Going to a Celtic Woman concert tonight! I will save all of you seats! :-)

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My weekend is starting a day early~ I am going to hear Celtic Woman tonight! Doesn't that sound nice? I love their Irish music, and of course they dress so beautifully!
I am excited to be going! Sounds festive!



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    My husband is half Irish. He
    My husband is half Irish. He loves the music. Have fun!!!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Marcia527 said:

    My husband is half Irish. He
    My husband is half Irish. He loves the music. Have fun!!!

    Which half? hahaha! Ok, I
    Which half? hahaha! Ok, I will save him a seat then! btw...I posted on the turkey day question the episode, year, and title for the Buffy and the Chumash episode for you.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    chenheart said:

    Which half? hahaha! Ok, I
    Which half? hahaha! Ok, I will save him a seat then! btw...I posted on the turkey day question the episode, year, and title for the Buffy and the Chumash episode for you.

    Yes, I wrote it down because
    Yes, I wrote it down because my brain doesn't hold things very well anymore.

    You know what they say about the Irish? They love to tell stories...and stretch them. They call it 'blarney'. There was a really funny Irish movie out a few years ago. Can't remember the name but it was about a guy who wins the lottery and dies with the ticket in his hand. Another guy takes it and tries to cash it in.

    I love google! The movie is Waking Ned Devine. You got to see it. From 1998. It's so Irish!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Marcia527 said:

    Yes, I wrote it down because
    Yes, I wrote it down because my brain doesn't hold things very well anymore.

    You know what they say about the Irish? They love to tell stories...and stretch them. They call it 'blarney'. There was a really funny Irish movie out a few years ago. Can't remember the name but it was about a guy who wins the lottery and dies with the ticket in his hand. Another guy takes it and tries to cash it in.

    I love google! The movie is Waking Ned Devine. You got to see it. From 1998. It's so Irish!

    Thanks! I love Google too! I
    Thanks! I love Google too! I will check out that movie~ it sounds delightful!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    chenheart said:

    Thanks! I love Google too! I
    Thanks! I love Google too! I will check out that movie~ it sounds delightful!

    Let me know what you think
    Let me know what you think about it when you stop laughing!

    BTW, my son interned at Google for six months. He loved them.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Oh Chen that sounds delightful, I'll be there in spirit wearing my green. You'll have to tell us all about it on Monday or sooner if you desire. :-) Have a wonderful weekend.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Marcia527 said:

    Let me know what you think
    Let me know what you think about it when you stop laughing!

    BTW, my son interned at Google for six months. He loved them.

    Your reaction sounds so good
    Your reaction sounds so good about the movie that I went to Amazon, read the reviews and ordered the movie! I can't wait! LOL

    Thanks, Marcia!
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Hope your seat holds us all! Sounds like a great night, I am 1/4 Irish, couldn't even try to tell you which part. But anything that shows off the old traditions is always something to celebrate.
    And, yes, you will love the movie!
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Sounds wonderful
    I love them and the Celtic Men also. Tis me Irish blood I guess.

    Have fun
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Jadie said:

    Sounds wonderful
    I love them and the Celtic Men also. Tis me Irish blood I guess.

    Have fun

    Chen you are the most
    Chen you are the most exciting (born sometime in the 40's gal) I know. Please save one of those seats for me. I love Celtic Girls, they are so elegant and talented. Me husband is 1/2 Irish on his paternal side, and 1/2 Yerman on his maternal side, both sides born in America. Whenever he hears the song Danny Boy it brings a tear to his eye.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    natly15 said:

    Chen you are the most
    Chen you are the most exciting (born sometime in the 40's gal) I know. Please save one of those seats for me. I love Celtic Girls, they are so elegant and talented. Me husband is 1/2 Irish on his paternal side, and 1/2 Yerman on his maternal side, both sides born in America. Whenever he hears the song Danny Boy it brings a tear to his eye.

    What about the Irish
    What about the Irish lullaby-too-ra-loo-ra-too ra. Bing Crosby sang it. As I think every Irish mother did too.
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    I've seen their concert and
    I've seen their concert and you'll love it. You don't want it to end. We were supposed to see Elton John and Billy Joel tonight but the concert had to to be rescheduled because Elton John is still recovering from an e coli infection and Billy Joel has the Swine Flu. Bummer!! My weekend isn't looking as fun as yours. Enjoy!!!!! Connie
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    contrail said:

    I've seen their concert and
    I've seen their concert and you'll love it. You don't want it to end. We were supposed to see Elton John and Billy Joel tonight but the concert had to to be rescheduled because Elton John is still recovering from an e coli infection and Billy Joel has the Swine Flu. Bummer!! My weekend isn't looking as fun as yours. Enjoy!!!!! Connie

    I will play my harp~
    ~and be there in spirit with you, (tho I will be in my living room). Sounds like a wonderful evening.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    How fun. I was going

    How fun. I was going to ask you, is your daughter/niece's name Gaelic? I wanted to name Denise that but my mom pointed out that most people mispronouce it. This from a woman who wanted to name me Penelope (like that doesn't get slaughtered) but then that is probably why she didn't. Anyway I love the name, Shiobban. So pretty. I really like Celtic Woman. Have a great time.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    I will play my harp~
    ~and be there in spirit with you, (tho I will be in my living room). Sounds like a wonderful evening.

    My daughter plays the harp.
    My daughter plays the harp. She has two irish harps, small one and a large one. She took lessons on a pedal harp (I think that was what it was called) The big ones like you see in orchestras. She prefers her Irish harps. I loved the big harp we rented when she was taking lessons. It looked so elegant along side the piano. I love music but couldn't play or carry a tune at all.