discomfort withdouble masectomy and expanders

noiram Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
2 months since double masectomy with expanders no implant procedures have been done because of terrible pressure o breasts feels like metal rods across both breasts pressing down with 20 pounds o weight it also feels like my breasts are being twisted like when you are having a painful mamo evertime i lift my arms to type or write or drive i feel the muscle in my breast pressing me it is unbearable doctor cannot start implant because it willcreate additional pressure he says i might have to wait indefinately untill the unbearable pressure gets relieved any one out there with similar situation what happened and how did it get resolved


  • kckhud
    kckhud Member Posts: 9
    Hi....I was incredibly
    Hi....I was incredibly uncomfortable the entire time that the expanders were in, so don't be surprised by that feeling it is different for everyone. I had bi-lateral mastectomies with expanders back in April and underwent expansion fill-ups every 2 weeks for about 2 months...the pressure and stretching interfered with my sleep and being able to do things..my plastic surgeon didn't let me do lifting or raising my arms above my shoulders until the expansion was over the end of July....and I stayed on Percocet (1 pill twice a day - morning then before I went to bed). I didn't have any bad side effects from it and it gave me the relief from the constant pressure and heavy weight that seemed to be laying on my chest! Driving never felt comfortable anytime I had to really turn the wheel or parallel park, but we have to remember that it is not normal for the pectoral muscle which is usually up against your chest wall to be pushed out against your skin (still difficutlt to do sharp turns but that muscle will always be tight! I was allowed to do some limited exercising in August and then had the transfer surgery for the implants 7 weeks ago.....that surgery and the heavy feeling and stretching is still an issue for me, but it is slowly getting better...I stopped the Percocet a week after the transfer surgery and am just dealing with the discomfort -- I'll finally get to start playing tennis again in another 4 weeks which I hope will help me to feel better about myself and I am thinking I will ask for some physical therapy since I've heard sometimes you try to start doing too much too fast. I was told that some women have trouble the entire time with expanders and I was one of them and maybe that is you too, but you will make it through and I am looking forward to feeling better each week. I am trying to deal with the emotional side right now of dealing with the scars and that I miss my breasts, but am grateful for getting the cancer out of me! maybe you should ask if you could try some percocet to see if it relieves the pressure so you don't feel like you can't get your mind off the constant pressure? let me know how you are doing and will be thinking of you! Eileen
  • Kim59
    Kim59 Member Posts: 43
    kckhud said:

    Hi....I was incredibly
    Hi....I was incredibly uncomfortable the entire time that the expanders were in, so don't be surprised by that feeling it is different for everyone. I had bi-lateral mastectomies with expanders back in April and underwent expansion fill-ups every 2 weeks for about 2 months...the pressure and stretching interfered with my sleep and being able to do things..my plastic surgeon didn't let me do lifting or raising my arms above my shoulders until the expansion was over the end of July....and I stayed on Percocet (1 pill twice a day - morning then before I went to bed). I didn't have any bad side effects from it and it gave me the relief from the constant pressure and heavy weight that seemed to be laying on my chest! Driving never felt comfortable anytime I had to really turn the wheel or parallel park, but we have to remember that it is not normal for the pectoral muscle which is usually up against your chest wall to be pushed out against your skin (still difficutlt to do sharp turns but that muscle will always be tight! I was allowed to do some limited exercising in August and then had the transfer surgery for the implants 7 weeks ago.....that surgery and the heavy feeling and stretching is still an issue for me, but it is slowly getting better...I stopped the Percocet a week after the transfer surgery and am just dealing with the discomfort -- I'll finally get to start playing tennis again in another 4 weeks which I hope will help me to feel better about myself and I am thinking I will ask for some physical therapy since I've heard sometimes you try to start doing too much too fast. I was told that some women have trouble the entire time with expanders and I was one of them and maybe that is you too, but you will make it through and I am looking forward to feeling better each week. I am trying to deal with the emotional side right now of dealing with the scars and that I miss my breasts, but am grateful for getting the cancer out of me! maybe you should ask if you could try some percocet to see if it relieves the pressure so you don't feel like you can't get your mind off the constant pressure? let me know how you are doing and will be thinking of you! Eileen

    same here
    I am having a lot of discomfort with my expanders. Had my bilateral with expanders on 10/30. I too am more uncomfortable at night. My skin feels hyper-sensitive like I don't want any clothes to touch my skin. Maybe that's the nerves coming back. I sure hope this feeling goes away as I can't have my implants until after chemo. I finally got over the heavy feeling on my chest. I'm off pain pills, just Tylenol ES. Any advice is appreciated.