women are doing!!
    My hugs go out to you Linda.
  • Teresa 61
    Teresa 61 Member Posts: 84 Member

    Linda ! OMG
    Remember me, Linda? I'm Linda aka Cookie. I have not been on this site for a month as i've been taking care of grandaughter, daughter and mom who had that hysterectomy at 85. AND have been in the process of remodeling so i've been pre occupied. Something told me to check in here tonite no matter what. I wanted to make sure Ro and you and so many others are doing well. I am in total shock with the radical chemo and radiation you've had. I just cannot believe it's back. I do NOT believe it and will pray for a good outcome. I guess a CA125 is not enough to go on. I wanted to check on Deanna and the many others i've grown fond of. Please know i am thinking of you. You are such an inspiration to others but i surely can understand your shock. Hang in there. I know that's easier said than done. I sooooooooooooo wish you the best. You are a good friend to all here. You have been so much help for me with my 85 now 86 yr old mom. Take care, and i will check in now daily to see how you and the other beautiful women are doing!!
    My hugs go out to you Linda.

    Since reading your post last night I find myself constantly thinking about you and your CT scan tomorrow. I will be praying that all goes well. In my heart I feel sure everything will be okay. Teresa..
  • Gunhild
    Gunhild Member Posts: 36
    Teresa 61 said:

    Since reading your post last night I find myself constantly thinking about you and your CT scan tomorrow. I will be praying that all goes well. In my heart I feel sure everything will be okay. Teresa..

    Thinking of you and praying that things turn out well for you. You are an inspiration to all of us.
  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear


    I'm so sorry to hear about the increase in your CA-125. I wonder if you could have picked up a parasite or virus on your recent trip to Greece that could be causing this result. I am being tested for parasites due to another medical condition (not my cancer), so this issue is on my mind right now. One of the questions asked was whether I had any overseas travel, and while I did not, when my doctor heard I had recently traveled to Florida, he said certain parasites are also found in the Southeast United States.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you for good CT results today.

  • kansasgal
    kansasgal Member Posts: 123 Member
    (((For Linda)))
    You hold a special place in the hearts of those of us who follow this cancer board. You are held in our arms as we travel into the unknown with you.

  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    kansasgal said:

    (((For Linda)))
    You hold a special place in the hearts of those of us who follow this cancer board. You are held in our arms as we travel into the unknown with you.


    When the heck do you get back from the doctor's office
    I wish I had asked what time you were coming back. I really need to know what the person you said could read the CT has to say unofficially.

    The suspense is killing me.


  • When the heck do you get back from the doctor's office
    I wish I had asked what time you were coming back. I really need to know what the person you said could read the CT has to say unofficially.

    The suspense is killing me.



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  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    unknown said:

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    I'm back from my CT-scan with VERY un-official news!
    Wow! I am so touched that you all are waiting to hear my news. Thank you so much.

    I’m just back from my CT-scan this afternoon, with no official results yet. MY DIL Audie did the scan herself and asked the doctor who will later review my scans in more detail to look over them quickly in a cursory way while I was still there. I am to act surprised when I get the official 'news'; this is that UN-official. Prefaced by that caution, here's what I found out:

    Audie used a very small grid of 1.2 mm for my scan. There were no masses of any kind, and my lungs and liver looked completely clear. There was 1 lymph node between the aorta and kidney that was visible that hadn’t been visible before, so is enlarged a bit but still very small, on only 2 or 3 of the slides. There was a very small amount of fluid on both sides of my pelvis and a lot of ‘stranding’ and inflammation throughout my bowel areas that had not been there before. I asked what ‘stranding’ is, and Audie said it is like when you have an infected wound OUTSIDE and it is pink & swollen all around it; stranding is sort of what that is like on the INSIDE.

