Looking for Lisamcsherry!

cvolk821 Member Posts: 36
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

How did your surgery go on thursday? Did you go through with the immediate reconstruction? How are you healing? Please check in - I'm thinking about you!

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, prayers, information and wisdom. My surgery went swell last Thursday and my sentinal nodes were clear!!!!!



  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Hallelujah!!! Keep up the
    Hallelujah!!! Keep up the good work. So happy everything went well. Having nothing in the sentinel lymph node is great news. Please keep us updated. Sending healing energy your way.
  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    Hip, hip, hooray!
    Here's to clear nodes!

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Great! Happy to hear the
    Great! Happy to hear the nodes are clean!
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    So happy that your surgery went smoothly and that your lymph nodes were clear!

    I remember that my very first thought when I woke up from surgery was whether they had to remove all of my lymph nodes or only the sentinel. I was lucky as well.

    Lisa - We're hoping you have good news to share with us soon!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Just what we wanted to hear,
    Just what we wanted to hear, Connie!! Thanks for the good news.
  • lisamcsherry
    lisamcsherry Member Posts: 29
    I'm here!!!!!
    Didn't feel well enough to check in until today -- but I've been thinking about you!

    Let's all stop for a moment and recognize the power of prayer/positive thinking/white light/whatEVER we call it. It works.

    My surgery went beautifully (my plastic surgeon called me an hour before it was scheduled to make sure I was going through the reconstruction. :-) I did do it.) No complications, not even minor ones. My margins are clear and my general surgeon was able to save a large amount of my breast tissue within the skin -- so apparently I have a lot of sensation remaining.

    Yay on one hand, ow on another.

    Initial biospy is 100% clear, we're waiting on the 'final' report from the Pathologist, but everyone in the medical community is really sure I'm cancer-free.

    He put in a 450 cc expander, and injected 250 cc right away. Yesterday they took the dressing off, and removed one drain (OW! 8 on the pain scale.) I can have the other out on Friday if my fluid gets below 30 cc in a day (I was at 79 yesterday, and should be around 60 today, so I don't think I'll make that goal -- which means the drains stay in for the weekend. bleah.)

    Little joys and such along the way: No Rinse Shampoo is a blessing in a bottle. Its not the most fab shampoo in the world, but it works well enough that my foul -beyond-belief hair got reasonable again. My first 'big business' yesterday morning was a relief, and I'm getting pretty regular.

    Everyone says I look great. I feel pretty great. I'm on 1mg depulid (sp?) every 2 hours, instead of the normal dose of 2mg every four -- no nausea, very little disorientation, and no pain. Today I may go for a walk outside the house.

    How goes it for you Connie?
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256

    I'm here!!!!!
    Didn't feel well enough to check in until today -- but I've been thinking about you!

    Let's all stop for a moment and recognize the power of prayer/positive thinking/white light/whatEVER we call it. It works.

    My surgery went beautifully (my plastic surgeon called me an hour before it was scheduled to make sure I was going through the reconstruction. :-) I did do it.) No complications, not even minor ones. My margins are clear and my general surgeon was able to save a large amount of my breast tissue within the skin -- so apparently I have a lot of sensation remaining.

    Yay on one hand, ow on another.

    Initial biospy is 100% clear, we're waiting on the 'final' report from the Pathologist, but everyone in the medical community is really sure I'm cancer-free.

    He put in a 450 cc expander, and injected 250 cc right away. Yesterday they took the dressing off, and removed one drain (OW! 8 on the pain scale.) I can have the other out on Friday if my fluid gets below 30 cc in a day (I was at 79 yesterday, and should be around 60 today, so I don't think I'll make that goal -- which means the drains stay in for the weekend. bleah.)

    Little joys and such along the way: No Rinse Shampoo is a blessing in a bottle. Its not the most fab shampoo in the world, but it works well enough that my foul -beyond-belief hair got reasonable again. My first 'big business' yesterday morning was a relief, and I'm getting pretty regular.

    Everyone says I look great. I feel pretty great. I'm on 1mg depulid (sp?) every 2 hours, instead of the normal dose of 2mg every four -- no nausea, very little disorientation, and no pain. Today I may go for a walk outside the house.

    How goes it for you Connie?

    Prayers...postive yep! It works. Great News.
  • cvolk821
    cvolk821 Member Posts: 36

    I'm here!!!!!
    Didn't feel well enough to check in until today -- but I've been thinking about you!

    Let's all stop for a moment and recognize the power of prayer/positive thinking/white light/whatEVER we call it. It works.

    My surgery went beautifully (my plastic surgeon called me an hour before it was scheduled to make sure I was going through the reconstruction. :-) I did do it.) No complications, not even minor ones. My margins are clear and my general surgeon was able to save a large amount of my breast tissue within the skin -- so apparently I have a lot of sensation remaining.

    Yay on one hand, ow on another.

    Initial biospy is 100% clear, we're waiting on the 'final' report from the Pathologist, but everyone in the medical community is really sure I'm cancer-free.

    He put in a 450 cc expander, and injected 250 cc right away. Yesterday they took the dressing off, and removed one drain (OW! 8 on the pain scale.) I can have the other out on Friday if my fluid gets below 30 cc in a day (I was at 79 yesterday, and should be around 60 today, so I don't think I'll make that goal -- which means the drains stay in for the weekend. bleah.)

    Little joys and such along the way: No Rinse Shampoo is a blessing in a bottle. Its not the most fab shampoo in the world, but it works well enough that my foul -beyond-belief hair got reasonable again. My first 'big business' yesterday morning was a relief, and I'm getting pretty regular.

    Everyone says I look great. I feel pretty great. I'm on 1mg depulid (sp?) every 2 hours, instead of the normal dose of 2mg every four -- no nausea, very little disorientation, and no pain. Today I may go for a walk outside the house.

    How goes it for you Connie?

    Yippee Lisa!
    I absolutely acknowledge the power of positive thought! I don't know what verbiage to use either which includes all of our beliefs. I believe in US; all of us.

    I'm good! I had two of my four drains out yesterday, and may have the last two removed next Tuesday. Clear nodes at time of surgery and will learn of the final pathology report on Monday. My sister is still here until Sunday, so I'm getting to eat much better food than I typically prepare, she is keeping me stocked with cheese and chocolate,and my house is staying cleaner than I normally keep it.

    The pain was a bummer, but not intolerable. I'm napping less and still feel stronger every hour. I didn't know about the rinseless shampoo, but you need to post the brand for us. I need to tell everyone about this really cool, soft, post-op camisole you can get from the tlc website! It has velcro openings in the front, and little velcro pockets for your drain bulbs (large enough for 2 on each side). It is ideal for when you feel lousy and are too sore to wear anything!

    I came on here to see how you fared and found all of these strong wonderful women cheering us on and nearly cried! Thanks new friends!