Calling Laurissa and Chemo Chicks

Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Laurissa and Chemo Chicks. There are several of you that are about a week aheqd of me with your third chemo. I might have missed it (been away from boards a couple of days) bur I am wondering how you all made out with the side effects. My second was a disaster and I was in the hopsital for 4 days with uncontrolable diarrhea with lots of bleeding. We were being proactive and I was taking Senecot twice daily right after the chemo and on the third day (which is my day for getting sick) I REALLY got sick. This time we are not preparing in any way but taking ait as it comes and then trying to head any reactions off. I am getting my third chemo today.

But I wondered how you all made out and if your reactions were good, same or worse. Hoping you can give me a little advance info.

You guys are the best and hve been so helpful. Hoping for help again....

Hugs, Judy :-)


  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Skeezie, I'm really sick
    Skeezie, I'm really sick today. Had chemo on Tuesday. Nausea, achy, blurry eyes, consitation. Laurissa is having a rough time wiht neulasta. Hang in there.
  • blazytracy
    blazytracy Member Posts: 157
    natly15 said:

    Skeezie, I'm really sick
    Skeezie, I'm really sick today. Had chemo on Tuesday. Nausea, achy, blurry eyes, consitation. Laurissa is having a rough time wiht neulasta. Hang in there.

    Hey Natly!
    I was trying to type you a PN but can't do that yet I guess.. what number chemo are you on again? Is it 3?
    I had my first 3 days ago, and my eye were a bit blurry and dry this I am getting kind of worried for #2 on Dec. 1st..
    Do you get Neulasta? I did 24 hrs after chemo..
    Write me back. Tracy
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Judy
    I can't complain too much, everyone seems to get effects worse than me. Mine are the aches in my legs and weakness. My stomach did well this time, just some cramps. I do have a metal taste in my mouth but can still taste-though I'd eat anyway. Haven't lost any weight at all, when I do it comes right back on. I'm a nervous eater anyway, doesn't matter if it's cardboard! My worst day was Thursday with the aches, it's getting better. Hope you're doing well. Thanks for asking.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Skeezie & Tracy
    Skeezie how did you manage on 11/20? I'm so sorry you had such a terrible time with your prior treatment. My prayers are going your way. Please let us know how you are doing.

    Tracy, yes I get the Neulasta day after chemo. I've never been hit by a mac truck, but what I feel on those 3rd and 4th days I'll compare to a Mac truck runover. Ifeel antsy today, but much better than yesterday, and also feeling very tired.
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    natly15 said:

    Skeezie & Tracy
    Skeezie how did you manage on 11/20? I'm so sorry you had such a terrible time with your prior treatment. My prayers are going your way. Please let us know how you are doing.

    Tracy, yes I get the Neulasta day after chemo. I've never been hit by a mac truck, but what I feel on those 3rd and 4th days I'll compare to a Mac truck runover. Ifeel antsy today, but much better than yesterday, and also feeling very tired.

    Hi everyone
    Been laying low. Second chemo was Wednesday. More nauseous this time around. I am getting the aches and chills. I am trying to get ahead of bone pain. Had Neulasta shot this go around because wbc tanked so badly with 1st round. Bone pain bugged me without neulasta so I am trying to be proactive. Just sorta blah...but this too shall pass! My thoughts are with you all.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    always said:

    Hi everyone
    Been laying low. Second chemo was Wednesday. More nauseous this time around. I am getting the aches and chills. I am trying to get ahead of bone pain. Had Neulasta shot this go around because wbc tanked so badly with 1st round. Bone pain bugged me without neulasta so I am trying to be proactive. Just sorta blah...but this too shall pass! My thoughts are with you all.

    Weighing in on the subject .. VickiSam
    Ok .. ladies .. Here I am .. just back from the hospital, finishing up Round #4 of 6 chemo treatments ... 12 continuous weeks of TCH-herc-herc -- 6 more weeks ...

    I must admit that I am not recovering quickly from my TCH weeks. It appeared early on that I did ok on my herception weeks, and built up a bit of energy in preperation of the next TCH treatment ... Now .. I am just tired, nauseaous, aches and chills .. 24/7 -- 7 days a week.