    Now this is VERY unofficial, and the doctor that looked at the scan spent less than 5 or 10 minutes on them and did the ‘quick glance’ only as a favor to Audie and so the actual ‘reading’ may be very different. But Audie seems to think that the 1 enlarged lymph node will mean that they will call for a PET scan to see if it lights up. She said it is in a very difficult spot to do a CT-guided needle biopsy like Deanna had (Audie assists with those all the time); and also a dangerous spot for surgery because of the kidney and aorta both so near the node.

    She also said that they see lymph nodes enlarged all of the time due to infection and inflammation and she won’t be surprised if they don’t try giving me some anti-inflammatory medications to try and calm down all of the inflammation I’ve got, and then do another CA125. The best case scenario would be if all of this is due to the inflammation, and if the inflammation is a delayed reaction to all of radiation I had or to something I picked up in Greece. If that could account for the rise in CA125 and all of the inflammation in my bowels and that node, and it ISN’T cancer, well,…what could be better?

    But I don’t know that yet. But at least that gives me some hope to hold onto until I meet with my gyn-onc on Wednesday or someone calls me to discuss the CT-scan.

    I'm thinking that maybe it’s premature to worry yet. It may not be cancer coming back at all. I’ll let you know when I get some more official feedback. But I am so happy to not have my WORST fears confirmed,.. at least not yet.

    Thanks again, everyone. It means so much.
  • shortmarge
    shortmarge Member Posts: 291

    I'm back from my CT-scan with VERY un-official news!
    Wow! I am so touched that you all are waiting to hear my news. Thank you so much.

    I’m just back from my CT-scan this afternoon, with no official results yet. MY DIL Audie did the scan herself and asked the doctor who will later review my scans in more detail to look over them quickly in a cursory way while I was still there. I am to act surprised when I get the official 'news'; this is that UN-official. Prefaced by that caution, here's what I found out:

    Audie used a very small grid of 1.2 mm for my scan. There were no masses of any kind, and my lungs and liver looked completely clear. There was 1 lymph node between the aorta and kidney that was visible that hadn’t been visible before, so is enlarged a bit but still very small, on only 2 or 3 of the slides. There was a very small amount of fluid on both sides of my pelvis and a lot of ‘stranding’ and inflammation throughout my bowel areas that had not been there before. I asked what ‘stranding’ is, and Audie said it is like when you have an infected wound OUTSIDE and it is pink & swollen all around it; stranding is sort of what that is like on the INSIDE.

    Now this is VERY unofficial, and the doctor that looked at the scan spent less than 5 or 10 minutes on them and did the ‘quick glance’ only as a favor to Audie and so the actual ‘reading’ may be very different. But Audie seems to think that the 1 enlarged lymph node will mean that they will call for a PET scan to see if it lights up. She said it is in a very difficult spot to do a CT-guided needle biopsy like Deanna had (Audie assists with those all the time); and also a dangerous spot for surgery because of the kidney and aorta both so near the node.

    She also said that they see lymph nodes enlarged all of the time due to infection and inflammation and she won’t be surprised if they don’t try giving me some anti-inflammatory medications to try and calm down all of the inflammation I’ve got, and then do another CA125. The best case scenario would be if all of this is due to the inflammation, and if the inflammation is a delayed reaction to all of radiation I had or to something I picked up in Greece. If that could account for the rise in CA125 and all of the inflammation in my bowels and that node, and it ISN’T cancer, well,…what could be better?

    But I don’t know that yet. But at least that gives me some hope to hold onto until I meet with my gyn-onc on Wednesday or someone calls me to discuss the CT-scan.

    I'm thinking that maybe it’s premature to worry yet. It may not be cancer coming back at all. I’ll let you know when I get some more official feedback. But I am so happy to not have my WORST fears confirmed,.. at least not yet.

    Thanks again, everyone. It means so much.

    Don't Worry
    I'm thinking you are right about it's premature to worry. Sounds like you have a lot of inflammation to take care of. It's wonderful that you have a very special daughter-in-law...

    You have been on my mind and in my prayers the past few days and you always will be.


