New to this

mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi, I am another newbie, just been diagnosed with a breast cancer, am her2 positive and the surgeon is recommending a masectomy because of calcifications scattered all over the same breast. They feel the calcification will put me at further risk.

I am waiting for an MRI, although my right breast showed up clear they want to do another check before surgery.

I feel like I am about to embark on an unknown journey to an unknown destination and I am waiting with a ticket in hand to board the train.

take care everyone.


  • TxLady
    TxLady Member Posts: 37
    Mariam:Hugs and prayers

    Hugs and prayers headed your way. There are wonderful people on this board that will offer encouragement, provide "been there" advice, and provide support whenever you need it.
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    TxLady said:

    Mariam:Hugs and prayers

    Hugs and prayers headed your way. There are wonderful people on this board that will offer encouragement, provide "been there" advice, and provide support whenever you need it.

    Welcome Mariam
    Welcome to the one wants to be on. I can guarantee that noone here wants you to need to be here, but you will be surrounded by support and advise. I am glad you found the boards. THey are a Godsend and TxLady isn't joking. The warriors in pink are an amazing group of angels. Just ask questions and follow the boards for information. Write down what you are being told so you can get information once you are home. You will find that the details come quickly and you'll need notes for backup. My prayers and best wishes are with you. You will get through this..there will be help everywhere you turn. Just watch for it.

  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    Dear Mariam,
    Just think of

    Dear Mariam,

    Just think of us as your Travel Agents! We've all been there before, or are going with you on the same train. You'll get through this and we'll be here for you.

    Even though I'm an old hand at BC, I'm new to the boards. I spend a lot of time here and it makes me feel better.

  • jolenew
    jolenew Member Posts: 38
    We are all on the same train, just in different cars, some are leading and paving the way for others. There is always help, support and love on this train. Just reach out and a sister will help you throught your journey. Lots of love and prayers are sent to you.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Welcome, Mariam. Yes, this
    Welcome, Mariam. Yes, this is an unknown journey but you're in found this board. You can get support, friendship, knowledge, and the experiences of women who have been there. All you have to do is ask the question and someone will come along to provide their experience. It's a wonderful group of women and some men too who really do care about each other. I'm glad you found us!!
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    jolenew said:

    We are all on the same train, just in different cars, some are leading and paving the way for others. There is always help, support and love on this train. Just reach out and a sister will help you throught your journey. Lots of love and prayers are sent to you.

    Welcome Mariam
    I'm fairly new too and still waiting for the train to depart. I was dxed with IDC,3 tumors, lymph node involvement, ER+, HER 2 Neg. I'm on hormore therapy to reduce the tumors and then will have a masectomy because I also have much calcifacation. I go to my onc tomorrow to find out if there is any reduction, its been 2 months on Femara. There are many strong courageous women here who have been a great source of comfort and I've learned a lot just reading these discussions. You will find much suport, love and prayers here for you. Maybe we'll be riding together in the same car. Keep us posted.
  • Maize
    Maize Member Posts: 76
    Welcome, Miriam,

    I am new also. I am at the station too. My MRI is tomorrow. No surgery scheduled yet, but I have an appointment with radiologist/oncologist 11/30. Thank God we found this board. It is like a life raft. Everyone is so encouraging and brave. may God bless you.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    Welcome to the train ride, although so sorry for your reason to climb aboard. I've always considered it a roller coaster ride, but I like your train reference too. That being said-yes, you are entering an unknown journey, but now that you are here, you are not alone and the knowledge can come from our shared experiences. As for the unknown destination, you are now headed to the light at then end of the tunnel! There is a man named Ned waiting there for all of us.(he is our reference to No Evidence of Disease)From what I've heard, he's a pretty good dancer! I am also Her2+. Due for a Lumpectomy the 30th,have done 2 rounds of Taxotere & Carboplatin to shrink the tumor and still have Radiation & Herceptin to go. Had a port installed for the injections. I would recommend you gather all the information you can on your situation so YOU know what YOUR choices are and what to expect. It does help and alot of it is YOUR decision to make.
    Take Care & keep in touch!
    ♥ Cathy
  • jennN
    jennN Member Posts: 40
    New to this

    I'm so sorry you have to go through this too. I am also Her2nu+ and had a mastectomy in August 09. I just had my 3rd round of chemo a week ago. So, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    LC815 said:

    Dear Mariam,
    Just think of

    Dear Mariam,

    Just think of us as your Travel Agents! We've all been there before, or are going with you on the same train. You'll get through this and we'll be here for you.

    Even though I'm an old hand at BC, I'm new to the boards. I spend a lot of time here and it makes me feel better.


    Welcome Mariam. Someone is
    Welcome Mariam. Someone is always on the site if you need to talk. Good luck!