    I concer with "Always" .. I have bone ache with or without Neulasta, doesn't matter.

    Now I am confused and scared about my WBC ..

    2,500 .. week #8 under house arrest
    8.900 .. herceptin week #9 of chemo
    10,800 ...TCH 5/12 hour week week #10 of chemo
    neulasta last week
    11/20 ... 5,200 .. herceptin week #11 ...

    Now I am fighting a cold, very sick and have a blood clot in my arm ... just checked out of hospital this afternoon.

  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    Hugs to All of You
    Oh, my heart goes out to all of you--you are having to go through so much! Reading all of your chemo stories is a little bit frightening, as I'm facing chemo in about a month, but it's also heartening in a strange way. I see you all DOING it--it isn't fun, in fact, it's really nasty! but you're forging ahead anyway. I personally know a couple of people who just chose not to do it, and I simply can't do that, so I'm going to follow in your footsteps and face it all no matter what it entails. I'd rather know the reality of what I have to do than have illusions, so reading what you're going through is just making me take a deep breath and say, "OK, so that's what I have to deal with. OK. I can do this, I WILL do this!"

    Thanks for being such models of courage!

  • TxLady
    TxLady Member Posts: 37
    I had treatment #3 of 4 - FAC
    on the 20th. In general, this last treatment seems easier - don't know why. I'm still "out" of it and will probably stay home in bed and on anti nausea meds through at least Wednesday of next week. I guess I've learned to stay in bed and rest - which my body needs to heal, rather than try to go back to work before I'm ready. Last 2 treatments I return to work prematurely and had to leave shortly after arriving.
  • Goldenguru
    Goldenguru Member Posts: 23
    TxLady said:

    I had treatment #3 of 4 - FAC
    on the 20th. In general, this last treatment seems easier - don't know why. I'm still "out" of it and will probably stay home in bed and on anti nausea meds through at least Wednesday of next week. I guess I've learned to stay in bed and rest - which my body needs to heal, rather than try to go back to work before I'm ready. Last 2 treatments I return to work prematurely and had to leave shortly after arriving.

    Chemo Chick checking in
    Chemo Chick checking in too.

    A/C done! Woo Hoo!

    Week 3 of taxol. Lots of aches and pains & fatigue. But, overall feeling OK.

    It's not easy. It's not fun. But it IS doable.
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    natly15 said:

    Skeezie & Tracy
    Skeezie how did you manage on 11/20? I'm so sorry you had such a terrible time with your prior treatment. My prayers are going your way. Please let us know how you are doing.

    Tracy, yes I get the Neulasta day after chemo. I've never been hit by a mac truck, but what I feel on those 3rd and 4th days I'll compare to a Mac truck runover. Ifeel antsy today, but much better than yesterday, and also feeling very tired.

    So far so good...
    I immediately started diarrhea but my onc gave me an Rx for these neat little white pills tht I take 4 times a day and it stopped it...I'm sorry, the bottle is upstairs so I'll have to give ypu the name next time. Now just waiting for the Nuelasta to kick in etc. Hopefully things will be easier this time and no midnite trips to the hospital! :-)

    It seems we more tired each chemo. Only three more to go after this.... We'll all make it, it's good to have each other for support. But I know what hyou mean about feeling antsy, just the anticipation of what's coming. I take a pudding or applesauce upstairs so if I wake up in pain I can eat something and then take the dreaded Vicodin. I hate that stuff, but it helps.

    Hopefully next week we'll all be better and ready for a few days of feeling good!

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Asterix1234
    Asterix1234 Member Posts: 6
    Had first 'big chair' experience on November 18th (FEC-D (T)) and I have been having SE as well, blurred vision, brain fog, nausea, bungged up and pain but I think the ladder may be due to my neuprogen. Fatigue comes and goes, but the achy pain is main complaint. I have one drug for nausea in three different forms !! suppository, pill and injection !! get it in there somehow.

    ((hugs)) well wishes, prayers and baby steps to you all.
    Take Care