    Hugs, Marge
  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member

    I'm back from my CT-scan with VERY un-official news!
    Wow! I am so touched that you all are waiting to hear my news. Thank you so much.

    I’m just back from my CT-scan this afternoon, with no official results yet. MY DIL Audie did the scan herself and asked the doctor who will later review my scans in more detail to look over them quickly in a cursory way while I was still there. I am to act surprised when I get the official 'news'; this is that UN-official. Prefaced by that caution, here's what I found out:

    Audie used a very small grid of 1.2 mm for my scan. There were no masses of any kind, and my lungs and liver looked completely clear. There was 1 lymph node between the aorta and kidney that was visible that hadn’t been visible before, so is enlarged a bit but still very small, on only 2 or 3 of the slides. There was a very small amount of fluid on both sides of my pelvis and a lot of ‘stranding’ and inflammation throughout my bowel areas that had not been there before. I asked what ‘stranding’ is, and Audie said it is like when you have an infected wound OUTSIDE and it is pink & swollen all around it; stranding is sort of what that is like on the INSIDE.

    Now this is VERY unofficial, and the doctor that looked at the scan spent less than 5 or 10 minutes on them and did the ‘quick glance’ only as a favor to Audie and so the actual ‘reading’ may be very different. But Audie seems to think that the 1 enlarged lymph node will mean that they will call for a PET scan to see if it lights up. She said it is in a very difficult spot to do a CT-guided needle biopsy like Deanna had (Audie assists with those all the time); and also a dangerous spot for surgery because of the kidney and aorta both so near the node.

    She also said that they see lymph nodes enlarged all of the time due to infection and inflammation and she won’t be surprised if they don’t try giving me some anti-inflammatory medications to try and calm down all of the inflammation I’ve got, and then do another CA125. The best case scenario would be if all of this is due to the inflammation, and if the inflammation is a delayed reaction to all of radiation I had or to something I picked up in Greece. If that could account for the rise in CA125 and all of the inflammation in my bowels and that node, and it ISN’T cancer, well,…what could be better?

    But I don’t know that yet. But at least that gives me some hope to hold onto until I meet with my gyn-onc on Wednesday or someone calls me to discuss the CT-scan.

    I'm thinking that maybe it’s premature to worry yet. It may not be cancer coming back at all. I’ll let you know when I get some more official feedback. But I am so happy to not have my WORST fears confirmed,.. at least not yet.

    Thanks again, everyone. It means so much.

    Two suggestions
    Linda, sounds great. As I was reading two things came to mind, one that it is very easy to get a test called a C-Reactive Protein test that will be elevated in the presence of any infection or inflammation.

    The other is in regard to the PET scan. PET Scans are truly the cat;s meow of diagnostic medicine, in certain situations. To truly rely on a PET, your lymph node would ideally be greater than 1 cm. Below that size PET can report a false negative. That's all I have to say on the matter for suggestions.

    Other than that I cannot even begin to say how tentatively relieved I am with the outcome.

    One other note of caution. If it possible that the node is enlarged due to an infection in the bowel or elsewhere, I would like to suggest that you take a more cautious approach to the timing of the PET. I took a two week course of antibiotics prior to the PET that was ordered to check on two enlarged lymph nodes that I had, one 1.5 and 1.2cm's. The reason I suggest this is that the inflammation due to its heightened activity will show up as metabolically active on the PET results and will cause yo to go goofy for a bit til they figure out what the problem is. It could also result in an unnecessry biopsy, which I would strongly caution against due to the placement you mentioned.

    So, have a CRP to check for inflammation; take antibiotics, wait a few days after you're through, have a PET and call me in the morning. I am not a doctor although sometimes...

    I'm just sayin'

    Love you to pieces Girlique,

  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    Two suggestions
    Linda, sounds great. As I was reading two things came to mind, one that it is very easy to get a test called a C-Reactive Protein test that will be elevated in the presence of any infection or inflammation.

