I know this is really dumb...

jennytwist Member Posts: 896
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
but, I want to apologize when I unintentionally post my post before someone who has already posted! Does that make sense? (I'm a librarian and I know, I'm way too obsessive sometimes - I just didn't want to appear rude)
...can you imagine the mess I'll make trying to figure out how to post in color with all the hearts and stars moving!


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Not necessary!
    Jenny you made me smile, I only yesterday figured out how to do the ♥ ♥ and colors yesterday.

    We are an open group that do not stress over misspellings, reposts and such things. Here you can RELAX and just enjoy the warmth of this community.


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    I say huh???? Please explain
    I say huh???? Please explain what you mean about posting before someone elses post! I am pretty sharp, but I must admit I have no idea what you are talking about! :-)
    We had an entire "tutorial" as to how to add color and change the font size etc etc...I have long since forgotten all of it EXCEPT how to make a ♥ as it is part of my username! To make one, in one line with NO spaces ( but I will use spaces so you know what letters to type in) & hearts ; Make sure you type that in one line, with the word heart as a plural, preceeded by the & sign and followed by the ; with NO spaces! The nice thing is: you can type it in, hit the preview button and see if it did indeed make a ♥
  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    chenheart said:

    I say huh???? Please explain
    I say huh???? Please explain what you mean about posting before someone elses post! I am pretty sharp, but I must admit I have no idea what you are talking about! :-)
    We had an entire "tutorial" as to how to add color and change the font size etc etc...I have long since forgotten all of it EXCEPT how to make a ♥ as it is part of my username! To make one, in one line with NO spaces ( but I will use spaces so you know what letters to type in) & hearts ; Make sure you type that in one line, with the word heart as a plural, preceeded by the & sign and followed by the ; with NO spaces! The nice thing is: you can type it in, hit the preview button and see if it did indeed make a ♥

    Hey, it works!

    Hey, it works!
  • xskeetshooter
    xskeetshooter Member Posts: 169
    what a duh, there is alot more to worry about,then stupity
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    I know what you are talking about
    If everyone would hit reply on the original post everyones response would be in order. Hitting reply on any other post will put things out of order. Not that it matters but the post are easier to keep up with.
  • Gloria09
    Gloria09 Member Posts: 190
    LC815 said:

    Hey, it works!

    Hey, it works!

    This is fun!
    ♥ ♥ ♥
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    learn something new
    learn something new everyday!
  • xskeetshooter
    xskeetshooter Member Posts: 169

    what a duh, there is alot more to worry about,then stupity

    rude of me
    i am sorry for what i said, i dont remember replying to this like i did.not like me, so sorry again