    The other is in regard to the PET scan. PET Scans are truly the cat;s meow of diagnostic medicine, in certain situations. To truly rely on a PET, your lymph node would ideally be greater than 1 cm. Below that size PET can report a false negative. That's all I have to say on the matter for suggestions.

    Other than that I cannot even begin to say how tentatively relieved I am with the outcome.

    One other note of caution. If it possible that the node is enlarged due to an infection in the bowel or elsewhere, I would like to suggest that you take a more cautious approach to the timing of the PET. I took a two week course of antibiotics prior to the PET that was ordered to check on two enlarged lymph nodes that I had, one 1.5 and 1.2cm's. The reason I suggest this is that the inflammation due to its heightened activity will show up as metabolically active on the PET results and will cause yo to go goofy for a bit til they figure out what the problem is. It could also result in an unnecessry biopsy, which I would strongly caution against due to the placement you mentioned.

    So, have a CRP to check for inflammation; take antibiotics, wait a few days after you're through, have a PET and call me in the morning. I am not a doctor although sometimes...

    I'm just sayin'

    Love you to pieces Girlique,


    some scary stuff I found online
    Thanks, Claudia, for the good advice. I'll add that C-reactive protein test to my notes for Wednesday's oncologist appointment. I don't need any more false-positives!

    I did some internet research to try and learn more about 'stranding' since I have it, and found something really scary for me:

    "Acute perforation of the colon associated with colon cancer may cause fat stranding that is difficult to differentiate from that seen in cases of diverticulitis. Bowel wall thickening may be a helpful feature, as the mural thickening seen in malignant perforation of the colon tends to be more severe and more focal than that associated with diverticulitis. Other helpful clues are shouldering, whether the wall thickening is concentric or not, adjacent lymphadenopathy (which I looked up & is enlarged lymph nodes), and metastases. In some cases, however, differentiation between colon cancer and diverticulitis is not possible with CT alone. Enlarged regional lymph nodes are more suggestive of colon cancer than of diverticulitis."

    so scary since I have the stranding, the bowel thickening, and the enlarged node. ARGH! No more research for me until after I get my official CT results!
  • thank you
    thank you Member Posts: 77

    some scary stuff I found online
    Thanks, Claudia, for the good advice. I'll add that C-reactive protein test to my notes for Wednesday's oncologist appointment. I don't need any more false-positives!

    I did some internet research to try and learn more about 'stranding' since I have it, and found something really scary for me:

    "Acute perforation of the colon associated with colon cancer may cause fat stranding that is difficult to differentiate from that seen in cases of diverticulitis. Bowel wall thickening may be a helpful feature, as the mural thickening seen in malignant perforation of the colon tends to be more severe and more focal than that associated with diverticulitis. Other helpful clues are shouldering, whether the wall thickening is concentric or not, adjacent lymphadenopathy (which I looked up & is enlarged lymph nodes), and metastases. In some cases, however, differentiation between colon cancer and diverticulitis is not possible with CT alone. Enlarged regional lymph nodes are more suggestive of colon cancer than of diverticulitis."

    so scary since I have the stranding, the bowel thickening, and the enlarged node. ARGH! No more research for me until after I get my official CT results!

    Linda, they mention acute
    Linda, they mention acute perforation of the colon associated with colon cancer: This is not the case for you, since colon perforation is VERY painful, you would be in the hospital. Stranding is a term that is used for inflammation, which is very unspecific. CRP and ESR are also unspecific, they don't add to diagnosis of nothing. A tooth infection can cause both of them to go up. I agree that you should celebrate for now. They saw no tumor, no metastasis. THAT'S WONDERFUL NEWS. Even the lymph node could be due to inflammation. Remember: a cancer patient has the right to have other diseases not only cancer recurrence. I am sure this is late radiation inflammation, or gastritis. (which by the way you took from Italy or Turkey, not Greece.... :-) I am Greek.... :-).
    Your case reminds me my mom's inflammation that they saw on the MRI and WAS CONFIRMED BY PET!!!. It is not theoretical, it happens.
    Enjoy your weekend.